Ananya was in the market area, trying to buy some clothes for her, and she pays the bill and moves towards her car. As she starts to move, she gets to hear about a boy and a girl, who collapsed in public and were taken to the local nursing home for support. She makes her way through the crowd, and when she sees the victims, she screams like a maniac. Her feet were trembling and she started to sweat already, as it was Sumit and Sanjana. Assuming both have died, she cries before Sumit, expressing her regret for not being able to announce her love to him while he was still alive.

Amidst all this Sumit wakes up, and starts staring at Ananya in a weird way, signifying he heard everything. And so did Sanjana, who was constantly doting on Ananya to ask Sumit out. After 2 hours, they were discharged and they were ready to go home.

Sumit and Sanjana boarded Ananya's car from the nursing home and drove them all the way to the campus. Upon reaching, Sanjana left for her room, as she was exhausted from her mystical adventure while Sumit and Ananya secretly decided to go for a long drive.

On the way, Sumit explained her everything from letter to his illusion about Gopala, and about his eyes, which again turned half blue half black. Ananya to her amusement calls this entire incident a 'Blue Voice Paradox'. Both of them gave out a big laugh. Then Sumit asked slowly, "What was that about your love for me Ananya, you said something, remember."

On being asked, Ananya went for a liplock kiss with Sumit, giving him a prompt answer for his question. He finally gathered his courage proposed to Ananya about his love, and she agreed, saying she was planning to ask first. After accepting each other, they kissed each other passionately, during which Sumit's eyes returned to normal. They gently removed each other's clothes while kissing.

Sumit, in fact, was more alighted that it turned out this way. When he removed her clothes, seeing her wearing black bikini and underwear on her milky white skin, with the fragrance of nature, the beautiful lipstick which she had put, aroused him even more. It started to rain heavily outside, both of them were inside the car, and there was one to interrupt them. All this continued, Sumit and Ananya finally accepted each other and they had a great make-out session.

Ananya started to moan gently as Sumit rubbed his hands over her bare body, he was purposefully teasing her really bad, and she was happy being played by him. His cold hands embraced her hot body, and all of a sudden steam started to emanate from her. She was continously moaning, and she begged him to stop teasing and start the real thing already,

"Sumit, please stop playing already, please, take me now Sumit, take me now, I want it so bad..."

"You sure, I mean it isn't something so casual, it happens only once in a lifetime, are you sure I am worth it?"

"Sumit, I have loved you for 14 years, and now after coming this far, I won't back away. Give it to me."

"Ohhh Ananya...."

Sumit and Ananya kissed each other, during which he undressed her completely naked, and then....they had the wildest and the most pleasuring time of their life.

After being exhausted of the session they had, Ananya was suddenly worried if what they had done was actually right. To which Sumit replied, " You forced me for it, not my problem babe." She then drove back to their place and both of them kissed each other one last time before they left. Sumit left and Ananya was walking her way through the dorm. It was dark and even the sound of bats and grasshoppers was audible in that place. There was not a soul. All the sound was the wooden stairs creaking and the steps thuds.

Ananya was right in front of her room door when all of a sudden, a red tinge ran through her brain, and she could see herself in an abandoned place, with a huge mansion in front of her. Their lightning strikes all around and the atmosphere was really chilly and dark. It seemed like an abandoned place, but it wasn't.

She tried to go a little further from where she was standing, and then, out of no-where, she was captured by a taxidermist human, who was trying to grope her really bad. And slowly she was surrounded by such scary zombies. She was getting scared, her mind was going out of control, when she tried to scream for help....everything vanished, and she was right in the place where she was standing before.

Even though she was safe, her legs trembled with fear and terror. She was seeing weird things happening all around the place for a few days, and this red tinge wasn't a coincidence. She decided to text Sanjana so that she could ask her help, as she deals with things like this often.

Contented that it was nothing but a bad Deja Vu, she opened her door. Suddenly her name was called from behind, and the voice, she just couldn't resist. She looked behind, he was Sumit but he was hiding in the shadows. She was confused for a moment. But after she figured he was actually Sumit, she shouted "Sumit, honey is that you?", but he didn't budge, he was fixed as a rock. Ananya was freaked out by this moment, as Sumit never stared her such a way through the shadows, and also she couldn't see his face because of the darkness. Then she saw him making a gesture to come over to him. She went making a sexy catwalk to him and as soon as she grabbed him, began kissing him, more passionately than she had done it last time, moving her hands inside Sumit's clothes and things were slowly getting more intense.

She slowly looked up to him, to see his face, and started to kiss it all over again. But slowly, she felt something was wrong as if his skin was getting more sticky and oily. And even he seemed to be senseless. Afraid, she asked, "Sumit, is everything alright"? And it was then she noticed, that it wasn't Sumit at all, it was a distorted witch.

Terrified, she started to scream, but the evil monster held her mouth, she couldn't even breathe. She could feel her breathe was being stopped, her throat was choked with a brute force, and then, she found a chainsaw, stabbed completely through her body. It was this, she was in deep pain. The witch picked her up with sheer strength and stabbed her all the way into the tree branch, and left her there for good.

Even in her dying state, her final words were "I am sorry everyone. Sumit.....let my soul be with him for the rest of eternity." Below her corpse was the phone, which had 20 missed calls and 40 text messages, from Sanjana, and there was a voice mail, which repeated, "Ananya, do you listen, Ananya are you there? Are you okay..."

Sumit (The real one) suddenly woke up from his sleep as if somebody passed a 440-volt current through him, and his head was aching a lot, and something wasn't right. Ignoring this as nothing but a bad dream, he went into sleep again.

Next morning, Sanjana woke early and as soon as she cleaned up, she went to Ananya since she hasn't contacted her. She was almost near her hostel, but near the building, in the tree, what she found would scar her for the rest of her life.........

Ananya's body was stabbed all the way through the tree, she had a smile in her face. A huge crowd was surrounding it. Sumit was already starting to go crazy every minute as he was the first one to find it after Sanjana, and even Harsh. Sumit was totally shattered, after yesterday's event, Ananya's death stroked him not only by heart but his mind too.

"Like a whisper of smoke, Intoxicating my blackened lungs, Anger fills my body, Compelling me to move."

He didn't even feel his legs and arms and was sitting there in the same position till evening, 4 hours after everyone left. And this time again a Blue glimpse ran through him. Gopala came to his mind, and said: "It was Kanika who did it, she killed Ananya by imposing as you, she stole Ananya's soul to return to earth, and she is going to kill you too".

A heartbroken, shattered, torn Sumit asked him in tears "Who the hell is Kanika?" but then he was woken up again. His eyes weren't blue this time. Sanjana says some burglar must have done it, but then Sumit screamed in Rage "Kanika". A startled Sanjana asked, "Not Gopala, not again?" And all he said was "Dead ones are returning!"