Story 4: Messages

Arin was a 15 year old. That night he was checking his emails. He was reading and responded to messages from his friends. He was also deleting spam. When he saw a message with no headline. He had been sent the email 2 seconds ago.

He was perplexed how could tha possible. He would have gotten a notification. Not at the very bottom of the email list. He clicked the email.

"Is this you're phone number 555 - 888 - 552?"

His eyes widened in fear. How did they find his number. It wasn't on the internet and only people very close to his life knew his number. "That's not my number." He sent his reply. A second later another email came with no headline.

He clicked the email. "That's a lie." There was a picture at the bottom. It was of his contacts with his phone number on it. It was a screenshot.

"What the hell?!?" Before he could even reply another email came. It had an headline. The headline was I know who you are. He fearfully clicked the email.

"I know who you are Arin." Then a photo was below. It was of him asleep. Arin decided that he needed to call 911. When an email came in. He clicked it immediately.

"Look behind you." He slowly started to spin around. When he turned around. He saw a man with no eyelids. The man also looked... decayed. Arin was found dead just hours later.