Chapter 2 story 8: father and son

Jake's diary:

November 1st 1998:

I see a deer outside. It has been staring at me for 5 minutes. It hasn't moved it's just stood still. Its staring at me. It is making me feel uneasy.

Dan's diary:

November 1st 1998:

I arrived home a few hours ago from groceries. He said there was some deer staring at him. I did not see the deer not even any deer footprints. The snow could have covered over the footprints. Doubt it though that some deer was staring at him.

Jake's diary:

November 2nd 1998:

I got barley any sleep last night. I had a horrible nightmare of the deer in the black void. The eyes were bright red. The mouth opened wide then fell out onto the floor. I woke up and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

Dan's diary:

November 2nd 1998:

The weather's gotten worse. I feel like a snowstorm is coming.