Chapter 1 - Rebirth

A handsome middle-aged man with silver hair and a pearl black left eye while his right eye was a stark contrast was coloured bright white, lay beaten in a luxurious hotel room.

"You shouldn't have messed with the big boss," A man covered in tattoos spoke while smoking and watched his underlings beat up the man with silver hair. He signalled to his underlings to back away.

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, the tattooed man crouched down in front of the silver haired man then puffed all the smoke into the silver haired man face, as if mocking his weakness.

The silver haired man's handsome face was now covered in blood and cuts. He spat out the blood from his mouth into the face of tattooed man in anger.

Feeling the blood and spit mixed together hit his face, the tattooed man ignored his futile attempt to make him angry.

Smiling menacingly, "There are some things you should have never discovered." The tattooed man rubbed the blunt of his cigarette into the face of the silver haired man.

Feeling the burning sensation against his face, the silver haired man merely grunted in pain, unwilling to show any weakness.

Watching him not showing the expression of pain and fear he had anticipated greatly displeased the tattooed man.

"Finish him." The tattooed man stood up and left the hotel room, leaving the two underlings to finish off the silver haired man.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Hearing the three echoing sounds, a teenager of 15 years sat up from his bed in distress.

Looking around the room in panic, fearing that that the tattooed man was still there.

As his vision cleared, he saw that his hands had become smaller than what they were before.

He touched his chest and felt that there were no holes, bandages or anything there.

Getting up slowly from his bed, he looked around the room that was extremely familiar to him.

Wait, wasn't this his room from his teenage years?

Running to the bathroom, he looked at the mirror.

What he saw surprised him to no end.

Isn't this my teenage appearance? Before everything turned to crap. Touching his face in disbelief, he confirmed that this was his body from when he was 15 or so.

His face was no rid of the eyebags and wrinkles he had acquired from overworking in his previous life. Now, he had returned to his prime appearance, having an aquiline nose, high-cheeked bones, a slight scar on his lip and chiselled jawline.

He had messy moon silver hair and a midnight black left pupil while having a pearl white right pupil.

Running his hands through his hair, he turned the tap on to wash his face.

"Kai! You're going to be late for school," a female voice yelled out from the next room.

Hearing the voice, he had missed for so many years, tears of joy started rolling down his cheeks.

'Mother, oh how I have missed you.' He thought as relived his previous memories of her. But remembering how she struggled to bring food to the table and how many jobs she juggled just to make sure he could keep going to school pained him.

His father left her as soon as she told him that she was pregnant with him and left a 16-year old girl who was about to become a single mother.

Wiping his tears with a towel, he clenched his feat in determination to not let his mom experience the same hard work she had put in before, he replied, "I'm coming mom."

He grabbed his school jacket and pants and quickly put them on.

Then left the room while still buttoning his jacket.

Kai froze when he saw his beautiful mother, tears once again started to leak out from the side of his eyes.

Kai had inherited all his looks from her, none of his features came from his father who had abandoned them.

She stood there cooking eggs with a white dress and a black apron.

Her silver hair moved slightly due to the wind coming from the window and her beautiful body that had not diminished with time.

Kai ran to her with arms outstretched and tears in his eyes.

He hugged her with all his might.

"Kai? What happened to you. Is someone bullying you at school?" She turned and questioned him in a fierce tone.

Smiling at her questions, he shook his head and wiped away the tears in his eyes and continued to hug her.

Shocked from his weird action this morning, she quickly pulled him off and told him gently, "Kai, we can hug later but let me finish cooking breakfast."

He laughed at his own actions and went to sit down on the chair.

After finishing the scrambled eggs and bacon, he kissed his mom on the cheek goodbye and grabbed his bag and left for school.

He lived pretty far away from his school; it was on the other end of the city so everyday he had to leave at 6am just to arrive on time.

Reaching the bus stop, he sat down on the chairs and contemplated so far what had just happened.

As he was thinking, a pair of fair hands covered his eyes and a mischievous voice giggled, "Guess who?"

Smiling to himself, Kai immediately knew who it was, only his childhood friend would do this. Instead of answering her immediately, he decided to tease her a bit.

"Is it Sophie? Wait no, Sophie's voice isn't this high. Hmmm, then is it Hannah? Or is it Lucy? Or Ashley?" he teased as the hands covering his eyes were removed.

He turned around to see a crossed arm Rachael with a frowning expression on her face.

Her hands moved toward his right ear, "You dare to tease this older sister of yours?"

Her hands tugged on my ear, making me yelp in pain.

Rachael Harlow, one of Kai's childhood friends, his known her for 10 years, despite her family being extremely rich, she was still friends with Kai.

She 18 years old and had beautiful blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. A perfect figure, with the perfect proportions. Her beauty could be mistaken for a model, well she was a model and a rather successful one at that.

Her personality was of a flirty and teasing nature to anyone and she was inherently kind which made her very popular. She was considered one of the goddesses of our school.

The other boys who were at the bus stand looked at Kai in jealousy and envy. They wished they were able to switch positions with Kai.

While the girls were looking at Kai with affection, lust and some even with love. He was naturally popular with his looks, but most girls didn't want to enter a relationship with him, mainly because he was poor.

"Why is the school's kindest goddess pulling my ear?" Kai teased but instead of letting go of his ear, Rachael pulled even harder, making him groan in pain.

After sufficiently making sure that her dominance as the older one was obvious, she finally let go of his now red ear.

The boys glanced enviously at this scene, wishing the goddess' hands were touching them instead of some ungrateful prick.

*Beep* *Beep*

The bus honked as it slowed down at the bus stop, the doors opened, and people started walking out.

Kai grabbed Rachael's hands so that she wouldn't be swarmed by the amount of people that walked out.

She blushed as their hands made contact, Kai seems to be different from before, she thought as he dragged onboard.

Tapping her card against the checker, it made a *ding* noise that let her through to the bus.

Kai also pressed his card against the checker but instead of a *ding*, it made *zzt* sound, symbolising that there were insufficient funds in his card.

"Hurry up," some people yelled out from the back as people agreed with him.

He embarrassedly removed his card, but Rachael got out another card and gave it to him.

Kai smiled in thanks and pressed it against the checker which let him through.

Damn, I forgot how broke I am, Kai thought as he held her hand to find a seat for them.

"I will definitely repay you," Kai said earnestly as he looked at her eyes.

She avoided his eyes as if embarrassed and muttered, "Don't worry about it."

Although she said don't worry about it, Kai insisted that he pay her back next week to which she could only nod her too.

Finding two vacant seats, they sat down and talked about how school was. It was about an hour-long drive to school, and everyone had woken up early to either get to work or school.

Usually, Rachael would have her chauffeur drive her to school, but she liked hanging out with Kai, so she decided to take the bus from now on.

She was still not used to waking up so early so she quickly dozed off and leaned her head against Kai's shoulder.

Feeling that she had fallen asleep, Kai gently smiled and also closed his eyes.

It should be the year 2050, when tensions between China and Russia were escalating. Plasma energy was just introduced, and virtual reality games were extremely popular.

In my previous life, I was an Arcadia elite forces commander, so I didn't have much contact with the outside world. But I knew why China and Russia were becoming more volatile with each other.

They were fighting against each other for the right to own a plasma mine located in the pacific.

Hmm, over here in Australia, nothing was really happening. There was nothing I could really exploit or take advantage of. But, right now is when mercenaries and assassins are becoming popular.

With my skills, it should be a breeze to assassinate anyone I wanted, but right now, my body was not in its best shape and I don't have any good equipment.

Its best for me to first train my body back to what it was in my previous life then undertake some assassin missions to gain some quick money to start up a business or something.

For now, I will avoid that company. They dare to betray me; I will make sure they get the punishment they deserve after betraying me.

In this life, I will not watch my loved ones die and suffer. I will slowly take control of the world and no-one will threaten me or my loved ones.