

We had packed everything we owned in the house, which wasn't much.

As I left the house, I couldn't help but turn around and look back at it. Although the house was small and broken, it contained many wonderful memories.

But I returned my look to the horizon, the place where my future lay, the path to glory.

"Come on, Kai!" My mom yelled from the taxi as she grabbed the two suitcases and chucked them into the back of the cab.

"Coming!" I quickly walked over to the cab and got into the backseat; the drive should take no more than 15 minutes to the airport.

"Select your destination," A genderless robotic voice sounded out from the chair in front of me.

I typed in the address for the Australian Airport and a $10 credit sign came up and asked me to confirm, I pressed the button and my mom leaned onto my shoulder.

The rest of the trip went by rather smoothly and soon we were in the airport.

I took out my wallet and grabbed the black card the Arcadian officer had passed me.

'Arcadia'. A simple golden word on a black card, there was no particular font to it nor was it very flashy. But to any person who had common sense, they would it as a sign of warning, symbolising that this person is untouchable. Well, to most common people.

I immediately walked over to a kiosk with the sign 'SPECIAL' to the right of the entrance, a flight attendant stood there behind the desk typing things onto the computer.

Seeing that I had approached the kiosk, he immediately stopped what he was doing and looked up with a friendly smile.

"What can I do for you sir?" He said in a polite tone while maintaining a friendly nature.

Instead of answering, I put the black card onto the kiosk and his eyes lit up in recognition.

"Welcome esteemed guest, the jet is waiting at the back." The attendant bowed his head slightly in respect.

I nodded my head and indicated for him to show me the way, I looked behind me and indicated for mom to follow me.

She quickly grabbed her suitcase and mine, I took over the suitcases and reassured her that we would be fine.

We followed suit as the attendant lead us to the jet.

When we arrived at the parked jet, mom rubbed her eyes twice just to double check that we were sitting in a jet, not a public airplane.

After stopping about 100m away from the jet, the attendant bowed and said, "Enjoy your flight."

I thanked him and strolled towards the jet. As we neared the jet, hovering stairs slowly unveiled itself.

A man in a black suit came down and offered to grab our suitcases up the stairs, I took his offer and passed the two suitcases to him.

As we walked into the jet, a luxurious scene displayed itself before us. Leather couches, tiger carpets, golden linings on the ceiling and sides of the jet. A platter of extremely nutritional and delicious food only provided to the elite.

I raised my eyebrows at this, I had expected a medium – rich jet instead of a fully decked luxurious jet. Something was not right here.

Mom walked in front and span around in wonder, "Wow… I did not expect a jet like this would be our ride."

I smiled then went to take a look around the jet.

I passed by a bathroom, a minibar and I was currently nearing the lounge.

However, when I walked into the lounge, something was different about it. Rachael sat there on the couch.

A long blue dress adorned her body, complimenting her sky-blue eyes.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, "W-what?"

She looked up from her phone and flashed a dazzling smile and said, "Hey Kai," nonchalantly.

I knew it. I knew that even with a Civilian III status that such a luxurious jet wouldn't be used to send me to Arcadia.

Her family must be even more powerful than I thought.

I quickly reined in my disbelief and returned a smile of my own, "Hey Rachael."

At my fast recovery, she raised her eyebrows slightly but nodded her head.

I sat down next to her and we talked about our plans.

As I was talking with her, my mom eventually found her way to the lounge and spotted us chatting.

"Oh my gosh, is that your girlfriend Kai? Why didn't you tell me earlier? What's her name? How old is she? Why is she here?" My mom immediately began spitting out her questions as fast as a machine gun.

Hearing that my mom called her my girlfriend, Rachael blushed and stammered, "N-no ma'am, I'm not his girlfriend."

My mom smirked in understanding, "Ohohoho, no need to hide from me." She walked over, sat down and took Rachael's hands into her own.

"You can tell me anything." My mom smiled gently as she looked into Rachael's eyes.

"No, we're really not in a relationship." Rachael insisted while she looked at me with a pleading expression to help her out which my mom interpreted as a look of look for me.

Too bad for her I was already at the door, there was no way I am going to participate in this. I waved goodbye and left the lounge with a smug expression on my face.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking and we will be arriving in Exodia, Arcadia in about 6 hours. So, tuck yourselves in and enjoy the ride."

Well, I'm going to go sleep.