
"Are you even listening to me, Noha?" My step-mother shouted for the third time making me snap my neck towards her, so fast that I almost heard a low crack.

"What is it Stella, why are you shouting like a mad- women?"

"Mad-women! You seriously asking me that?"

"What's the matter, did daddy dearest not send the pay bills for the month?" I smirked at her, already knowing the answer.

"Of courses he didn't!"

She paced around the study panicking as if the ground was snatched from Beneath her feet.

"Oh my God! How could he forget? I still have to pay the club off my regular visits, I didn't had time to go to the salon this week and worst of all I have to go shopping for tomorrow's party!"

Hey, don't be afraid, that's the normal 'Stella Black version.'

She ain't the women doing charity events and spending quality time with family, infact the only reason she sticks around me is my dad's money, who apparantly is in New York City spreding his business empire, not to forget for over three years.


I pull back into reality, checking my phone for any text messages.

Aaron: Where the hell r u? Get ur ass at Bennett's right now :-[

"Can you call him, please?"

"Nah... I gotta be somewhere else, see ya later."

I grabbed my car keys and headed out without giving back a glance at Stella, as she kept shouting her lungs out.


"Who cares, it's better that he is not here, cause if he were here he would have eaten all our pizza and not to forget our pretty beers." I heard Jasper babbling out of his big mouth and the wink at the white blond girl, who I know very well was Ron's sister, Scarlett; standing right at the glass door.

"I heard that, asshole." I growled as they all turned around, sticking every single eye at me.

I smirked walking at my pace towards the crowd, never leaving those deep oceanic eyes.

"Charlotte, right?"

I asked smirking at her annoyed face.

'Lets see what you got girl!' I mentally laughed waiting for her answer.

"It's Scarlett. With a 'S'."

'Ohh...fisty, isn't she?'

"Doesn't really matter, new girl." I stated pushing her buttons to the edge.

"Oh! I am so sorry!"

'What on earth...'


"Well...Ron never told me that you were suffering from ANOMIA!"

'Holy God! This girl's attitude's ganna be my death.'

"Oh... Girl's got nerves, cause I, never in my life saw the exclusive, the untouchable, greek god Noha Fricking Black, get so hardly over a challenge with a girl before."

There we go again Jaspers big mouth. I mentally noted to beat the crap out of Jasper soul later, as I continued smirking at Scarlett.

"Well... There's always a first. Anyway, I gotta go, see ya later." She turned around walking toward the lounge chairs, where Aaron was chilling with Jenny in his arms.

I stupidly stared at her back where her white blonde hair touched her spine, though her hair were pulled in a ponytail.

She grabbed Aaron's car keys and walked towards the door.

"See you at school, SCARLETT!" I yelled towards her as the walked away.

I stupidly stared at the glass door even when she was long gone, hoping she would come right back and finish the challenge at the hand.

"Oh wait... I know that look."

I snapped my eyes right at Jasper and Mason, who now where smiling stupidly at me.

"Oh! I do too."

Added Mason still smiling like an idiot.

"What?" I asked, still confused.

"Mace, isn't it the same look Aaron showed, when he first met my sister?"

"Oh... It definitely is." Replied Mason, now nudging on his chest.

"What are you two blathering about?" I asked cocking an eyebrow at them.

"Blathering? We were just talking about your intrestes."

"My what?"

"Well... You know SCARLETT AND YOU together." He explained the situation with interlocking his fingers with adding a stupid face.

God these two, when are they gonna live their own lives.

"Well... Sorry to disappoint you guys but there is no SCARLETT AND ME, so just push this stupid thought of yours to the deepest cornor of your brains. Understand?"

"Jas, do you remember these were the exact words Aaron said on meeting Jenny?" Mason talked mocking me right at the place.

"Oh... How could I ever forget, that bastard swept Jen off her feet, exactly two days later."

"You both better stop, before I beat the crap out off you. There's nothing to talk about. You understand?" I gave them both a pointed look, to shut them up.

"If you say so, mate." They both shrugged like fricking twins and walked away.

But was I sure, can there be a thing between me and my best friend's lil sister?