01: The emptiness

☼ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴍᴘᴛɪɴᴇss ☼

You woke up in your black and grey Comforter smell the air of empty and your well scented perfume.

You sat up and stroked your hair out of your face and licking your lips before grabbing your phone and checking the time.

It's was 5:00 pm of course cause you really hated waking up at those morning stages because it was dark and it was never light outside.

You got up and went to the bathroom before taking shower and brushing your teeth for the long night ahead of you.

You went back in your room and saw your phone vibrate and it was your best friend Jennie.

You picked up your phone and looked at the message.


Hey!! You up yet we have to go to work and I don't want you slacking at your dancing Y/n!!!!!🦋🦋

You chuckled at her enthusiastic enthusiastic entrance today.

Black flower🥀🌑 (you):

I'm up sadly. I know to Never slack off and btw your the bitch we should be worrying about for slacking because of you and your wet dreams of your boyfriend 😒.

You sent the message and then plopped your phone on the bed and went into your closet to find your stripper shoes and put them out of the closet.

You put leather leggings on and just a graphic t shirt then put your hair in a bun because you guys always change in the changing rooms at the club to get ready.

You walked out with you putting your phone in your pocket and holding on to your black stripper heels. You put them on the table before going back in your room and choosing an out fit for your job today.

You then go into the bathroom again and grab your makeup and brought them into the livingroom where your heels were.

You put and make up in a bag before picking up your heels and heading out the door. You didn't bother grabbing a packet of blood to drink cause you know your friend will bring some cause you like to skill breakfast when you leave.

You only lived about 5 minutes away so there was no point in driving there. You were too lazy to teleport there too because you didn't want to run into that girl you hated the most.....Irene.

Irene was the one who kept bringing in her boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend because he always pushed her away in announce by her presents.

She of course slacked off and only did good whenever the boss was around. You of course called her out and roasted her on the spot which made her embarrassed.

Lately she has been doing her work cause of it. She was the definition of slut because she lied about not cheating to her boyfriend named Yoongi or something.

You finally make it to the entrance of the club and open the door and immediately you see your best friend turning around from the bar and smiling at you.

"Just in time!" She says as she gets up and brings out a packet full of blood.

"Drink this you bitch I know you skipped breakfast"

You sighed before grabbing it and biting into it with your fangs drinking it all in seconds.

You walked over to the bar and threw the packet away before turning to look at Jennie.

"Thanks I guess" you say rubbing the back of your neck.

Jennie rolls her eyes playfully before grabbing your arm and taking you to the changing room. You put a neon pink outfit with chains that will look good with your black heels.

You got out of the changing room and went to the mirror and did your makeup.

You got up after you were done and looked ar your arm tattoo. It had a bit of glitter on it thanks to the makeup.

It went up to your shoulder and it was mostly roses. Soon your gonna get them colored black and have them drip red blood.

You walked out of the area completely to see Jennie already ready with her neon pink makeup that glows thanks to the purple lights and pink.

"Wow you went full neon" Jennie pointed to your outfit and you looked at it and shrugged.

Jennie was wearing a black leather two piece that had straps wrapping around her waist.

Her stripper heels were black and white stripped.

You saw the other girls com in and get ready when someone played the music and male vampires started coming.

Your boss said you and Jennie has the most skills for pole dancing especially you, because you did several different poses and tricks on it that made you earn a lot of money everyday.

You walked towards the pole that was on the top floor and popped your hands and fingers.

You looked down the stage below and saw Jennie smile before getting ready to dance and pleasure the people.

You already men sit in front of you so you already started dancing for them.

Like always you had a fake smile and pleasure on your face. Of course the men are delusional

To notice because they are here for the pleasure.

Jennie could barely see through it because how good it was.

You did the carousel for them and then started doing dances you had a bit of fun with.

After you did the dance of course the guys threw money at you. You heard the door open and you peek over while you were spinning on the pool and your long hair to your waist twirls with it.

You saw 7 strange guys come in and most of them went to the bar and stared before talking to our guy friend seonghwa.

You heard what they were talking about, and they were talking about you and Jennies preformaces.

You then decide to a backbend using the pole for support. The guys said Woah, and that brought the 7 males attention.

'Great imma have to seriously make another impressive move'

Seonghwa POV

I saw 7 males come in and I immediately recognized two of them.

Yoongi and Namjoon because they always come here.

"What brings you here" I asked knowing fully why there are here.

"I came to watch my girlfriend of course" namjoon said looking over at Jennie.

I leaned forward and looked at You, you were of course going all out and I can read your face you hated the way they touched you.

"How's y/n doing?" namjoon nodded towards you who was doing the flips that most females couldn't do.

"Y/n is acting fine for now she hasn't talked much lately" I said looking back at namjoon.

"Yes, and I heard from my girlfriend she's a bit scary to be around and quiet"

I nodded and put my hand on chin then kicked my lips before looking at you again.

"You sure cause she looks like she's enjoying this" the dirty sliver hyung said.

"No she's not Tae " namjoon says and I raised an eyebrow surprised he noticed the way you fake such a pleasurable face.

"She's hiding the fact she hates it and she has no other choice but to do it" I finished then all of them look at You who was almost done with dancing for an hour.

I looked at Yoongi who continue to stare then back at you who slow sat up and looked at Yoongi before looking at me. She then looked away.

"She doesn't like being touched either.... last time Jennie had to calm her nerves" I said licking my lips.

"Then why did she-" I heard jungkook try to ask the question until I cut him off.

"She has no choice but to... it's not like she chose this..... she hates this and yet at times when her and Jennie pass by they look like they are having fun" I said grabbing the vodka bottle and flipping it.

"Has she dated anyone?" I heard Hobi ask before they turned to me again.

"No never, nor did she hook up with anyone. She's not a people person she hates being around people who are annoying....and yet slowly but surely me and Jennie became best friends with her" I said furrowing my eyebrows at hoseok. I put my hands together on the counter and licked my lips then glanced at you who was done dancing for now and so was Jennie.

"I can smell you judging her Yoongi, don't go that route she's not like that ex girlfriend you had here because y/n roasted the fuck out of her then gotten some sense in her to"

Yoongi turned to me while furrowing his eyebrows and then looked at you who was walking down the stairs with a towel on your shoulder hiding part of your tattoo.

"So she's the one who talked sense into Irene" he said I could hear the annoyance in his voice by speaking her name.

"Yes and to be honest I found it entertaining to watch" I said before sitting up and seeing Jennie approach us.

"Hey seon!" She said cheerfully I smiled and nodded before I saw her go up to namjoon and kiss his cheek before he grabbed her waist and kissed her.

"Hey baby I missed you" I heard him say. I turned to look at the guys.

"Did namjoon drag the rest of here to torture you" I said sarcastically. I saw jin chuckle dark and nodded.

"Ya it was hard to go but some how hyung managed to drag us out here"


You walked down the stairs of the stage and grabbed a towel wiping off the sweat on you forehead.

You looked up and seonghwa with the 7 guys at the bar. You recognized namjoon which was jennies boyfriend and they've been dating for 16 years.

You slowly approached the bar with a frown on my face. Seonghwa and the others looked at me. You saw Jennie pull away from namjoon and looked at me with a smile.

You stopped when You were next to the counter and leaned on it.

Seonghwa scooted towards me and You looked at him knowing that You wanted your drink. You nodded then he leaned off the counter and went to make it.

"Hello black flower~ that was impressive" Jennie said when You turned your head to look at her with a blank expression on your face.

"Hi Jen" you said plainly before taking a glance at the 6 six males next to namjoon.

"These are my hyungs and I just dragged them along with me today" namjoon said bringing your attention to face him.

You knew namjoon for 6 years so he knows you like seonghwa and Jennie do so you were comfortable around him. Now sense you met his hyungs you stayed at a neutral state.

"Mmmm I see there's no bother though cause everyday new guys come in anyways. I don't question why people are here" you said in a low tone before licking your lips.

You looked to namjoon a left and saw Yoongi who had gray sliver hair and was wearing a leather jacket with chains everywhere.

Both of you stared at each other for a few minutes before you heard seonghwa foot steps and turned to see him in sight.

"Here's your drink my lady" seonghwa winks at you and you just gave a slight smile before taking it and taking a sip of it.

You heard two guys stand next to you and you looked sideways giving them a glare.

One of them turned his head and gave a gentle smile before saying.

"I'm jimin and this is Jin" he says point the dark haired man who was serious as ever.

I nodded and then tilted my head at the other two. One had black wavy curly hair and the other had a dirty blonde type hair color.

"Oh those two are Jungkook and Taehyung" he said looking back at the two that were standing there.

You turned away and nodded before taking another drink of your mixed alcohol drink.

"You don't talk much do you?" Jimin asked.

You sighed and glared at him which caused him to put his hands up and surrender.

"Woah chill-"

"I don't talk to people unless I know I'm ok with it or I'm comfortable....don't think I'm not talking cause I don't want to. I'm doing it to observe you before doing so" you say bluntly.

You turned to see Yoongi raise an eyebrow and the others were aback that you even spoke up.

Jennie chuckled and walks up to you and puts an arm around your shoulder before looking at the guys.

"She's nice once you get to know her... though she isn't the go goofy type she's mostly serious in situations. Of course if you want to know her you gotta be flexible enough to tolerate her behavior of pushing you away at times" Jennie and you saw Hobi his mouth to say something but then Jennie cut him off answering his question.

"No she's not bipolar she's just was like this before I even met her. Even as best friends she acts the same she doesn't constantly Change moods every few seconds"

Hoseok nodded then looked at you who was resting your eyes from the constant Change of light colors.

Jennie then pushes you closer to her which causes you to open your eyes squinting them and glaring at her.

"Don't give me that look... you'll make me sad" she said sarcastically.

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend right now while you have a break. I'm using my time to rest my eyes from the flashing of purple and pink lights they make me have a headache" you hissed out.

"Awwww you want a boyfriend?" She said giving you the puppy dog eyes.

You glared at her before nudging her and went to sit on the stool away from the group a bit. You heard Jennie chuckle before going next to namjoon and talking to him.

You took a sip of your drink and set it down before you heard someone sit next to you on your left and right.

You looked to you left and say jungkook sit next to you. You peaked at your right and saw jin on the other side of you. You sighed internally before sitting up a bit and leaning on the counter a bit.

"You seem like the mother of the group" you said looking at jin.

Jin looked at you before chuckling and nodded.

"My hyungs are a pain to deal with they never listen to me and when they don't they know my wrath"

You heard jungkook scoot closer to you but lean forward to see jin as well.

"That's not true!! You miss behave and namjoon always has to get you" jin glared at jungkook and he didnt budge.

"Seems like the mother of it all likes to be bad" you said smirking at jin.

"No no!!! That's not the case" jin said and jungkook laughed.

"That's a lie and you know it Hyung, last night you took that guys ice cream when you could've bought one yourself" jungkook said pointing at Jin's chest smirking.

You licked your lips and looked at jins face, and wow he was handsome.

"Wow how low of you jin I can't believe you done that" you said putting a dramatic tone into it.

Jungkook laughed and jin tried to explain but we continued teasing him.

"You are fun to tease and pick on I see why the hyungs piss you off" you said

"H-Hey stob it" jin said in English which caused jimin that was two seats from jin to laugh hard and you tried to hold in your laughter.

Jungkook laughed and made fun of his English when tae make a box smile and giggled.

"Stop it" jungkook says In English and then our turn to see jimins face turning red from laughing.

You laugh quietly having a hard time breathing.

"How do spell stop it" you said through laughs

Both jungkook and jin got up and then started chanting.

"S T O P I T"

"Wow!!" Jimin said between laughs.

"YAH!!" Jin said and then you snorted quietly before laughing uncontrollably with jimin.

"It's Stop it Not Stob it" you heard jungkook say laughing through the conversation.

"STOB IT" jin said in English and that's when you fell off your seat laughing and jimin had get up and help you up with him laughing.

"YAH STOP IT" jungkook said laughing even more.

"Stob it" you said in English then jin looked at you and all of you stayed silent for 2 seconds before you guys bursted out laughing.

Jennie and namjoon watched how all of the hyungs were laugh excluding Yoongi because he just smiling at them until he looked at you and only stared but had a small smile.

Jennie chuckles "That conversation was weird i don't know how they are laughing but it's good to see y/n laugh and make new friends"

Namjoon smiles then turns to Jennie and smirks. She raised an eyebrow before he leaned down a bit and whispered in her ear.

You looked over at them while laughing and noticed jennies face was red a bit. You knew he was going to gonna bang her tonight judging by the tension and this happens almost everyday.

"If you don't mind can I have your number?" jimin asked after trying to calm down.

Jungkook joined in and looked at you asking for the same thing.

"Uhh... sure let me get my phone" you said before walking past the bar and into the changing room to grab your phone. You walked out with your phone and licked your lips.

You turned on your phone and showed them your phone number while they type it in their phones.

"Thanks, its be awhile since we laughed like that so why not get to know you more" jimin said giving you a gentle smile.

You gave him a tiny smile which made the boys blush and you giggled a bit.

"Sure I guess I'll give you a chance sense you made my day" you said before putting your phone in seonghwa jacket.

Seonghwa came out and saw you talking to the guys a bit and he went up to you.

"Oh hey seon is something wrong?" You asked raising an eyebrow. He shakes his head and smiles.

"Oh by the way my phones in your jacket so don't leave with it" you said pointing at the jacket on the bar counter.

He nodded and went back to doing drinks for people.

"Well my break times over for now" you said looking at the time.

"Oh good luck we'll watch from here" jungkook says and you nodded before walking towards the upper stage again. Jennie gave namjoon a kiss before going back to dancing and switching places with the other girls.

The song Nana by trey songz came on and you started to do your thing.

After that song you got down and looked over and saw the hyungs sitting on the couches watching you especially Yoongi the one with the dark silver hair.

You continued to dance for at least an hour until your shift was over and you sighed in relief. It was 9 pm and you went into the changing rooms and took a shower whipping over the makeup and sweat from today.

You got out and dressed up a bit but not wearing makeup.

You put your outfit you wore for dancing in your locker and the new one you brought for tomorrow in there as well.

You walked out and stand at the bar and untied your hair then let it fall past your waist touching your ass.

You heard someone clear their throat and you looked to your right and saw Yoongi leaning on the counter a seat away from you. He was wearing a leather jacket and had chains around his neck.

The earrings made him look hotter by the second and the ripped up black cargo pants didn't help either.

You raised an eyebrow at him and then he looked at you licking his lips before speaking.

"While you were dancing I can tell you hated it a lot but these people are fucking oblivious to see that" he said you looked at his face it had a expression you couldn't read.

You licked your lips before sighing and looking at the alcohol on display.

"I have to fake it, I don't have a choice but to. No one wants to see a women looking all depressed on a pole" you said bluntly.

Yoongi looked at you and observed how you skin glowed whenever the purple and blue lights land on it and reflects.

He looked at your outfit then you face that had an expression he immediately saw, emptiness and sadness. He raised his eyebrow at this and then saw you turn to look at him in the eyes.

"Why so I see emptiness in your eyes" her said giving you a blank expression.

You sighed and frowned at him before looking down at the ground.

"That I don't want to talk about it's a subject I never bother talking about" you said lifting your head up to look at him.

You licked your lips when he took a step forward and grab you chin.

"I'm not just reading you because your friend brought it up. I'm seeing wether or not I like you enough to let you to continue to hang out around my hyungs" he said coldly.