Am I a werewolf?

"Are you sure none of you belong to a werewolf family or something like that?" I gave them my best skeptical glance and they gave me their bored ones in return.

"This is the millionth time you are asking this and a millionth time my answer is no." Mom said with a blank face.

I was interrogating them this whole week after my conversation with Raven. I have read a lot of stories about werewolves or Vampires and their soulmates and how they feel and experience each other's emotions. So I was suspicious that maybe I and Xavier are something like that. 

I know I was thinking BULLSHIT, right?

But for some reason I wasn't ready to accept that this was just a coincidence when higher chances were that it actually was. 

Too much fantasy erodes the heart! 

I was just trying to make sure that mom and dad were not hiding anything from me because that is mostly what happens in those kind of novels while on the other hand they were sick of me. I wonder when they will kick me out telling me they can't handle my hallucinating approach towards life anymore.

It was a beautiful Friday morning. Beautiful because it was the last morning I had to get up early for school. As usual I was late but I didn't forget to ask mom and dad one more time before running out of the house.

Me and Sandi ran towards the school and I was teasing her about her 'accidentally falling on Raven' while we were walking through the parking area. Alex was nowhere to be seen. Mostly he meets us in the parking lot but after that encounter with Xavier he was not being his usual self.

Well hopefully that will end tonight.

We were walking towards our lockers when a random bitch dawned out her foot in front of me and me being my regular clumsy self, tripped over it. I saw the whole world spinning sideways as I came crashing down to the floor.

No you are thinking wrong, no one saved me.

Not even Sandi.

I mean she tried to but instead of catching me she held my elastic top which instead of holding me, stretched from her hand till me lying flat on the floor.

Fortunately, I managed to stop myself from hitting my precious face on the floor. I heard snickers around me and people were stopping to see me sprawled on the floor like a dead octopus.

"Idiots!" I glared at them after getting up.

I looked back to find the dumpster who did that and saw Sandi holding a blonde girl by her arm while she was trying to pull it away.

"I got her," Sandi shouted.

Now that's my girl. Capturing the criminal was more important than helping me.

I walked towards her and shoved the blondie hard. She fell down on her butt and started 'fake crying' with 'fake sobs' while yelling at me that I kicked her in the tummy. Seriously I didn't. I just shoved her but now I wished I had.

"Yeah and next time try something like that on me and I will shove your high heels up your ass." She looked scared and I was satisfied. That would send a message to every bully for not even thinking about taking me as victim material.

The rest of the day passed by quickly and it was lunch time. I was hoping to see Alex and saw him sitting on our usual table with Sandi and Katherine. I waved at them and shouted that I will be there in a second as I am walked up to the line to buy my lunch. Some kid behind me was yelling at me to hurry up and I just rolled my eyes at him.

Kids these days have no manners!

After buying my lunch I came towards my table almost dropping the tray in the way. Alex laughed at me and immediately covered that up trying to show me a serious face but was failing miserably.

"Go ahead, laugh at my misery, I won't mind." I faked hurt when actually I was happy watching Alex coming back to being his normal self.

"Let me help you," Katherine said with her adorable smile and took the tray from my hands.

"Awww you are soo cutee." I pinched her cheeks and she blushed.

I noticed Alex was looking at her with adoration lingering in his eyes.


First Sandi and now him?! 

I was about to play cupid again when I heard Sandi clearing her throat. She was giving me a knowing look and I immediately got her message.

"Ahem so Alexi," I started.

"What?" he replied a bit more hurriedly than usual. If you know Alex, he will never answer you at first call even though he had heard it. 

"Will you go out with me tonight?" I gave him my best puppy eyes. I think Katherine got me wrong because her expressions said so. Her lively face fell down suddenly.

"Hey hey, he is not my boyfriend, don't worry the coast is clear." I gave her a cute smile.

At Least I think it is cute.

"What?" I heard a what from all three people on the table and shooed them, coming back to Alex.

"Come on Alexi, stop throwing tantrums at me. They are hitting me hard." I made a sad smiley face at him curving my lips upward.

He smiled at my face and ruffled my hair. I think I got this habit from him.

Finally he was back!

I laughed and jumped into his lap crushing him in a bear hug while he groaned in pain. Stupid me forgot about his hand as usual. 

"Oppss, sorry," I rubbed his hand gently while he just laughed at me again.

"What is up with this laughing Alex?" Sandi gave him a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just missed you guys." he looked kinda sad. And again me and Sandi caught him in a group hug. I saw Katherine was looking at us awkwardly just sitting there so I pulled her into the hug too.

After we were finished doing our emotional drama, I just 'accidentally on purpose' pushed Katherine more into Alex's chest while getting aside myself.

"Opsss sorry, I sometimes get sudden shocks and I push people violently without even knowing about it." I made an innocent face at Katherine, earning glares from Alex and Sandi.

"No, it's okay." She smiled at me shyly and my heart was melting.

I felt a hard pat on my back which came from Sandi and was more a slap than a pat.

"Talk to him," she whispered in my ear while Katherine and Alex were busy being awkward with each other.

"So Alex you didn't answer me, are you up for tonight?" he seemed to be thinking about it and then nodded in approval.

Rest of the break passed by me playing cupid between Alex and Katherine.

She will definitely be the aunt of my children.