
Is this really just a birthday party?

Slowly, I stepped out and all the cameras turned towards us in a mere second, with paparazzi pouncing on us with lame questions but they were held back by guardsmen. I felt nauseous and instinctively hid my face from all the flashes.

I took Sandi's hand in mine which she squeezed hard. If I am feeling this way then she must be dying. She can't handle attention or too many people.

I pulled her to my side wrapping an arm around her and telling her to take deep breaths. She can have a panic attack in these kinds of situations. We walked behind mom and dad almost hiding behind them covering our faces with our hands. Dad should have atleast warned us.

Entering the building, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. A sudden comforting warmth surrounded my body. I looked at Sandi who looked pale and was still breathing heavily.

"Chillax dude, it's over." I tried to comfort her and pulled her to my side again.

I took my time taking in the surrounding area. It was amazing would be an understatement. It was just like a huge ball room from some Disney princess movie.

Massive chandeliers were hanging down from the roof. There was a gold staircase in the middle of the room which extended to both sides of the room. The whole theme was black and gold. I felt like living my fairytale dream.

I bet Xavier would walk down that staircase just like the Prince did in Cinderella.

We walked towards an empty table while a girl dressed in black uniform served us drinks.

"Mr and Mrs Millers will join us soon." She formally informed us with a nod. I gave her a smile which she returned.

Turning around, I saw many beautiful girls and ladies dressed in the most fanciest and elegant dresses I have ever seen. The sequins and rhinestones dazzled me.

And here I thought I looked extra. 

I recognized many people from our school including Samantha Saunders. She was drenched in sequins from head to toe. As if her dress was not enough she had added a huge sequined choker above her neck which choked me even by looking at it.

I think she sensed me looking at her because she turned towards me giving me a confused glare. I forced a fake smile on my lips and quickly turned towards Sandi who was busy drinking something. I didn't want any drama but in mere seconds she was behind me which I guessed by the look on Sandi's face.

"And who invited you here?" She asked, adding a snicker and pure disgust dripping from her tone.

I looked up to see mom and dad who were busy chatting with some other people on another table. Satisfied that they can't see this, I turned around standing straight and folding my arms on my chest.

"Mr Millers himself," I replied with a calm face but I knew she was gonna burst.

"And why would he do that?" She replied, mocking my tone and actions. She was trying to look calm and confident like me but she was looking really funny trying to match my height when she can't even look in my eyes without facing up.

"Because as the matter of fact, my dad is a welcomed investor in Mr Miller's new business." I threw the bomb at her with a smirk on my face.

"Hah bullshit! Everyone here knows Mr Millers never had or will have any business partners. I think you..." she started but I cut her off.

"You are overthinking Samantha. Just wait till he announces this to outsiders himself." I pressed the word outsiders and walked away pulling Sandi with me.

"God, you should have stopped to look at her face." Sandi peeked over my shoulder.

"Don't you know every iconic comeback is finished by walking off." I said and we both giggled. I mostly giggled at the fact that I didn't know where I was going.

Fortunately, I spotted Raven and Dylan waving and marching in our direction.

"Finally some friendly faces in this sea of strangers." I exclaimed, throwing myself on them. After sharing our bro hugs, me and Dylan stood there waiting for Raven and Sandi's unnecessarily long hug to finish.

"Would you guys mind parting? It's taking forever." Dylan started with a roll of eyes while I just chuckled.

"Did he come back?" I asked Dylan, whispering in his ear.

"Yeah, his dad practically forced him to attend this party." he whispered back in my ear.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah?" Sandi added.

"Ummm, nothing it's some bro secret." Dylan replied.

Raven was about to argue back when he got a call from Xavier. I saw his picture beaming on the screen.

"Enjoy yourselves morons, I will be back in a second. He needs a little help with wound dressing." he said the last part quietly looking at Dylan, after taking the call. He was about to go when I stopped him.

"Would it be alright if I go?" I asked him with pleading eyes. I needed to thank him for all he did.

After he was shot and saved our asses we never got to see him. I was feeling guilty for always insulting him when he turned out to be better than what I thought of him. I knew I can't talk to him here and he hardly shows up at school so this was my chance.

"Nah he would kill us," Dylan warned.

"Don't worry, I will save you. Now show me the way." I pulled Dylan with me trying to give Sandi and Raven some time alone.

I can't forget to play my cupid part, can I?

He led me to some different part of the house which was totally a work of marvel. It looked like the partying room we came from is built towards another side of the actual living area. Surprisingly, no noise from the party was coming there.

The interior was huge and sophisticated with many corridors and countless rooms both on the ground floor and upper story. In the centre there was a huge lounge area. I noticed everything in the building was black and white with hints of gold.

A few people in uniform were walking here and there but no one stopped us. I was stuck in awe when Dylan pulled me out of my trance.

"Are you coming or what?" he stopped and looked at me.

"Oh yeah," I followed him to the stairs and we stopped in front of an aisle which led to a door at its end.

"There you go, should I leave or wait here to save you from your inevitable death?" he said with an amused face.

"Go away, shooo," I told him and then waited for him to disappear.

Nervously, I walked towards his room. I didn't know how he would react seeing me. I knocked on the door twice but didn't get any answer. I tried checking if it was unlocked and it was. Slowly, I half opened the door peeking inside. It was too dark to make out if anyone was there.

"Frown?" a little voice came out of my mouth while I entered the room fully. It was all black and I was speechless. I mean I love black colour too but that was extreme.

Everything looked so elegant yet lifeless. A little bit of colour is needed everywhere whether it's a room or life.

I heard a door closing somewhere and a little shuffling before a blinding light flooded the previously dimly lit room. A scream escaped my lips while he threw some curse words. I turned around to look at him and was rooted to my spot, my eyes wide as soccers.

"You?" he looked shocked.

His voice hit my ears but I was focused on something else...