What's so funny


Not so fast...

He touched his cheek with mine and I was relieved a little. It's just a gesture couples do while dancing.

And when did you and him become a couple?

My subconscious interrogated me sarcastically. 

But I was not focusing on anything else except the sensation of his touch.

I don't know for how long we danced and stayed like that. I felt tired and rested my head on his shoulder. His scent overcame my senses and I inhaled deeply closing my eyes.

"Are you tired?"

"Mhm," I hummed quietly in response.

"Come on," He held my hand and led me to a different part of the house. I wonder how many sides this place has.

It was a hallway which led to a big comfy looking room with many couches and huge bean bags. There was a big LED screen on the front with a whole rack of DVDs underneath. Overall it was quite edgy.

Xavier went somewhere and I threw myself on the nearby couch which was fluffier than it looked like. I felt warm and cozy. The dress I was wearing was not giving me any protection against the cold.

"Here," I opened my eyes and looked at him. He bought me a black jumper which I took gratefully.

After I wore it I felt like a kid falling into an adult's clothes. It was longer than my dress and hella baggy but I loved it. It smelled like him. I tried rolling the sleeves so that I could see my hands.

"Let me," He sat beside me with an amused smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" I pouted.

"Nothing, you look adorable while making that face when you are struggling with something." He replied without looking at me.

I didn't know before that I make faces while doing something but when he said that, I realized that I do.

"Done!" he looked up and found me staring at him. He gave me a full smile and I think I passed out.

His smile was beautiful.

He gave me a smile?

"So here you are," Raven's voice pulled me back to reality.

"What are you two doing?" Sandi asked, looking at us suspiciously.

"Resting," Xavier replied to her and I giggled. He was kind of letting his guard down and I found it quite a charming contrast to his closed off personality. 

"What did I miss?" Dylan peeked his head from the window. After a few moments he appeared on the door with a tray in his hand.

"You traitor," I pounced on him ignoring the thing in his hands.

"Whoa whoa! Someone hold this thing back." he tried to protect what he was holding by pulling it aside. 

Before I would have crashed on him Raven's arm held me back.

"Where did you go, idiot? I was left alone in a mess of wolves." I tried to sound dramatic.

"I was bringing you something." he grinned and showed me the tray which had a whole lot of chocolate cake.

My eyes widened with joy.

"Omigosh, I love youuu." I forgot the fact that he left me alone and was behind a cake all this time.

Who could blame him? I would have done the same for a chocolate cake.

He set the tray on the table and all of us pounced on it except Xavier. He was sitting aside doing something on his phone and sparing occasional glances in my direction.

"Knock knock, Birthday boy," I said to him in a sing-song voice.

"Who's there?" he replied trying to mock my tone. 

"Your cake," I took a spoonful in my hand and dangled towards him for him to take it. I can't see any creature being deprived of this heaven.

He hesitated but ate it nevertheless.

"What the fuck bro? All these years I have been trying to make you eat it but you never took it from my hands." Dylan complained, pouting like a baby and I pinched his cheeks. He looked so cute.

Xavier looked away, his jaw stiffening as if he didn't like what I did.


"Yeah and she did it without even trying." Raven pointed a finger towards me, widening his eyes.

"I don't believe it." Sandi copied his expressions.

"Not you too Sandi," I faked a horrified look.

All of them looked at me and burst out laughing including Xavier.

"What?" I was confused.

Dylan jumped to my side and pushed me to look sideways. There was a huge mirror which I didn't notice before. I saw my reflection in it.

I had a little white cream on my nose and chocolate around my lower lip and on the chin. I literally looked like a clown. I am a messy eater especially while eating cake or ice cream.

This time a real horrified look took over my features and they laughed again, this time excluding Xavier. He was looking at me intently while I laughed with them too.

"How am I supposed to clean this now?" I looked around to find something but there was nothing.

"Xavier dear, take her to the washroom and clean her up." Raven said to him with a high pitched voice giving him weird eyes. He glared at him in return while I blushed.

"Just show me the way. I can do it myself." I said kicking Raven with my foot.

"Follow me," Xavier stood up and I walked behind him leaving the other three eating my precious little cake.

"Save some for me," I said and they nodded.

We were standing in his room again. I didn't know how we ended up there. The house was so confusing.

"Washroom is on the left, call me if you need anything." He sat on the bed again busy on his phone.

I found the washroom and it was huge like his room. All covered in black and white marble. There was a bathing area, a whole wardrobe area and dressing up area in one room.

I was confused about what to do. I can't jump into the bathtub to wash my face. I couldn't find a sink.

"Ummm frown??" I called out but he didn't answer.

"Did you call me?" I heard his voice a few moments later.


"What's wrong?" he asked from the other side of the door.

"I am lost," I said back.

I heard the door clicking and his face showed up. He was looking at me with a questioning look.

"I don't know where to wash my face." I told him honestly.

He entered the washroom and held my shoulders, turning me to the left . A few feet ahead there was a sink fixed into the wall. I felt really stupid. Why didn't I just turn around myself? 

"Actually my eyesight is weak. I can't see clearly in the dark and it's all black so..." I gave him the lamest excuse I could muster.

"It's okay, I am staying here to guide you." He was being so sweet all of a sudden and I was doubting him.

I walked towards the sink and washed my face carefully, avoiding water from getting into my eyes.

After I washed my face, he handed me a towel. Suddenly I realized that I didn't tell mom or dad where I was going.

"What's wrong?" I think he saw my worried expressions.

"I didn't inform my parents," I told him.

"Where are they?" he questioned casually.

"I don't know, they just disappeared after dinner." I was trying to think of what to tell him about my dad being his dad's business partner.

"Who is your father?" he questioned again but this time he was a little more focused.

"Shane Hills," I told him hoping he would know where he is.

"What?" he turned towards me. "You mean you are the daughter of our new business partner, right?" he looked shocked.

"Yeah, didn't you know? I mean our last names are same and why else are we invited here?"

"I didn't know your last name and I thought Raven invited you." he replied quickly while typing something on his phone.

"Oh," was all that came out of my mouth. 

"Well, your father is still in the meeting so don't worry and I will ask someone to inform your mom." he stated calmly after a few minutes.

We walked back to where we came from in silence but it was not awkward like before.