All I see is riddles

Isabella pov:

"That blue eyed boy?" 

"Sandi he..he is my blue light." I whispered. 

"Blue light? What are you talking about bella?" She asked me, her brows knitted in confusion.

"The blue light she told me about Sandi. Look he has it. I sealed my future with him." I raised the rock on my palm closer to her eyes.

"The blue light she told you about?" She repeated my words and her eyes once again widened in realization. 


"Come in, have some tea with me." She suggested. I was hesitant but went in nevertheless.

She was the old woman living by the woods a little far away from our village, in a small wooden hut. She was just like those creepy witches explained in old fairytale books. She used to wear black cape all the time. Her white hair was always tied in strange braids and weaved around her head. Children and even elders were afraid of her. Rumors were that she performs Voodoo and Black magic.