
Isabella's pov:

"Sir I told you before she left tomorrow with her brother." the blonde girl on the reception insisted upon her previous statement. 

"How is this possible? She can't leave like this. Check again, you must have a misunderstanding." Alex was hovering over her table and kept on telling her to check again. 

The poor girl looked at us for help. 

"Calm down Alex, let's go outside." I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from the reception but he didn't listen.

"Do you know where they went? Any address?" 

"Alex please how would she know that."

"We only know that they left the country but not their exact address."

"What's the problem?" a middle-aged man who was in formal attire and had a notepad in his hands walked towards us. 

"Sir they are here for the patient who came here last week," the girl stood up. "I told them she left but they aren't believing me."