Be ready

Isabella's pov:

"Don't try to move, I am trying to heal you." I heard a feminine but hoarse voice in my head. 

I tried to open my eyes or move my body but everything was useless. I felt a burden on my body pressing me down to a cold surface. 

I was paralyzed. 

Did I die? 

My family, friends, Xavier, everyone is left behind. 

I wouldn't meet them again. 

My breath was halting due to the pressure on my chest and throat. I felt a tear drop escaping my eye and slipping down my temple but I couldn't wipe it off. 

"No you didn't die, don't panic, it is going to be okay." I heard the voice again. 

"Who are you?" I asked the voice. 

It felt funny because I was just thinking and talking to my own self. 

"I am us." the voice replied. 

"Us? What does that mean?" I thought again. 

"I am the reality you were unaware of."