A clue

"Who the f**k do you think you are to hit him like this?" Isabella yelled at him as she pushed him off Mason who was not even trying to halt Xavier's punches. For some reason he thought he deserved them and he very well knew what had Xavier this twisted. He turned him, they shared a bond, he very well knew about his emotions which he was trying to hide even from himself. 

"You go ahead, I am coming." She turned around towards Mason as she saw Kingston and others going towards the building now that the fire was almost put out. They had everyone pushed out, clearing and sealing the area. He nodded and left without saying anything. 

Xavier didn't say anything either while his eyes were fixed on her as they changed into a blood-red colour with swirls of a black pattern in them, which had her mesmerized and anxious for a moment. Her subconscious was yelling at her that she had seen that very certain pattern somewhere but where, she couldn't remember.