Wipe her existence

"I never said her chapter was done," she looked up at Delilah. "I told you clearly what happened that day."

"You said she won't make it out alive." Delilah argued even though she remembered what happened that day crystal and clear. 

"Hmm, I don't remember those to be my exact words, Princess. You seem to be forgetting the important part."

Back to the day when the spell was performed~

"What happened? Is it done?" 

Devian and Delilah immediately walked inside the room as soon as Legona was done capturing the golden smoke that rose off Xavier's body. 

Legona stared at the small bottle in her hand. The smoke was hitting its walls repeatedly as if trying to get out and the force was her hand her jerk. Her knuckles had turned white due to the amount of the pressure she was applying to keep it stable. 

"He fought off till the end to protect her spirit. I couldn't reach hers." She told them in a hushed tone.