After Lunch Part 4

Emery parked his car at the front of Tesco's along the intersection of Nine Elms Lane and Parry Street. Ein and Henry opted to be dropped off at the grocer as both of them were worried about prolonging Emery's travel time to Heathrow.

Both men were aware that Emery may get delayed should they allow the man to drive them home. Ein and Henry chose to walk themselves home after the drop-off.

"I guess this is where we part ways, folks." Emery pouts and sighs as he unlocks the passenger doors.

Ein and Henry grabbed their bags and promptly alighted from the car, Emery followed a few seconds later to bid farewell to his companions.

"Are the both of you goin' to be fine walkin' home?" Emery glances at the exhausted Henry who looked like a mess while he sneers at Ein who was slightly pale and weak. "I think I should drive both of-"

Ein interrupts him."That won't be necessary, Emery. We need to exercise sometimes too, you know." Ein snickers.

"Exercise when you're healthy! Not when you've just recovered. You cheeky lad!" Emery reaches out his hand and ruffles Ein's head, causing his hair to be dishevelled.

"Fine, fine! I'll walk at a gentle pace on the way home." Ein clicks his tongue in annoyance as he shrugs off Emery's hand. "Why do you have to mess up my hair too?"

"You're on holiday tomorrow so you better get some quality rest! Don't overexert yourself Ein!" Emery groaned as he watched Ein fix his hair. He then notices Henry who was watching on the side, he was grinning at the both of them.

"And you, kiddo!"

Emery extended his hands and lightly pats Henry's shoulders. "You… I leave everything to your capable hands. You were brilliant in the kitchen! I have high expectations for you!" A jolly smile beams from his face. "Make me proud, Henry, the new Kitchen Manager of Hotel Citron."

Henry was touched by Emery's words, his lips quivered and his golden irises were imbued with joy. He then gave Emery a warm brotherly hug.

"Thank you, Ems! I'll give my best so you won't hear anything bad about me nor the hotel." Tears started to swell from Henry's eyes. "Really… I'm grateful for everything you have given, Ems. You taught me a lot today and those lessons will stay with me forever."

"H-hey! K-kiddo! Don't talk like it's my funeral!" Emery's ears flush red in embarrassment as he strokes Henry's back to soothe him. "Seriously, kiddo…" Emery groans as he senses Henry's tears drench his right shoulder.

Ein observed the two men give their solemn farewells to each other. The scene looked like a father was leaving off to war and his son desperately clung onto him. It was overly-dramatic and Ein cringes at the sight of it. It reminded him of the old family movies he used to watch when he was young.

He knew that Emery won't be coming back to the UK as Emery and his wife were granted residency in the Canaries. Now that Emery was a Spanish citizen, travel to and fro from the Canary Isles and his homeland would be limited. Ein felt a little lonely as he watched the duo.

"I'll be late for my flight if you keep at it, kiddo."Emery groaned as he massaged his temple. Henry had clung onto him tightly and he struggled to break himself free from his embrace.

"Just five more seconds! I figure this would be the last time we'll be able to meet since I have a gut feeling I'll be working my ass off until I retire like you." Henry chuckles.

"Alright, suit yourself kiddo… but not a second more!"

"Yes, Pops!"

"You, cheeky lad!"

Henry releases his embrace, he gives Emery a final pat on the back and watches him board the car and strap on his seatbelt.

"I'll make sure to send cards on Christmas for the both of you! I'll send an email after I get an internet connection at the farm. Take care of yourselves, alright?" Emery then glances at Ein. "Especially you, Ein." A warm smile forms on Emery's face as he starts the car.

"Don't skip your meals and always take breaks!" Emery puts on his glasses then drives off, leaving both Ein and Emery alone.

"Seriously… that old chap."

A lonesome smile forms on Ein's face as he watches Emery's car traverse the length of Nine Elms Lane. Ein stayed for a bit until he saw the vehicle turn into a small dot and eventually vanish from his line of sight. It felt a little lonely seeing a dear friend leave.

"May I walk you home, Ein?"

Henry's suave voice broke Ein's trail of thought and snapped him out of his melancholic trance. Ein realised that Emery had left him alone with him.

'Shit. I'm stuck with this kid. Goddamnit Emery, why did you do this to me.' Ein felt apprehensive towards strangers, even if it was a mutual friend, he never really liked mingling with unfamiliar people.

'I guess I have no choice. Ein, just pretend you're at the home stretch! He'll be off your back soon.' Ein sighs as he spoke to his inner self for comfort.

Ein then clears his throat nervously as he tries to compose himself in front of Henry.

"...Sure. I heard from Emery you live in the area too. Shall we?"

Both men started walking eastward along Nine Elms Lane. They walked leisurely as Henry admired the sights of the area.

"This is actually the first time I've been to this area." Henry gawked at the modern skyscrapers and condominiums being constructed along the streets. He also marvelled at the sight of modern architecture blending in with the historical streets of Lambeth.

"London is currently reinventing itself. Were you expecting historical buildings and castles?" Ein raises his eyebrow.

"Well… I used to live with my mother in Henley-on-Thames, so the castle fever did stick to me. Haha!" A nervous laugh escapes from Henry's mouth.

"Ah… so you were a Brit? I didn't expect that I thought you were a full-fledged Canadian, Henry." Ein glances at Henry inquisitively. "Very well, I welcome you to the city of London then." Ein chuckled, he sounded a bit sarcastic as he teased Henry like a tourist.

"H-hey! I'm no tourist to these parts! I know the area of Southwark and Whitechapel since I used to work and study in those areas. It's… just that I was too busy so I haven't checked the other boroughs!" Henry's ears were flustered.

Henry felt awkward and quickly changed the conversation.

"I heard it's safer to walk alongside with a companion in London than walking alone… was that true?"

"It depends on the area." Ein hums as he checks the time on his wrist. "Let's turn the next corner, it's safer to take that path."

"Wait, are you serious?" Henry's eyes dilated in disbelief. He started to regret leading the conversation. "Crap, I should have picked a different area to move into." Henry scratched his head.

"You don't have to worry about that, St George's Wharf is a safe neighbourhood now. Things just get a little rough in the evening since Vauxhall has a lot of clubs in the area."

The men then turned right into a narrow alley situated between a construction site and a historical building. As they strayed away from Nine Elms Lane, the sound of cars started to fade and Henry noticed that the area had gone silent.

As they reached the end of the narrow alley, Henry was pleasantly surprised to see the scenery change. The busy streets and the noise he felt earlier vanished as they strolled further.

"Wow… to think this place existed right in the middle of the city." Henry's golden irises shimmered with delight.

Magnolia trees and well-pruned hedges lined the sidewalk. There were no vehicles parked along the thoroughfare and the streets. Gentle autumn breeze courses through the thoroughfare and the golden leaves swayed along while some fell gracefully to the ground. Only the sound of the trees rustling and their footsteps were heard.

"Around four years ago, this neighbourhood was rife with muggings and violence was a daily occurrence. This street had a lot of history of blood being spilt into it." Ein glances at Henry, it looked like he was fascinated by the scenery around him.

"Fortunately, the Borough here changed and committed themselves to make this neighbourhood better." Ein lets out a relieving sigh. "They managed to turn St. George's Wharf a safe place to live after the Pandemic a few years ago. So you don't have to worry about being robbed." Ein gives Henry an encouraging pat on the shoulder as they stroll along the quiet street.

Eventually, both men reached the end of the sidewalk as they reached the footpath leading to the Riverside Walk, facing the Thames River.

"Well… this is where we part ways, Henry. My flat is just a few metres ahead. I bid you an advance farewell."

"Likewise." Henry smiles at Ein. "Although I think mine's a little bit further though. Which building do you live in Ein?" He gives Ein a curious look.

"I'm by the Phoenix House so it's quite near."

"Looks like we're neighbours then." Henry chuckles.

Ein was puzzled by Henry's remark, his face had a dumbfounded expression. Ein didn't really expect that Henry's home was just a stone's throw away from his house.

"I'm at Aquarius House, the building next to yours."