Carrot Walnut Cake Part 6

"We're finally home, Ein!!"

Ein switched on the lights inside his flat and staggered to the living room after a long tiring day. He placed his belongings on the coffee table and spoke to himself with an upbeat tone. Today had been a rollercoaster ride and his soliloquy helped him lighten his mood.

"To think, you managed all that! You almost got late for work. Met Henry in the morning, he turns out to be an old friend!" Ein removed his coat and stowed it on the coat hanger, he loosened his tie and unfastened his cufflinks. "And then getting stuck in the elevator, getting treated in the infirmary, saying goodbyes to Emery and an impromptu dinner with Henry..." Ein sighed as he flopped onto the sofa as he recalled the events earlier. He leaned back and relaxed then closed his eyes to rest.

"To think the recipe came from me but I have no recollection of it…"

Ein opened his eyes and stared at the fabric tote that was next to his duffel bag. It contained the jars of honey lemon ginger tea jelly that he made with Henry a few moments ago.

"Although, flavours were nostalgic… Looks like Henry was right about my body remembering some things."

Ein removed his socks and unbuttoned his shirt, he unbuckled his belt and stripped down to his underwear, exposing his undershirt and grey boxers. He neatly folded his laundry and set them aside

Henry had told him that some of the mannerisms he displayed earlier were reminiscent of the past.

According to him, the twenty-year-old Ein was a sheep under a wolf's clothing. A few days after Henry was dropped off in the council house, Ein reached out to defend the ten-year-old Henry who was bullied and ostracised by the other tenants. Whenever Henry was being picked on, Ein would intervene

"To think I had the guts back then…" Ein scratched his head in confusion.

He couldn't comprehend that he once had a considerate and an accommodating persona. Hearing about his past self as Henry's childhood hero felt foreign for him. In fact, he found it strange that he treated Henry kindly as Ein realised how abrasive and cynical he was now, compared to his naive and righteous youth.

"I might have turned wicked at some point."

Ein reflected on his demeanour earlier, he felt guilty as he recalled his prejudice toward Henry after seeing his CV as well as assuming that he was up to no good.

"I guess Seori was right, I should stop making assumptions on people too much." He sighed and gazed at the wall clock to note the time. It was now 10:12 PM, twelve minutes passed since he left Henry's flat.

Henry wanted to accompany Ein home but the latter didn't wish to impose further and Ein insisted that he can manage. After all, their buildings were adjacent to each other and the walk home would be just a few minutes. Ein recollected Henry's words of encouragement as they exchanged their farewells.

「 Ein, if you need to talk with regards to recovering your memories, you can ask me! You're a dear friend so don't hesitate and never feel bad about seeking others for help... I'm here for you, so reach out, all right? 」

Ein stood up from his seat and trudged to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for bed.

"Relying on others… "

A feeble smile appeared on Ein's face as he closed the bathroom door.


The smell of soap emanates from Monique as she dries her hair off with a towel. She had finished changing clothes after taking a bath and wore a pastel blue nightgown.

'I wonder if Seori was able to secure the reservation.' She contemplates as she exits her walk-in closet. 'I'll check with her tomorrow morning, she must be asleep now that it's late.'

As she entered the bedroom, Monique noticed a stray, olivine bomber jacket, loosely hanging on the bed's footboard. She recognised it as it was similar to the jackets that Diether wore whenever they went on dates.

'Ah, he must have arri-'

Monique's trail of thought was interrupted as she sensed a pair of arms wrap gently around her from behind, locking her in a warm embrace.

"My love, I missed you so… so much!" Diether whispers to Monique's as he rests his chin on her right shoulder. His low suave voice was full of endearment and longing.

"Welcome home." Monique turns her head and gives Diether a kiss on his left cheek. "When did you get back?"

"While you were taking a bath." Diether loosens his embrace and cups his hands on Monique's cheeks. "You've become more beautiful in a span of a month, my love."

"Really?" Monique flushes.

Diether nods. "You have this radiant glow on your face." His long fingers caressed Monique's cheeks. "You look sexier too." A smirk forms on Diether's face as he leans forward to give Monique a kiss.

"Ah! Wait!" Monique stops Diether's advance as she covers Diether lips with her hand. "R-remember what the doctor said? No hanky-panky on the first trimester!"

Diether pouts. "It's just a kiss, Monique." Tears swelled from his eyes. "Did you not miss me while I was away?" Diether glances at Monique, he looked like a puppy that had been refused by its owner.

"Whenever you give me that look, I know for sure that we won't end the night with just a kiss..." Monique sneers as she pinches Diether's cheeks. "Calm yourself, my dear husband."

"Ow! Alright! Alright!" Diether shakes himself off from Monique's clutches. "I'm sorry for being too excited." Diether plops on the bed and lets out a tired sigh. He felt like a kid that was denied candy and was sulking.

Monique takes a seat beside Diether on the bed, her hand reaches out to stroke his dark brown hair. "I know it's hard but you need to be patient! After all, it's not just the two of us anymore." Monique grins.

"By the way… have you told Ein that he's going to be an uncle soon, my love?"

"I haven't yet, but I plan to at the end of this month." Monique lies down and relaxes beside Diether. "A lot of things happened today and I couldn't find the right time to tell him."

"Why? Did something happen in Citron?"

"Sort of… Long story short, Ein had an attack earlier and the new guy was there to help." Monique lets out a groan. "It's just that I didn't expect that the new employee is related to Ein's past."

"Wait, so Ein had a relative that ca-"

Monique cuts off Diether. "He's not a relative… Do remember that the entire Schmidt family severed their ties with Ein."

The Schmidts were an affluent political family in Germany. Their members were known to take key positions within the German government, particularly in foreign affairs. When Ein's orientation came into light, the highly conservative Schmidts were shaken as homosexuality in the family was deeply frowned upon.

Ein's father, Lukas Schmidt was the German Ambassador to the Court of St James two decades ago. He believed that Ein's orientation would bring scandal and dishonour into the family. Ein was eventually disinherited and was evicted from his home.

"Oh… right, that dreary family of bigots." Diether rolled his eyes while letting out a sigh. "Then that new employee, how was he related to Ein?"

"Ein met him a few months before he was taken in by my family." Monique inches close to Diether and cuddles him. "His name was Henry and he used to live with Ein in a shared council house on Henley-on-Thames."

"It must have been tough for both of them to end up in such a place."

"Indeed, it was." Monique tightens her embrace on Diether. "They're both quite pitiful now that I think about it… But at least, both of them are in better states." A bitter smile forms on Monique's lips. "There's something about Ein though. I feel like he reverted to his old depressing self ever since his assault."

Diether wraps his arms around Monique, embracing her. "He did lose some of his memories. That might have been the reason why Ein's like that… Don't lose hope, my love. I believe Ein will eventually remember everything at some point."

"I hope so… I'm expecting Henry to help out Ein with that." Monique sighs.