
Leon closed and reopened his Stat Sheet over and over again. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Level: 3 HP: 24/41 Experience: 21/35 Title: The Liberator of Gods Class: Wind Walker

Mana: 21/21 Vitality: 15 Strength: 17 Intelligence: 21 Agility: 30

Luck: 21 Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ?????? Stat Sheet: Hidden

Skills: Backstab, Dash, Stealth, Slash

Passive: Sword Knowledge, Dagger Knowledge

After minutes of inspecting things, Leon knew he had to verify his new stats and figure out the rest. He had an inkling that the class change caused his stats to increase even though he hadn't leveled up. However he knew going back to the Guild Hall was more important, so Leon called for anyone inside the hut.

As an old lady approached him holding potions, Leon desperately said. "Thanks for treating me and saving my life. I really do appreciate the gesture and will do anything to pay you back, however is there any possibility that I can travel to the city of Verin? I'll do anything to go back."

The old lady set down her potions.

"Verin? That's quite a journey away. I would suggest you stay and rest before you make the trip to Verin."

Leon shook his head defiantly.

"I know that my condition may not be optimal. However there are important things I have to do, I must report back to my Guild Hall. It is something that can not be postponed, just because I may not be able to walk for now."

The old lady sighed.

"Fine. I see you are a busy adventurer and you have things to do Leon. Just give me a second while I go grab some wooden crutches so you can move."

As the old lady went to look for the crutches, Leon asked curiously.

"By the way, how did you know my name? I don't think I ever mentioned it, while we spoke."

The old lady responded with a slight muffle.

"Well, the town actually found your guild card. Sorry for intruding in on your privacy, it's just that Xert doesn't get many visitors, since we are in a no monster zone and located far from any major cities."

Leon felt bad for making the old lady feel like she did something wrong and said brightly.

"Ah, it's all fine. I didn't mean it in a bad way, especially to the people who saved me."

After hearing those words, the old lady looked better and helped teach Leon how to move using the crutches. Soon Leon gathered all the belongings he came with and set off to report back to the Guild Hall.

As Leon was waving goodbye to the old lady on a horse he borrowed from the village, he shouted. "I never paid you back for healing and taking me in or even asked for your name!"

The old lady gave Leon a warm smile and shouted back.

"I'm the Melia the village healer. As for your payment, just come visit this old healer again!"

Leon took note of what Melia said and set off for his long journey back to Verin.

* 2 weeks later*

After regularly taking the medications Melia had given him, Leon's legs had finally healed to the point where he could stand without writhing in pain. Leon finally arrived at Verin at dusk and waited in line for entry.

After a series of questions and an identity check by the guard stationed at the gate, Leon passed through the iron gate and headed straight for his Guild Hall.

After tying his horse outside the place, Leon headed into the Guild Hall to make a report. Leon entered the surprisingly empty Guild Hall and wobbled himself over to the receptionist desk, where Lucia was working today.

Out of breath, Leon hunched himself in front of the receptionist's desk.

"I need to submit a report immediately."

Not looking at Leon, Lucia replied.

"Leon you are finally back, how long has it be-"

As she was talking, Lucia noticed Leon's bandaged legs and crutches.

"Oh my god, Leon are you okay?!? What the hell happened?"

Leon looked down at the ground for making Lucia worry.

"I'm fine Lucia. I just really need to report what I saw to Erik."

Lucia hesitantly handed Leon a report form and sighed.

"Here you go. Just take care of yourself, Leon."

While taking the form, Leon asked.

"By the way, where is everyone. This place is normally as loud and rowdy as a tavern, but now it's a ghost town."

Lucia looked puzzled and said.

"Didn't you know Leon? Today is the Moon festival. All the guilds in the city are gathered at the Arena for the Battle of Champions. This includes our guild, even the Guild Master is there."

Leon almost ran out instantly to the arena. Except Lucia threw her hammer at the wall in annoyance since Leon didn't even say goodbye or fill out the report. After 5 minutes of scribbling a detailed report of everything that happened outside the village of Xert and his experience with the monument. Leon went off to the arena with the report in hand to try to find Guild Master Erik.

Leon arrived faster than he expected, as he had already mastered movement with the crutches.

As Leon was entering the arena entrance, the guard stationed outside inquired.

"Sir. Before you can enter the arena, you need to pay for the entrance free. It's 5 bronze coins for citizens and free entry for any contestant or adventurer."

Leon flashed his guild card to the guard and started sprinting into the Arena. Even while in the tunnel, he could hear the blaring sounds coming from the arena.

As soon as Leon entered the main part of the Arena, he was met with the sound of thousands of people cheering for their favorite contestant, the clang of the weapons fighting, and lastly the smell of blood and sweat coming from the stage of the Arena.

Leon went scanned the faces of various people in the crows looking for Guild Master Erik. Finally, he spotted him in the first row designated for Guild Masters. Desperately needing to report what happened back in the monument, Leon struggled to push his way through the hundreds of rows and seats to the front with his crutches.

When he arrived, Guild Master Erik noticed his injured adventurer and bellowed.

"Leon, you have come returned!"

Leon tried to tell the Guild Master about his report, but the Guild Master simply took his massive hand and picked Leon up to plop him down in the seat next to him.

Full of embarrassment, Leon started turning red.

"But, Erik, I have to report something urgently about the job!"

However the Guild Master was not in the mood to talk about such things, he laughed and screamed.

"Relax Leon. No matter what has happened. A few minutes will not change anything. Haven't you been riding for quite a while? Just sit down and relax. Anyways, you arrived at just the right time. This next match is the finals. It's our very own raging Ivar."

As Leon was about to interject, the Guild Master gave Leon a threatening look that said just listen to me. So Leon turned his attention to the stage and was astonished at what he would see, on the stage was his guild's very own C Tier Adventurer 'Ivar'. However what caught Leon's eye was not Ivar but rather his opponent, the girl on the opposite side of the ring, from the Phantom Guild.

All Leon could think of when he saw her was the word 'beautiful' as he examined her carefully while trying to remember every aspect of her. The silky silver hair, that looked as if the light was gleaming down from the moon above them, the perfectly symmetrical built face like it was a doll with olive-green eyes that one could never find the end to it. However, the eyes were not only olive-green but had tinges of auburn scattered throughout. The perfect proportions of the body, with curves in all the right places. The lightweight, black steel armor enveloping her making her hair stand out even more. Even her height was suited towards Leon standing at 178cm (5'10), she was taller than your average male Parthanian, but compared to Leon who stood at 190 (6'3) her above average height as a lady was better.

Leon became enthralled by her. His reaction seemed sudden, but if one knew how Leon was they wouldn't be too surprised. Ever since he was born, Leon had never thought too much about love, instead, he had focused all his energy on adventuring and following his parent's footsteps. However, for the first time, Leon's heart gave him an emotion and feeling that he had never experienced before, but ultimately welcomed. The beauty the lady gave off was the first thing that had disturbed the once calm waters of love in Leon's heart.

(Authors note: She looks like a mix of Freya and Ais from Danmachi)

The announcer stood up in his chair and cast magic on himself to enhance his voice.

"Are you ready to ruuuumble."

The crowd went crazy and started to cheer.