Ambush (2)

Guild Master Erik did not know who his assailants were nor their exact strength, as none had shown their powers except for the man swinging his halberd at him.

Erik met the halberd's blade with a punch at full power and the resulting impact made the air near them vibrate. The halberd wielding man had been pushed from the impact into a nearby tree, thereby cracking the trunk with ease.

The leader of the group stood up and a red aura filled with murderous intent surrounding his body like he was a mini star.

"The information is completely wrong. Activate plan C. Go all out, whoever this man is, he is strong. Don't hold back, even my attack with aura did not bother him."

Hearing this the entire group started to activate their powers. A woman and a man stepped back from the group, holding their staff's enchantments and runes that could be seen around them. Two Golems made of the mud and dirt on the forest floor started to form, they each stood at an impressive five meters tall. Erik was by no means a small man, he stood proudly at two meters tall. However, in the face of such large Golems, he looks like a midget compared to the bulky and big earth Golems. Yet, Erik after expanding his muscles initially grew to an astounding 271cm (8'11ft) tall.

The mages were extremely satisfied with their spells and gave a smirk. Their confidence was not unwarranted, as most adventurers would be demolished from such Golems. The Golems represented the mage's strength as tough opponents with the strength of low B Tier adventurers.

Guild Master Erik merely contracted his lower body muscles and released them like a spring, he rocketed forward and landed in front of the two Golems with a smile.

"The size is impressive. However, they are simply too weak!"

Erik's enlarged arms smashed into one of the Golem's left legs and the resulting blow completely overwhelmed the poor earth Golems defense. The earth crumbled like a hammer hitting crusty, dry clay and the Golem almost fell down and has to kneel with one arm supporting its left side.

Before it could recover, Erik had already taken advantage of the blow and finished the golem off with a series of gattling punches, that made Erik seem like he possessed dozens of arms. The first poor Golem left no traces of its existence and the dust could be seen spread throughout the floor.

Everyone apart of the ten-man group was in shock. They knew their opponent was not an ordinary level Adventurer, however, they thought such a big Golem would be able to stall.

A panic ran across the leader's face, he realized one thing from the massacre of the earth Golem.

"Attack together! He must be at least an A Tier Adventurer."

Hearing this all of the bandits surrounded Erik and started shouting of fear and paranoia.

"A Tier? Why is there an A Tier?"

"The information was a load of burning bull crap. I am gonna kill the provider!"

"Who cares if he is A Tier, we are 10 B Tier combatants, we can win!"

The words of the bandits intrigued Erik, who merely smiled while cracking his knuckles at the remarks. Although it was eleven on one with the earth Golem plus the ten B Tier bandits, Erik actually had the upper hand in the minds and hearts of everyone in the fight. Only the leader of the group could calm himself.

After the stares and silence had lasted for almost a minute, Erik made the first move. Again like a spring, he used his muscles to produce an incredible explosive force and knew his first targets. A B Tier mage would not be lethal to Erik, but it could provide serious supports for his enemies and be quite annoying.

Erik took this into considerations and decided to eliminate the pest first. However the bandits were not gonna make this easy for Erik, instantly four bandits with various weapons stood in front of Erik's path and planned to attack all together with the Golem. While individually they may not be able to deal more than shallow cuts to Erik in his current form, together they would be able to injure Erik.

Seeing the blockade, Erik did not want to have the fight last long and used one of his skills finally.

"Hmph, I applaud your guts. Yet you weasels underestimate the A Tier."

Erik used the skill, iron cells to strengthen all his cells individually. It was like Ivar's body strengthening technique but much stronger and turned his entire body into a steel-like fortress at the molecular level.

All sorts of weapons flew together in an attack with a huge giant earthy fist swinging down towards Erik. Two swords that had fire emitting from the blades swung down. A spear that only had a powerful aura. A hammer using the pure strength of the big bandit. The huge arm of the earth Golem, however in Erik's eyes these attacks were child's play. He would not even need to get serious. Erik used his forearm to block all the attacks and the hammer plus the earth Golem's pure force only caused a slight ripple on the skin of Erik's arm.

Just like that, four B Tier attacks were stopped with even a B Tier Golem's fist. While none of them had used powerful trump cards or abilities, their regular attacks were strong and the sight of the collective being stopped with ease planted fear within their hearts.

Erik was in the zone and did not stop to evaluate the effectiveness of his block. The split second the attack stopped, he used his other forearm to sweep the four bandits aside. The force Erik produced was akin to a cannon pushing each individual attacker. They were flung back with such force that thick tree trunks snapped like a twig when the humans flew into them. One, with incredibly unfortunate luck, had hit a branch sticking out of the tree and it pierced the battered body where his heart should be. The blood trickled out of his mouth as the moment of impact had caused him to lose focus of defense and the combined force of the attack had managed to cause a tree branch to even impale his B Tier defenses.