Mysterious Shop Keeper

The lady slowly turned around and strolled into the shop, which exposed her sexy, tanned back as she sauntered into the shop. She pointed her finger back at Leon and gestured for him to come over without even looking back.

Leon stood still for a couple of seconds before coming back to his senses instead of thinking about the skimpy clothes the lady was wearing. When Leon finally entered the shop, the setting sun gave the whole interior a faint, warm light throughout the whole place. This caused the various jewelry, which was what the shop mostly sold, to have a faint glint which made them all look like the best of jewels. This was not a far-off assumption since the jewels were actually of high quality, Leon however did not know this as he was only obsessed with adventuring.

When Leon finally entered the shop, the lady was already standing behind a counter with her arms crossed that made her already large chest, which was already between an orange and a grapefruit in size, look even bigger.

Giving a playful grin that made her well-kept teeth give off a slight glint, the lady inched a bit forward towards Leon.

"I noticed you seem to have no jewelry or accessories on you, not even a watch or bracelet. You seem like a fashionable young man. It's a shame you don't have anything to pep up your style, perhaps I can try to find something that interests you?"

Leon's mind went blank when he saw the lady. Since he was always addicted to adventuring, he never really was interested in women except for Emilia and the lady in front of him. Although what he felt when he saw the two of them were different, Leon was still inexperienced in this field and could only mindlessly nod.

The lady gave a sinister smile in her mind, but only showed a playful one on her face. She purposely bent down to reveal her chest when she picked up a dark purple velvet case, however, Leon didn't know this and could only keep his will strong.

The lady eventually resurfaced from under the table with the dark purple velvet case and placed it on the table to open it.

"This here is a lovely bracelet, it's made from high-quality amethyst, which gives it the rich dark purple color. I think this will be a great addition for you."

Leon tried not to stare at the lady's chest, but he couldn't help to glance occasionally.

Seeing this, the lady grinned.

"Or maybe you are interested in me?"

The moment she said this. Ensis stepped in.

「Now, now weakling. Don't get tempted by this temptress. Don't you already like someone else, think about the girl with the uh.... ah right, the silver hair.」

In response, Leon thought about Emilia and her beauty. Although the lady in front of him was stunning enough to make any man kneel and Leon was still inexperienced as a man, Leon could only think of Emilia's beauty and the race his heart gave the first time he saw her.

This gave Leon enough willpower to respond.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested .... uh sorry I don't know your name."

The lady was thoroughly surprised at Leon's answer.

"It's alright, my names Lilith if you wanted to know."

'What an interesting turn of events. I never thought I'd see someone as weak as him resist by charm. I wonder why.'

Lilith's pride was a bit hurt when Leon rejected her advances. She used an unknown power, which gave her brown eyes a faint glow as she looked into Leon's eyes. Leon on the other hand didn't notice the strange glow as he focused all his willpower on not falling for the temptation in front of him, he didn't notice that Lilith was staring into his eyes like she was gazing into his soul.

After a second, Lilith finally smiled even brighter than time.

'Well, would you look at that, no wonder why the fellow didn't fall for me. He is already enthralled with someone else.'

As Leon was about to say something about the bracelet which he was genuinely interested in, Lilith spoke first.

"I see you already like someone else."

When she mentioned that Leon liked someone else, Leon's usual extroverted self left the building, and a shy boy who never really thought about anything else besides adventuring replaced it.

"W-w-what a silly idea. I-I have no clue what you are referring to."

Lilith laughed.

"Here I have a better idea, give me a second."

Lilith put the bracelet back in the velvet case and this time put it away and picked up another case normally.

She put a silver silk case on the countertop and opened it with a wink.

"How about you buy this for your lady friend."

Even Leon, who wasn't interested in jewels, opened his eyes in amazement. It was a hairpin, but also a hidden knife/dagger. The hairpin was made of silver akin to sterling silver. It had a bunch of intricate carvings that Leon couldn't fully analyze at a distance, but most importantly it had a giant sapphire the size of a small rock in the middle of the hairpin on where the handle of the knife would be when you unsheathed it.

Leon restabilized himself.

"How much for the hairpin?"

Knowing that the workmanship and jewel was no pushover, Leon knew he would have to cough up a pretty sum probably close to one gold, but he only had 12 silvers left.

Lilith held up ten fingers and Leon almost fainted.

"Ten gold?!"

Laughing nonstop, Lilith smiled.

"Well this piece is actually quite expensive at around 5 gold, but since I like you so much I'll sell it to you for nothing."

With his jaw slack, Leon almost fainted out of sheer shock.

"Nothing?! Wait is this even legal? You don't have some ulterior motive, do you? Is the hairpin poisoned or boobytrapped?"

Lilith simply just nodded and stuck out her hand with a smile.

Smiling the entire time, Leon quickly paid the ten silvers before Lilith had time to even consider changing her mind. He left shortly afterward while giving a wave goodbye over his shoulder as he planned to meet back up with Erik as the sun was halfway below the horizon.

Lilith smiled, but she was only staring at Leon's distorted shadow which had whatever shadow she attached to Leon's. The moment Leon disappeared from sight, Lilith proceeded to flip the sign outside of the shop to 'Closed'.

She quickly went behind her stall which was near an alleyway and was deserted with no one to be seen, until a hooded man appeared out of nowhere to which Lilith spoke.

"The target has been spotted and marked."