A Birthday to Remember (3)

Leon thought he wasn't hearing right and stood still like a statue, then what Erik said suddenly hit him like a freight train. At first, Leon was going to complain about having to leave, but then a thought occurred to him.

'If I'm leaving Verin to explore the outside world, doesn't that naturally mean….adventure!'

A glint similar to lust appeared in Leon's eyes similar to when he faced off against the hobgoblins. Seeing the change in reaction, Erik sighed and wanted to clarify everything.

"Before you leave, there are a couple of things I want you to know. First off, the request given to you by your parents is something they also went through when they turned sixteen and is actually how they met."

Even though Leon was essentially foaming at the mouth at the prospect of adventure, what Erik said, put a momentary pause as he had never heard this before.

"My parents met when they were traveling at 16?"

Erik gave a nod and continued.

"They both went through what you will be going through, although only the general premise will be the same. I also want you to know the world isn't a nice place, although I'm sure you've at least caught a minute glance of that. I still want to remind you there are people who would kill you just to take your gear, so you will always have to be vigilant and be wary of everyone."

Leon from a couple of months ago would have disagreed with what Erik said, but he had been slightly tempered like a piece of metal that had gone through its first refinement phase. All Leon did was nod in agreement, until Erik spoke again.

"Although they didn't mention where you would go specifically. I have already a general idea that I'll be making you do. I want you to go to travel to Mifis and explore there for at least a couple of weeks before you take off to the Coalition States."

When Leon first heard he was going to Mifis in the East, he was interested but not surprised, however, the moment Erik said that he would actually leave Partha to journey into the Coalition States was so shocking that Leon felt out of his chair.

With his big arms, Erik caught the chair before Leon fell completely.

"Leon, I know it seems sudden, but it'll be a good experience for you. I just hope you can experience what the world and outside are like while being an adventurer. However remember to always prioritize your life, never forsake or take your life for granted."

As Erik finished speaking, a light bulb lit up in his head as he remembered something, he took out a green vial and presented it to Leon.

"I almost forgot, but I got Agnes to make you a gift from all of us at the guild. Take this it's a medium leveled healing potion."

Hearing what it was, Leon was quite shocked as a medium healing potion was quite expensive depending on where you got it from. In fact, it could cost a person a handful of silvers for a good one.

Leon gave a look of gratitude and Erik merely smiled in return.

"Don't sweat it, kid, it's one of the most important birthdays of your lives of course I wouldn't mind getting you something good. One more thing, take this, it's from that silver-haired gal from Kyle's guild."

Looking at Erik's hand, Leon saw a dainty letter that said "Open in privacy!".

Now go on down and eat, I can hear your stomach rumbling from over here."

Before he left, Leon had one more question to ask Erik.

"By the way, where's Lucia?"

Erik looked out the window.

"Don't feel too bummed that she isn't here, but she's currently in Orsini meeting with Sava."

With that said, Leon sauntered towards the first floor as he processed everything. He felt a wide range of emotions ranging from excitement to apprehension to nervousness. Leon tried to put the matter to the back of his mind and enjoy his party, but it was hard.

As Leon disappeared, Erik had a conflicting battle in his mind the entire time Leon left.

'Should I tell him?... No, he's not ready for the truth.'

After almost an hour, Leon finally got to eat and drink, however, when he got there a good chunk of the food and drinks had been ravaged by the drunk party-goers. Leon decided to settle on chicken drumsticks and a mug of ale, after ravaging through his food and drinks. He managed to find his friends amidst the chaos. Tecia at this point was essentially knocked out cold from the alcohol and partying. Arwin and Tomoe were a lot more refined, but Tomoe's cheeks were flushed while Arwins ears had a tinge of red from the alcohol.

Leon walked up to them, probably being the soberest person in the entire room.

"Will Tecia be okay?"

Despite Leon shouting, Arwin and Tomoe barely heard him and had to shout back.

"Eh, you know how Tecia is. We'll just drop her by her guildhall at the end of the night and let them figure it out, it's been working for us the previous times."

The two of them laughed together thinking about the times they had just tossed Tecia into her guildhall when she was blacked out drunk. After a brief talk about what he had missed, Leon came to learn a lot of things.

"Tecia arm-wrestled Ivar?"

Arwin laughed.

"Yeah, that was a riot. She of course got obliterated."

Hearing this, Leon wasn't surprised. Although Tecia possessed great strength as she was Pugilist plus considered quite strong in E-Tier. Ivar, although he lost to Emilia, was a genuine C-Tier adventurer who most likely had to hold back to not break Tecia's arm.

After a few more exchanges, Leon told his two remaining conscious friends about his future plans to leave Verin.

Arwin spoke first after hearing Leon's situation.

"I think it'll be good for you Leon. After I left home, things were hard but it opened my eyes to things."

Although Leon and Tomoe didn't sense it, there was a tinge of pain within Arwin's voice, but it went unnoticed for the most part. Tomoe also gave her input.

"I also agree with Arwin. Eventually, adventuring takes us to places unknown, we can't always stay in Verrin. Getting a head start wouldn't be the worse."

After Tomoe spoke, Tecia groaned and the words "birthday" and "sleep" were barely comprehensible. The entire group got the gist of what Tecia was saying, which would give them stares of astonishment if any strangers had saw the interaction. Arwin and Tomoe took Tecia and started to drag her away.

"Don't worry about us Leon, we'll just leave early to drop Tecia off at her guild."

Leon wanted to say something, but suddenly old man Jenkins with Agnes by his side raised a glass as he pulled Leon aside. He started to shout to the whole building.

"To Leon! Happy 16th birthday, kiddo!"

With that, the whole first floor erupted with a cheer and the night of drinking and celebration had just started with Leon at the center.