Curing Boadicea (2)

Hearing the doctor's words, the old village chief suddenly felt like he had turned ten years younger and an invisible force that had been crushing his soul suddenly disappeared.

"Yo-yo-you can diagnose what's wrong with my little angel?"

Seeing the old man's worry about the child, the doctor smiled warmly and responded in a gentle voice that sounded like the most alluring voice to the old village chief.

"Haha, yes. I do know what's is wrong with this girl."

Abruptly, the old village chief fell to his knees and starting tearing up.

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much, you don't understand how happy I am to hear that! When the doctor in our village couldn't diagnose it... it made me feel indescribable pain."

Leon was surprised by the old village chief and understood where he was coming from, but he still squatted down to help the old village chief up.

"I understand that you are thankful, but please at least stand up I'm sure the doctor would prefer that as well."

After a few seconds, Leon finally got the old village chief to stand up, then Leon turned to face the doctor this time.

"So...what exactly is wrong with her?"

The doctor this time looked down towards Boadicea who was still sweating and burning up.

"Well, she currently is being afflicted with a condition called Mana Overload. I'm not surprised your doctor doesn't know this, since this condition is usually quite rare in young children. "

This time both the old village chief and Leon looked puzzled as they had never heard of the condition, so the doctor continued.

"Mana Overload is a by-product of what happens when a body can't handle the amount of mana being circulated. Mana is an amazing phenomenon that we can't begin to explain, but we have found many things, for example, the body can produce small amounts of mana itself and if it can't satisfy itself it will draw mana from its surroundings."

The doctor pulled up a chair as he continued.

"Mana Overload is quite rare as most people's mana cores and veins will grow in accordance with the body to a degree, but this young girl's mana is so abundant that her body and core can not handle it at the moment."

When the old village chief heard that it was rare, he wondered if he could pay for treatment.

"Since it's a rare condition, will the treatment be expensive?"

This time the doctor gave a little laugh.

"Haha, actually it's the opposite. Although the disease and condition itself are quite rare, the treatment is quite simple, so it won't cost too much as the diagnosis will be most of the payment."

The doctor stood up from his stool and looked over Boadicea.

"Just a quick question, but I would bet that she's quite smart?"

The old village chief looked bewildered like he was talking to a wizard.

"Yes she is, incredibly smart for her did you know?

The doctor laughed.

"No need to look so surprised, most children presented with Mana Overload from a young age that occurred naturally tend to be incredibly smart, since mana affects a person's brain and intelligence to an extent."

Now that he got that out of the way, the doctor started to talk about treatment

"Regarding treatment, all we need to do is draw mana out from the mana core located at the solar plexus and either forcibly expand it or take out a large amount of mana."

This time the doctor looked towards Leon.

"You are an adventurer correct?"

Leon gave a nod.

"I am, how'd you know?"

The doctor gave another smile.

"Although I am just a doctor, my medical knowledge has brought me oftentimes into contact with adventurers seeking aid or diagnosis for a variety of things like poison or something else. Although priests can heal a person, sometimes a doctor can prove just as important. So I learned a couple of things about adventurers and the sorts, plus I can sense the mana in your body. Even though I am just a doctor, I still have to know a few things about mana since it is a part of the human body, which made me study in the practice of using mana."

Hearing the doctor's reasonable response, Leon merely nodded.

"So why does it matter that I'm an adventurer?"

The doctor pointed towards Leon's mana core at his solar plexus.

"Well, I need a stronger and more rich mana to help draw the mana out from her body, since other methods wouldn't be appropriate as her body is still growing and fragile. Have you gone through a mana core purification or transformation yet?"

This time Leon was even more lost and confused.

"A mana core purification? Transformation?..."

Seeing Leon lost, the doctor raised one of his eyebrows.

"Wait a minute...have you never heard of a mana core purification or transformation?"

Leon shook his head at the question and the doctor's jaw almost dropped to the floor. Observing the doctor's reaction, Leon was even more confused.

"Is that bad?"

The doctor fixed the position of his glasses and gave a little chuckle.

"Well...I wouldn't say it's bad per se, but very surprising. I thought almost all adventurers knew what mana core purification and transformation is."

Once again, Leon shook his head.

"Could you explain it to me?"

Recovering from his shock, the doctor continued.

"Ah yes of course. When a person becomes stronger their bodies will of course change, skin, muscles, tendons, bones, etc can all change when increasing stats like vitality, strength, agility, and the sorts. So of course mana is no different, almost all humans are born with some sort of mana core and when a person becomes stronger their mana core, like other parts of their bodies, will, of course, undergo changes that will strengthen and enhance the affected parts. The outcome can be the mana core's ability to store more mana, ability to transfer mana throughout the body faster, the richness and density of mana, etc."

This time the doctor pointed to his own solar plexus.

"The first sets of change for the mana core and the veins transporting mana throughout your body will mostly be purification most of the time. However there are a lot of things to take into account when talking about this, some people take fewer points to undergo a transformation, while others might take a lot more to reach a transformation. Also, the amounts of transformations or purifications can also differ, but it doesn't differ as much as the requirements for each individual to hit a transformation."

After hearing the doctor's description, Leon had an inkling and wanted to clear his suspicions.

"Would this mana core transformation or purification feel like my mana core and veins were being assaulted by an indescribable pain?"

With his response, the doctor smiled.

"Well, it seems you have experienced some sort of purification or transformation since it is exactly like how you describe it."