Guild Bureau in Mifis

After a few attempts, Leon's guess finally panned out as he ended up near the main road. The numerous voices once again blasted in Leon's ear, but he started to get used to Mifis's sound pollution.

Standing off to the side, Leon had to figure out what his next move would be.

'What to do, what to do....'

After some deliberation, Leon decided to check the nearest Guild Bureau branch. Since The Chosen didn't have a branch in Mifis, Leon could only hope for a guild to allow a traveler, such as himself, to take missions or he could go to the Guild Bureau which welcomed any adventurers that could take quests off their hands.

Although Leon had no clue where the Guild Bureau was in Mifis, he based his guess on everything he knew about them and decided to follow the main road to the center of Mifis. If the Bureau's building was anywhere, Leon would bet that it would be located in the center of Mifis.

Walking down the main road for an hour, Leon finally reached the center square of Mifis, which was a huge square courtyard that had a giant fountain in the middle with important buildings surrounding the square. Among the important building, which included the city hall and a few big guild halls, Leon finally saw a giant marble building that stood out from the sandstone buildings surrounding it. On a giant carved-out sign, the word, Guild Bureau Branch, was clearly written.

Finding what he was looking for, Leon started the journey to the building. The building itself had been elevated from the ground with dozens of steps as if to proclaim that they were better than everyone else.

Completely opposite to the minute Bureau branch in Verin, the Guild Bureau branch in Mifis had tons of foot traffic. The main reason was mostly due to the fact that most adventurers in Verin were residents since the city itself didn't get too many traveling adventurers due to the fact that there were more lucrative places to visit.

Meanwhile, Mifis had a huge amount of visitors, which drew in adventurers that weren't from around here. This meant if they wanted to gain any income, going to the Guild Bureau building was their safest option to secure quests and commissions.

Leon started to walk up the stairs until he was met with five giants lines that had formed from within the building and ended at the stairs. Tapping the nearest person in line, Leon asked the questioning burning in his mind.

"Sorry to bother you, but is this the line for the front desks?"

A rather plump lady turned to meet Leon.

"Unfortunately, this is in fact the line for the front desks. Are you also looking for a job?"

Leon nodded. Even though the line had moved quite fast, it still took Leon almost an hour to reach the front of the line. To waste time, Leon managed to talk with the plump lady in front of him and got to learn a little bit about her.

She was a rather nice lady, who was also a member of a strong guild that was led by an A-Tier adventurer. Even once she found out that Leon was only an E-Tier adventurer, she didn't flex her C-Tier status and didn't look down on him either.

As the plump lady left with a job secured, she waved goodbye to Leon, who returned the wave. With that done, Leon stepped forward to the front desk and came face to face with a professional-looking receptionist with the name tag 'Lily'.

She resembled Lucia, but her hair was black instead of blonde and he eyes were a lot rounder.

"Are you looking for a job?"

Leon nodded before she continued.

"Can you please present your guild card?"

Luckily before Leon left, he had gotten his guild card updated so it no longer displayed him as a pathetic F-Tier, but as an E-Tier adventurer. Lily took one look at the card and gestured for Leon to lean in closer before she whispered.

"You seem like a nice guy, so I'm gonna let you in on something. Are you listening?"

Although Leon was quite surprised, he went along with it and nodded. Lily leaned toward the side to make sure no one was purposely trying to eavesdrop before she came back.

"No offense, but as an E-Tier adventurer, things aren't great here. Due to the sheer amount of adventurers, jobs are quite scarce and things are even tougher for lower-tier adventurers. I'd suggest crossing the borders and going to one of the smaller states in the coalition, due to many adventurers traveling to Mifis and the bigger states of the coalition. Those small states are in a drought for adventurers and even an E-Tier adventurer such as yourself would be able to find ample work."

Previously, Leon would have been quite dejected, but after some intense thinking. What Lily said, actually made a lot of sense, but he still looked slightly apprehensive.

"But I just rented out a week in one of the inns and they didn't look too keen on refunds…"

Lily gave a thumbs up.

"I don't know why you came to Mifis, but you should enjoy the city still. Even if you came here to gain experience as an adventurer, why not just spend your week here exploring Mifis's entertainment and culture and focusing back on adventuring after you travel to the coalition?"

Taking in everything she said, Leon wanted to think some more, but Lily could see the rest of the line start to become restless of waiting so she quickly handed Leon back his guild card.

"Please, think it over! If you still would like a job, just come stand at the side and I'll help you."

Taking the guild card, Leon walked towards the side in deep thought. Normally Leon would jump at the opportunity to adventure, but Erik's words and his parents' intentions echoed in his mind.

'I guess relaxing and enjoying entertainment outside of Verin would be exploring the world as well. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek at the casinos…'

Making his decision, Leon walked out of the Guild Bureau, while Lily smiled at his wise decision.

"I guess all youngsters aren't too naive."