The First Body Transformation (2)

As Leon was about to input his selections, he felt Ensis tug on his conscious.

「One thing I believe you need to know is that for your body to go through a transformation. Your strength and agility have to both reach the threshold, while vitality will transform your organs.」

Feeling lucky, Leon started to readjust his points but asked Ensis in his mind.

'How'd you know this?'

But, Ensis didn't speak up again.

'Well suit it yourself.'

Leon clicked on a button and confirmed his decisions.

+6 Agility

+21 Strength

With those upgrades, both his Strength and Agility had reached a hundred each. Closing his eyes in anticipation of the mind-numbing pain, he eventually reopened them as nothing happened.

'What happened? Is a 100 not enough for the transformation? I haven't even distributed any to my Vitality or Mana yet. No matter, I just have to put in more

+10 Agility

+10 Strength

However, even those twenty combined attribute points that brought both stats up to 110 weren't enough. Although Leon had 58 points left over, he felt like his soul had been stabbed from the fact that he already burned through close to half his points and the transformation had not occurred.

'Please work, please work.'

+15 Strength

+15 Agility

The moment the system registered those changes. Leon fell like a rock to the ground and started writhing in pain. Earlier before, Leon had steeled his resolve so that he could try to improve his willpower and withstand the pain without screaming or moving, however, he was incredibly naive.

At that moment, his body was going through hell. Every bone in his body felt like they were being pulled apart, shattered, then put back together. Even his muscles felt like they were being shredded just for his body to reassemble them. The entire process had become so excruciating that Leon's mind went through a short circuit from the intense stimuli the moment it hit him.

Passing out, Leon awoke again, but to his grievances, the process wasn't over. He screamed a sound that most people would associate with animals since the sound produced was so horrifying that even Aurora wanted to take a peek, but in the end, she just plugged her ears more as the screams could still be heard.

After a few more minutes, Leon woke again from being passed out and he had tears, drool, and snot everywhere. Fortunately, he was near the body of water and just splashed some water in his face.

As he moved, Leon realized that his body felt anew. His lungs still hurt like knives stabbing him in the chest every time he breathed because the transformation didn't transform that. However, his muscles and bones felt renewed.

With just simple movements, he felt faster and stronger, but he still tried to rest his injured shoulder. A transformation would make his bones and muscles stronger, which made it easier for his body to recover and stabilize. This didn't mean it fixed his broken shoulder. His deltoid still felt incredibly weak and feeble, while his bones were still fractured in some places.

The transformation merely let Leon be able to move normally since the fundamental structure of his bones and muscles had became strengthened. After all that had been completed, he still looked at the remaining 28 unused attribute points and decided to invest them all here.

+18 Vitality

+10 Intelligence.

Normally Leon would've tried to see if he could transform his remaining organs, so he would achieve a body that had been completely transformed once. However, he wasn't sure his mind could handle another transformation so soon.

The earlier pain had been so intense, that his mind and body forgot the pain due to the sheer stimulation. Leon brought up his stats and took a look at everything.

-After completing at least 2 of the 3 Transformations at least once, the system has now added Transformation Status to help keep track.

Level: 43

HP: 183/515

Experience: 340/14890

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Storm Walker

Mana: 415/505

Vitality: 99

Strength: 125

Intelligence: 106

Agility: 125

Luck: 44

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Unused Attribute Points: 0

Transformation Status: Mana Core (1), Muscles and Bones (1), Organs (0)

Skills: Backstab(2), Dash(4), Stealth(2), Slash(3), Wind Weapon(2), Wind Slash(2), Dagger Throw(1)

Passive: Sword Knowledge(2), Dagger Knowledge(2), Monster Language(2), Storm Born (1)

His health had risen quite quickly with the help of the transformation and Leon predicted he would hopefully reach around 250 HP by the end of the day. With his screaming coming to an end, Leon saw Aurora turn around and run towards him.

At first, Leon didn't know what to expect, but Aurora merely ran up and hugged Leon although she was so short and small that her arms were essentially wrapped around Leon's upper thighs. Full of surprise, Leon subconsciously smiled while raising one of his eyebrows up in surprise.

"Do you always hug strangers?"

Not moving from her hug, Aurora responded.

"Strangers don't injure their bodies to protect someone. Plus hearing your screaming earlier made me scared..."

Leon would remind Aurora not to hug strangers later on, but at the moment he could only smile.

"Well if it's like that, I guess that's fine."

Aurora finally stopped hugging Leon and pointed towards Leon.

"From now on you are big bro Leon! You shall call me Rory when we are talking casually."

Since he was finally able to move, Leon did some light stretching which only caused him to feel some slight discomfort since his body was still healing. Even though he was still far from being able to fight with his full power. Leon could now move around and use a few of his powers now.

After he finished stretching, Leon picked up Ensis and everything else that could be of use and looked towards Aurora.

"Well Aur- ahem, Rory. Shall we get the hell out of here?"

Aurora smiled since Leon had adopted her nickname.

"Let's go!"

With that, Leon had no clues on which entrance was the correct one, so he picked one at random and decided to go with that first.