A Clash of Two Bloodlines

The elder's drop of blood lived up to his name and it started to radiant a white color that was much stronger compared to the shamaness's drop of blood.

However like with the shamaness's blood, the moment the aura got close to Aurora's. Her drop of blood started to radiate a similar light to the elders, however, hers had a much more yellowish tinge to the white which made it look like sunlight.

As the two auras were about to clash, many elders already had shocked looks on their faces. The same thought was running through their minds.

'Wow her aura is quite bright, it's even is close to Elder Radiant Light in terms of brightness, but surely it's for show.'

The two auras collided and they were locked in a tough battle, with neither side choosing to relent. They held their ground as the fight turned into a battle of attrition.

The battle soon resembled a tug of war. When one side took a slight advantage, the other side would immediately respond and they would go back to a stalemate.

As the elders looked at the strength test, some were so surprised they didn't even care about how they looked as their mouths were fully agape.

Elder Radiant Light was the chief elder of one of the twelve main tribes. This meant that the strength of his bloodline was bound to be incredibly pure and strong compared to others in the tribe.

In fact, some of the prodigal geniuses in the main tribes could most likely rival the bloodlines of elders from lesser tribes, even though they had not reached the peak of their strength since bloodlines usually strengthened and peaked near adulthood.

The main tribes garnered so much power and respect mostly due to the differences between the strengths of their bloodlines and others.

Everyone was showing signs of disbelief and bewilderment as they watched the test. Even Little Lightning and the rest of the warriors were in disbelief as they didn't think it was possible for a child to match the elder of a major tribe

However, Leon and Aurora both were incredibly confused as they were left in the dark about what was happening. Of course, Leon had his suspicions on why they might be surprised, but his thoughts were merely all guesses.

The back and forth fight between the auras went on for close to another thirty seconds until suddenly Aurora's blood started to slowly dim and eventually it was consumed leaving only the elder's aura.

Even though the elder's droplet of blood had won in the end. Everyone was still silent as they were still attempting to process what had just occurred.

The chief shamaness, who was the oldest present and had the most things over her long life, had also lost her usual composure and had her eyebrows raised as she looked between the bowl and Aurora.

Eventually, she snapped out of her shock and cleared her throat.

"Ahem, that concludes the test. As we can see, the strength of her bloodline proves that Little Lightning's suspicion holds merit."

There was a long silence as everyone slowly came back to the right state of mind until one of the elders sitting in the main tribe group spoke up.

"So, does the girl truly belong to one of thee tribes, and if so which one?"

The elder's question was valid since the people of the Great Plains were not the only people in this world who carried potent bloodlines. It was undeniable that Aurora possessed a strong bloodline, but it was also possible that it may not have originated from the tribes.

But before anyone could say anything, Elder Radiant Light spoke up.

"There's no need. She's one of ours."

Once again, everyone started to murmur, while the chief shamaness looked at Radiant Light with curiosity.

"How are you so sure Elder?"

Elder Radiant Light looked around at everyone present and spoke calmly.

"I am very sure that she is from my tribe and if anyone has any doubts..."

Elder Radiant Light suddenly channeled a terrifying amount of mana and that erupted from his old body like a volcano. The strength of the aura coming from his body even disrupted the air near him and the ground beneath him started to visibly tremble.

"They can personally come to say it to my face."

Even though Leon was a few meters from the elder, it felt like the gravity was suddenly amped up as he had to use all his muscles to even stand up, while the aura caused him to feel like he was suffocating.

No one said a word and even the elders and warriors of the twelve tribes didn't dare breathe a word as Radiant Light was like the chieftain of the entire council even though that position did not exist.

Seeing no one say anything, the old man released his aura and Leon almost fell to his knees when he did.

Radiant Light spoke loudly so everyone could hear clearly.

"I suggest we end the meeting here, due to the unexpected and surprising circumstances that have happened. We shall continue this meeting tomorrow. Let us take a vote. All against?"

Even though there were hundreds of elders present, no one raised their hands. Radiant Light continued.

"All in favor?"

When he raised his hand, everyone raised their hands immediately. Seeing the result, Radiant Light continued.

"Well with a vote by the council, I declare this meeting paused and to be resumed tomorrow. Let us go our own ways."

Even though the council was a place that allowed each tribe to have a voice and some powers regarding the decisions the alliance took. That didn't mean they all held the same influence, the twelve main tribes especially had a strong influence in the council, and if all twelve agreed it would be near impossible for the rest of the alliance to dispute.

However, Elder Radiant Light was a very revered and powerful person who held great authority, so even though he acted like he was the leader. No one dared refute or complain, not even the twelve tribes would say anything unless Radiant Light did something especially outrageous.

As the council dispersed, Little Lightning gave a sigh of relief and looked at Aurora with complex emotions, before he started talking to Leon.

"Well, it seems like things took a very unexpected turn."

Leon still trying to figure things out looked at the hundreds of people leaving.

"So, I guess everything is fine?"

Little Lighting nodded his head.

"It seems like things are fine."

There was a silence before Leon spoke up again.

"So...where am I staying for the night, if that's okay."

By now, almost all the elders and warriors had left the tent beside a few who were talking in small groups. But before Little Lightning could say anything, a familiar voice suddenly spoke behind the group.

"Why don't the both of you come over to the Light Wolf tents? We would gladly welcome you and treat you both as esteemed guests."

The group turned around and saw that it was Radiant Light who was the one talking to them. Little Lighting looked startled as he did a little bow.

"E-Elder Radiant Light. If you are offering such kindness, then we need not worry for Leon and Aurora. We shall excuse ourselves."

The group of warriors hastily left the tent, before they completely exited Little Lightning whispered into Leon's ear.

"Elder Radiant Light is a very respected and powerful figure, but he is a good man so he most likely has no ulterior motives and wants to spend time with Aurora. So going with him is no problem."

He then immediately left. Radiant Light waited for the group to exit before he started to examine Leon and Aurora.

"Leon and Aurora, is it?"

Radiant Light started to walk to the exit of the tent without looking behind him.

"Follow me."