The End of the Attack on the Silce Castle

The composure that previously existed on General Xenophon's face instantly evaporated as he saw Radiant Light and took a step back.

"How? How are you here?!? You should have been dead…"

Radiant Light mischievously grinned.

"Oh you mean the trap you set for me? I must say it was quite a pleasant surprise. I never expected the peculiar anomaly to be a planned ambush."

As one of the top experts from Corin, General Xenophon never faltered even in the face of Corin's greatest warrior, but right now he was trembling uncontrollably like a child who had wet the bed.

"I-Impossible! There were over 3 generals and 2 platoons full of officers at the ambush. Even They should have been able to at least capture you if not kill-"

Radiant Light rudely interrupted.

"That's where you are wrong Xenophon. You merely tried to trap a lion with a pack of dogs. Of course, that wouldn't work."

Trying to wrap his mind around his current situation, General Xenophon slowly stepped back.

"Then does that mean the ambush forces are-"

Laughing like a maniac, Radiant Light interrupted.

"Dead. They are all dead."

By now Xenophon was practically foaming at the mouth as he practically howled out.

"Monster! You are no hero, but a monster!"

The surrounding warriors wanted to interject to defend their savior, but Radiant Light spoke first.

"Sometimes what the world needs is not a hero, but a monster."

With a swift step, Radiant Light lunged so fast that he appeared to be faster than light.

Xenophon could barely throw his body to the side but still sustained an injury as Radiant Light's hand acted like a sharpened blade that took a finger straight off.

The general howled in pain but willed himself past it as he swung his rapier towards the nearest wall which instantly crumbled.

"You'll regret this! Don't think this will be the end for you!"

He started to escape out in the surrounding hallways to make an escape but before he could take more than two steps a solemn voice rang out.

"This probably won't be the end for you, but it definitely will be for you."

An intense pressure emitted out from Radiant Light that hung on everyone's shoulder like a boulder as his hand glowed like the sun and swung down onto the general.

The attack was so effective that the general didn't even scream out in anguish as his body slumped forward missing its head that had been separated.

Radiant Light stood over the body momentarily and turned back towards the royal chamber.

"So how shall we finish this?"

As he finished his sentence, a loud rumbling erupted as everyone stared in awe as something so ridiculous happened. They saw the castle crumble in the direction that Radiant Light had swung as his hand cut through the structure like a hot knife through butter.

The remaining knights all slowly dropped their weapons one by one as they lost all hope.

Snorting in a slight annoyance, Radiant Light started to stroll out of the chamber as he addressed everyone.

"Leon and Aurora, come with me. The rest of you properly restrain our new prisoners and take them to the front courtyard. Crushing Fang, go take care of your injuries and direct them if needed."

No one even said anything as they got to work, but Radiant Light didn't appear like he expected an answer as he already started to stroll away.

Leon and Aurora looked at each other and quickly jogged over to Radiant Light who slowly walked towards the front gate of the massive castle while glancing at the numerous decorations scattered throughout the massive hallways.

Radiant Light started talking without even looking at Leon.

"I suppose that grand pressure was your doing."

Leon replied.

"Ah…yes, it was my bloodline."

Almost like he had confirmed something Radiant light paused in his stride for a split second before resuming.

"I see. It seems like things won't be so simple soon."

With no clue of what Radiant Light was referring to, Leon asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

Chuckling lightly, Radiant Light didn't reveal anything.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing."

While this was happening, Aurora could see the two of them talking, but oddly couldn't hear anything. She finally couldn't take it and exclaimed.

"What are you two talking about?!"

Leon looked confused, but Radiant Light replied instead.

"Nothing to worry about little one. Leon and I had some personal things to discuss."

Aurora pouted as she whined.

"Next time let me in on the conversation!"

Like a loving grandfather, Radiant Light chuckled with a smile and patted Aurora on the head.

"Of course, of course."

After a few more minutes, the three of them had finally reached the courtyard which looked chaotic.

There were various bodies strewn all over the place as the warriors had quickly annihilated the entire force and quickly waited for the people on the inside to finish.

When the warriors all saw Radiant Light, they instantly jolted up and stood tall.

"We greet the elder!"

Radiant Light looked authoritative and waved his hands so the warriors could be at ease as he spoke.


One of the warriors took charge and started speaking.

"No casualties from our sides, but a few minor injuries. We tried to keep casualties on the guards to a minimum, but they wouldn't yield until we killed quite a few of them. The remaining are incapacitated and tied up."

With a slight nod of approval, Radiant Light spoke again.

"Good work, now open the front gate."

The warrior looked slightly confused.

"I'm sorry, but could you repeat?"

Radiant Light looked in the direction of the gate and smiled.

"Open the gate for our guests."

Before the warrior could be any more confused, one of the warriors who had been on the wall on lookout exclaimed.

"A group of people is approaching!"

The warrior seemed to understand the situation somewhat and spoke with authority.

"It is fine! Open the gates for the group!"

The warriors seemed confused but did as they were told and the gate opened. Soon a group of people appeared and leading at the front were three people on horses, with the most important looking one at the front.

The man at the front stopped his horse in front of Radiant Light and hopped down. Being closer, Leon got to see the man clearly. He had a neatly kempt Van Dyke styled beard with an authoritative and noble air around him.

The man gave a bow to Radiant Light as he greeted him.

"Elder Radiant Light."

Radiant Light nodded back.

"Grand Duke Ferdinand or should I say Archduke Ferdinand now."