Chapter 7

The feeling of her tongue sliding over his lip and her teeth biting ever so gently into his lip made his heart palpitate to life once again. His eyes were still wide as an egg when he heard her say, "More color." He traced his bottom lip with his finger and understood that Mallori had meant to bring back life to the pale him by biting him and her obvious choice of biting target were his lips. The bite surely had brought back the color that had vanished from his face along with a heat that spread through his body. The heat seemed to intensify even more as he looked at her. He was really starting to like her weird direction of common sense. In a situation where people would normally just ask if one is okay, she would rather bite you to bring life back to you.

He bit his bottom lip slightly as a devilish smile found its way on his lips and he didn't hide the yearning that was becoming apparent in his silver eyes that were darkening. Once again it felt as if Mallori was completely oblivious or did not know how to read people's eyes as she simply brightly stared into his eyes with her dark blue ones that were as deep as the sea while also being as empty as the calm sea. He had lost count of the times that he had not been able to read her the same way he does others with ease. He came to the conclusion that at this moment, it didn't matter what was going on in that pretty head of hers as he leaned into Mallori's face level and closed his eyes as he took her soft lips. She tasted sweet to his lips, but not a sweet sweetness like honey rather a sweetness alike the one that comes after biting into a green apple that was at first sour. She let him explore without any type of boundaries as she showed no sign of resistance instead she was even following his lead and leading her own tongue on a little expedition of his mouth at the same time. Time seemed to be frozen in that very second as they lost themselves in each other.

While the exploration continued, Andras wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips and placed her arms around his neck to support herself as they continued their kiss. At this Andras couldn't help the groan that escaped his lips as he felt her body pressing against his perfectly once more. This time it felt even better than that time in the Glass Tower.

He broke the kiss as he took a good look at Mallori who was slightly red as she panted for air, he couldn't help the genuine soft smile that didn't belong to a killer surface as he looked at Mallori. How could a woman you barely know anything about feel so right? He felt like this was the so-called love at first sight. Then it hit him. Had he fallen for Mallori? As the thought crossed his mind he couldn't help, but only laugh mockingly at himself internally. How could he love? He was incapable of such things.

Mallori was nothing but a possession of his that he would keep until it eventually breaks and has to be thrown away. He was bound to get sick of her like anything else in this world, it wouldn't last.

Thinking no further, his eyes darkened once more as he started going upstairs to his room with Mallori still in his embrace, clutching onto him like her life depended on it. Due to her tight grasp, he could feel her beating heart along with her soft breasts which created a burning sensation on his skin. She was pressing against his chest. He was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable and impatient. As such he started walking slightly faster the rest of the way to his bedroom.

When they reached his bedroom, Andras didn't waste any time and placed her on the bed as he placed himself on top of her. His body seemed to cage the little her leaving her no escape route. Even so, there was no trace of fear or any other feeling on her face. Her blank expression didn't dampen his spirits as he gently started kissing her neck as his hands started making their way down and reached the hem of her dress. Just when he was about to take the dress off in one move to reveal all of her to him, Mallori's eyes that were shut due to pleasure opened wide and her hands that were playing with his hair left his soft hair and instead grabbed tightly at his hand that was holding the hem of her dress, stopping him.

Andras looked up and met her blue eyes with his silver ones as his brows furrowed with each other in displeasure. Hell knows how heavenly simply kissing or touching her felt, claiming her as his would be beyond those realms for sure. Impatience was evident in his eyes as he stared at Mallori's captivating blue eyes that seemed to be slightly troubled. How his partners felt as he indulged himself had never mattered to him before, but at this instant seeing Mallori completely pinned down under him with no possible way to struggle, he felt that at the expense of how much pleasure this woman brought to him, he could at least bother himself to appease her a bit. "Anything wrong?" he asked, and Mallori after taking a quick glance in all directions nodded her head a yes. "What?" Andras asked feeling the patience and niceness in him running out. She slowly using her eyes motioned towards his hand that held onto the hem of her dress. Feeling annoyed by her obvious dislike of him going further than kissing, he couldn't help the displeasure that was showing itself in his eyes.

Just as Andras was about to just continue on, he heard her in a small yet audible voice say, "Not husband" He flinched as he heard the words out of her mouth.

What had she just said?



There really was something wrong with this woman's set of common sense. Andras smirked at seeing her dead serious face that continued to stare back at him. She really was something thought Andras as he brought his face closer to hers. Only a breath away from her face, he with a rather hoarse deep voice said, "You are mine." Mallori did not move a muscle as she simply looked straight back at him, but in a split second her usual empty eyes flashed a bit of light before turning back to its former dullness. Andras couldn't tell what, but her eyes seemed to have a different feel to them from before as she looked at him.

Seeing that she was not trying to stop him anymore, he slightly moved the hem of the dress upwards when Mallori moved in close to the side of his face and kissed him softly on the cheek. Shocked at the little kiss he had received out of the blue, he looked up to Mallori to see her eyes shut and laying stiff as a board under him. It was like she was screaming that he could do whatever he willed, however, despite having wanted such an attitude from her, when he saw her like that something in him rolled the wrong way. It felt as though someone had poured cold water on him as all his desires from before had dissipated into thin air. He sighed deeply as he rolled off her to the other side of the bed and just laid down on his side of the bed. He couldn't help but curse at himself not really understanding what was wrong with him.

Mallori feeling the weight that was on her disappearing, opened her shut eyes and saw how Andras was not where he was before. Then she felt his presence next to her and she turned to her side and looked at Andras with confused questioning eyes. Andras understood that she was asking why he had stopped, but he was obviously not going to answer her. He instead simply said, "Shouldn't you be glad?" he couldn't believe that he was talking like a little primary school kid, but it just came out before he could stop himself. She frowned, this being only the second time she had done so towards him, and sat up on the bed. She stood up on the bed and then with the greatest force that she could muster she sat down directly on his stomach.

Her weight wasn't much, but the sudden impact on his lower abdomen made him stiffen his muscles subconsciously. Now seating atop of him, Mallori with a slight frown and in the highest volume that he had heard her speak so far stated, "I'm yours." As she declared herself as his, she leaned in towards him and placed a kiss on his forehead. This time Andras was the one as stiff as a board. He was like so for a good 10 seconds before he pushed Mallori off his body rather roughly and got up from the bed. His back faced the bed and Mallori as he stood there without a single move as countless things passed through his mind. All of his senses were screaming, never had it been so loud in his head before. Then suddenly all of his train of thoughts pulled their brakes as he took a deep breath and exhaled.

What Mallori had done was out of the pure free will. She had decided to be his and despite her wanting to it or not, she was his. But, her acceptance of it had come so easily that Andras felt rather confused by it. Then she had followed it by placing a soft genuine kiss on his forehead. It wasn't one of need or lust, it was just a kiss so pure that it had seeped directly into his cold heart creating this foreign uncomfortable feeling that was close to lust but not lust at the same time. Just as he was about to come to a conclusion, he stopped his own thinking mind by slapping himself across the face hard. He was indeed a merciless man even to himself, as he had not spared any strength using all of his strength in his slap, the proof of it being the slight blood that flowed from the side of his lips along with his reddening cheek.

Having seen Andras slap himself, Mallori got up from the bed and came face to face with Andras. She slowly brought her hand close to his red cheek and just as she was about to caress it, he grabbed her hand hard. With her delicate frame, if he didn't control his strength he would have already broken her hand. Lessing the pressure of his hold of her, he pulled her closer to himself and said with a monotone voice, "You say you are mine so easily, I didn't know you were that easy." He finished it off with a slight snicker directed towards her. Mallori not understanding such terminology at least figured out from his tone that it was not a good characteristic and decided to defend herself, "Not easy" His silver eyes darkening, he pulled her even closer their nose close enough to be touching, and said, "Let's see." A plan of action planted itself inside his head as he pulled her along as they made their way out of the bedroom and into the garage.

Andras pushed Mallori into the passenger seat and then he got into the driver's seat and with record time drove to the Waltz of the Dead. As they got off the car and entered the Waltz of the Dead, Andras smirked as he internally stated, "Let's see your true side, Mallori Mallory. You dare try to play me. You picked the wrong player. Just how long will you say you are mine. Let's see."