'Did she mean that?' I thought .
I couldn't afford losing her, not again .
If staying here forever will make her feel a tiny bit better. I'll do it. I don't want to enter because maybe this'll make things worse . What if she just doesn't want me to go in there ? Maybe she just needs some space .
Ever since Tessa was born , my life has changed completely . Before we knew that Jessica was pregnant , I had completely lost hope in life . I thought that i wasn't good enough for Jessica , that I will never be . I was thinking of a divorce , only for Jessica's sake because I knew I wouldn't be the man that would make her happy, that would full fill all of her dreams . I never gave Jessica a piece of my mind about the divorce , she never knew I wasn't happy , how could she ? I never showed her anything except for that stupid , fake smile . One day , when I knew that something was wrong with Jessica - she was vomiting everyday and was always tired - I took her to a nearby doctor .
Once he announced that she was pregnant , I cried , I couldn't stop . Jessica thought it was cute , she thought they were tears of happiness , but they weren't . The only thing I could think of then was that , having a child would mean that I had to live . I couldn't just take my own life and leave my future child alone in this cruel world . I never wanted anyone to go through the same things that I went through, and specially NOT my child . I was born , without a father . I never got a chance to see him .Well at least that's what my mom used to tell me .
I wasn't ready to do the same thing to my child , because I actually hated him . It's just so selfish . He didn't have a clue what it could feel like for me to grow up without a father figure , it was tough. Really tough.That's the only reason why I'm still alive.Tessa. The first time I saw her , I knew that she would be the one to change my life and I wasn't mistaken .
Finally , I decided that I should enter . I did . She sat there on her bed with her earphones in. she wasn't crying- she never did. She didn't realize my presence . Until finally , she turned to face me , slowly took her earphones off .