Chapter 5 Breaking gravity

Ray walked from the pathway to the streets , Its 11pm and most of the people had now gone to their homes to have a good night rest.

He already have a plan inside his head. First he needs to make sure his body functions and powers make a quick comeback but he also needs to make sure that his foundations are solid.

He also intends to make a lot of money by inventing some medicine he remembered created by mana.

So first things first is to improve his strength.

After jogging for almost 10 miles , the effects of his body transformation are showing up. He didnt felt tired and his breathing is normal. Ray checked the surrounding place and after making sure that no one is around he leapt almost 30 feet into the air, he landed gracefully on one of the roof. He leapt from one roof to another hundreds of meters in a few seconds.

He jumped again and punched once!

Boom! A small boom was created from one punch!

He landed and jumped again towards one of the buildings , the local condominium in their area. Using his leg strength he was like a bullet soaring upwards and within seconds he reached the top floor.

"Looking good!" Ray said to himself as he produced a couple of punches that made thunderous booms!

Almost all of the lights on that building exploded simustainously! Window broke , glass shattered! Light bulbs exploded!

Mass panic followed from the residents of that building.

"Holy shit! What was that! " one resident woke up as the sound of thunder continously followed.

"Dear god! It's the end of the world!!" one family panicked and immedietely went to the emergency exit!

Seeing the panic he has caused, Ray scratched his hair and said to himself "Oh crap, my fault. Sorry folks.." and leapt to the air!

Ray saw the full moon , this was one of the moments he also missed. He had visited many planets but the moon on earth is the most beautiful of all!

He had a sudden inspiration, using the quality mana inside him, he manipulated the mana in the air and slowly floated.

It was not cloudy that night , Ray floated to several hundreds of feet slowly. He was now 200 ft on the air! If people were looking at the sky right now they might see a figure walking up to the sky!

"sigh my cultivation is still not far enough .." right now he uses the mana around and inside him to break the laws of gravity.

" I could only maintain this at least 10 to 15 minutes, but this will do instead of practicing down there where he might cause damage to the community." Ray sighed as he stared at the moon and the city below him.

"This will do.. " Ray rolled the mana inside him and with one deep breath sat on the air, while gathering the mana around him. To make sure no one sees him he manipulated the mana to create dark clouds to cover him.

He made sure the moon was at his back, mana created by the moon is one of the most purest. If I can filter the mana it produced I can definitely move to another mana level!

He then proceeded to practice the mana filtering method again.

The light coming from the moon purifies a certain extent of mana that he absorbed towards his body.

Mana is divided into several categories. Low,medium,high and Ultra high. The saints that arrived in his past life discovered that earth had a medium quality mana by day and raises it's quality at night to High level.

This phenomenon was known as the Blessing of the moon known to the saints. The moon is 384,000 km away from the earth that acts as a mirror from the sun.

It was a coincidence that the distance between the earth and the moon is a perfect symbiosis between the two as the moon makes mana from the sun's harmful rays and the earth receives them without restriction.

Ray plans on using the moon's blessing as a part of his progress in cultivation.

Rumbles and roars of thunder happened that night, while ray practiced and cultivate the clouds were rumbling as if to celebrate the return of the king.

Ray had now entered the mana level entry 1. His body is now as strong as the best human athelete!