466Chapter 13: Quidditch Tensions

Updated 10/15/18

Quidditch Tensions

On Monday, the notice of the first Quidditch game of the season went up in all the common rooms. The teams playing? Gryffindor and Slytherin. The day of the game? The third Saturday in November. Tension between the two houses increased dramatically, from a more-or-less respectful rivalry to outright violence in the corridors as the game drew nearer, team members or devoted supporters striving to take out the competition.

For the most part, Gryffindor only retaliated, though James and Sirius, who were chaser and beater respectively on the Gryffindor team, were more than happy to target the Slytherin team with various humiliating pranks. Of course, that only made them bigger targets. Harry couldn't count how many times one or both of them had ended up in either the hospital wing, in detention, or both after altercations in the corridors with members of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Harry, of course, did not stand idle. He tolerated the pranks James and Sirius played on the other team, and he would gladly defend himself and his friends. But he in no way supported unprovoked attacks in the corridors. If he was nearby when someone was attacked unprovoked, more often than not the perpetrators found themselves on the wrong end of his wand. And though he had no love for the Slytherins in general, he would not stand idly by if they happened to be the victims. It was something that garnered Harry an interesting reputation as the "defender of the weak." Some loved him for it, and others mocked him for it. But Harry didn't care. And it didn't stop him from intervening when it was members of his own house doing the ambushing.

Three days before the game, Harry had a period off, so he was on his way to the library to work on an Arithmancy project. Remus also had the period off, so Harry had asked him to come along and help him. They were on the third floor, passing a lesser-used corridor, when an orange light streaked in front of them, halting them in their tracks—spellfire. And it had come from the corridor they were passing. Harry and Remus hurried down the corridor—Harry to diffuse the fight, and Remus in his duty as prefect to discourage magic between classes.

To Harry's surprise and shame, the perpetrators were a trio of fifth-year Gryffindor boys, ganging up on a fourth student. Harry recognized two of the attackers as the seeker and the other beater from their Quidditch team. The third was holding the fourth student's arms behind his back, sneering.

"Oy! Knock it off," Harry growled, forcibly grabbing the Gryffindor beater's wrist as he raised his wand to fire another spell.

"Oy! Let go of me," the beater protested.

"Guess the game's over. Your captain will be ever so pleased to hear that one of his players needed two buddies to attack a lone Slytherin," the other student taunted. Harry almost gasped as he recognized Regulus's voice.

"Shut up, snake," the Gryffindor seeker retorted, furiously casting a nasty boils hex at Regulus. Regulus yanked himself free and retaliated. Harry threw up a shield between the two of them, which absorbed both spells.

"That's enough," Remus growled, beating Harry to it. "Ten points from Gryffindor, each. And ten from Slytherin," he said firmly.

"You call yourselves Gryffindors?" Harry demanded, cutting off the protests of the three Gryffindors. "Ganging up on one student, lording it over him? Holding his arms behind his back so he can't defend himself?" Harry glared at his three housemates, who now strongly reminded him of Dudley and his gang. "You're no better than the Slytherins you claim to hate."

"But he—" the one who'd been holding Regulus back protested. Harry's wand was up instantly, Silencing the boy's protest.

"I am frankly ashamed to be in the same house as you," Harry said fiercely. "You want to know what you were doing? It's not proving a point. It's not revenge. It's not even intimidation. It's bullying, plain and simple. And you know what else? I hate bullies," he growled.

"You'd defend the snake over your own house?" the seeker sneered.

"I'll defend anyone who is being bullied—no matter what color tie they're wearing," Harry said fiercely.

"Five more points from Gryffindor—yes, from my house," Remus cut in, a hard edge to his voice. "And Professor McGonagall will hear about this."

"But—" one of them protested. Harry glared at him and he shut up.

"I'm sure you have better places to be. So get there," Remus said sharply. The three boys glared, but turned and started walking away. Harry was just about to put away his wand when he heard an incantation. Spinning on his heel, a furious look on his face, Harry cast a shield, then sent three successive boil hexes at the three retreating students. Three sharp yelps told Harry he'd hit his targets.

"Ten more points from Gryffindor," Remus ground out.

Regulus had stayed put, mostly watching the show. Now he turned to Remus and Harry in shock and confusion. "You'd hex your own housemates? For this?"

"I'd hex them for less, if it was the only way to get through to them," Harry said darkly.

"So you get to hex them, but I don't? That's not fair," Regulus pointed out. Remus's mouth twitched.

"They'll just go after you again. From their own house, it might teach them a lesson," Harry replied.

"So why do I lose points but you don't?" Regulus asked. "Special treatment because the prefect is your friend?"

Harry snorted and Remus grinned. "Five points from Gryffindor, Harry, for hexing your fellow students. You really ought to have brought this to the attention of a prefect instead of taking matters into your own hands."

"You are the prefect, Moony," Harry replied, rolling his eyes. "And if I hadn't started hexing, you would have. I'll just earn them back later anyway." Harry then turned to Regulus. "Are you okay, Regulus?"

Regulus shrugged. "Fine."

"Why were they after you, anyway?"

"You mean besides the fact that I'm a Slytherin?" Regulus said incredulously. "I'm the Slytherin seeker, didn't you know?" His smug look reminded Harry very much of Sirius.

"I'll meet you in the library, Harry," Remus said. "After I tell McGonagall about what happened."

Harry nodded. "See you later, then." Remus nodded and started down the corridor. Harry then turned back to Regulus. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Fine," Regulus insisted, a bit too emphatically. Then Harry noticed the rip in his sleeve.

"Is that—they used a severing charm on you?"

"This is nothing," Regulus insisted again.

"It's not okay," Harry said furiously. "Maybe it's not major, but they actually hurt you!"

"I've had worse," Regulus insisted.

Harry bit back a retort. "Either way, I bet it still hurts. I can heal it for you. Then no one will know a group of Gryffindors actually got the jump on you."

Regulus stared back stubbornly, and Harry was again strongly reminded of Sirius. But finally, he exhaled forcefully in resignation.

"Fine. Fix it, if it makes you feel better."

"I'm hoping it will make you feel better," Harry replied with some stubbornness of his own. He took Regulus's offered arm and rolled up the sleeve until he could clearly see the cut. It was clean, and truly wasn't major. But it was deeper than it ought to be, and blood had already stained Regulus's arm and sleeve. Gritting his teeth with repressed anger, Harry pointed his wand at the cut and murmured the incantation to stop the bleeding and seal the skin back together. Then he siphoned the blood out of the cloth and repaired his sleeve. When he was done, it looked like nothing had happened at all.

"There. Good as new."

"Thanks," Regulus said grudgingly, shaking out his sleeve. Harry eyed him for a moment.

"Does this happen often?" he asked in a subdued voice.

Regulus scoffed. "Only every other day, it seems. If any Gryffindor above fourth year—save a select few—finds me alone in the hall, they curse first and talk second. I have a rather bad reputation, especially in my year. Or they think they're doing Sirius a favor," Regulus muttered.

"Then why do you walk alone?"

Regulus opened his mouth, then shut it again and looked away, his jaw set in stubborn lines. "We don't see things eye to eye, my housemates and I."

Harry had enough experience with evading the truth—mostly personal experience—to know what Regulus wasn't saying: that he didn't have many, if any, friends among his yearmates. And though he'd never admit it, it did take its toll on him.

Smiling, Harry put his hand on Regulus's shoulder. The younger boy turned in surprise, his expression unreadable. "If you ever want a break from your housemates, or a neutral party to talk to, come find me."

Regulus stared for a moment, then he nodded shortly. He picked up his bag and started to walk away.

"Take care, Reg," Harry said.

Something flashed across his face before instantly being replaced by faint annoyance. "Later, Harrison. And don't call me Reg," he said with a frown. Then he turned and started purposefully down the corridor.

Harry smiled faintly, wondering if Regulus knew just how like his—supposedly—hated older brother he was. Then he remembered Remus in the library and hurried off to join him.

By the time Harry reached the library, there were only about thirty minutes left of his break before he had to go to Herbology. But with Remus's help, Harry was able to get through most of the preliminary work and had a sufficient understanding of what to do going forward. When the bell rang, Remus left for History of Magic and Harry hurried out to the greenhouses, bracing himself against the brisk air.

Harry shared Herbology with Sirius and Peter. They met in the Entrance Hall, then hurried through the spitting rain that had turned the grounds into a mire.

"I wish they would cancel Herbology on days like this," Sirius grumbled as they trudged through the mud.

"But that wouldn't be any fun," Peter said with a grin. "I mean, when else are we allowed to cover ourselves in dirt and mud and not get in trouble?"

"True," Sirius agreed.

When they arrived in the greenhouse, it was to find a potted Venomous Tentacula at each station. They were to be in groups of three and they were harvesting the thorns and leaves. The trick was to tickle the plant, or else it would attack with its thorny branches and leave sore, stinging, itchy scratches all over one's hands and arms. Peter and Harry had a grand time winding Sirius up and tricking him into doing the dangerous steps. They all got a few scratches, but they couldn't help but laugh when Sirius put his head too close to the Venomous Tentacula and wound up with scratches down one cheek that looked like a cat had attacked his face.

When class was over, they were all covered in dirt, dead leaves, and minor scratches, but Sirius had the worst of it. They both refused to cast a scourgify on him. But Peter happily offered an agaumenti to wash off the dirt. Sirius, predictably, refused.

"Prats," Sirius grumbled as they reached the Entrance Hall. Peter and Harry laughed. Then Peter spotted Mr. Filch. He elbowed Harry and pointed to the caretaker. They exchanged a look, then, grinning, they hurried away and hid around a corner at the top of the staircase down to the dungeons. Just as they reached it, the cantankerous man reached Sirius, so they paused to listen.

"How dare you track dirt into my castle! You kids have no idea how difficult it is to clean up after you! Befouling the castle, you are! And a detention for it you won't soon forget! Away with you, and if I see you tracking mud on these floors again, I'll string you up by your toes! Get!"

Sirius got, fleeing toward the dungeon staircase where Peter and Harry were waiting. The moment the caretaker had disappeared, Peter and Harry burst into laughter at Sirius's terrified and betrayed expression.

"Why? I thought we were friends!" he lamented. Harry snorted and his laughter redoubled.

"We are friends. That's why," Peter replied, still laughing. Sirius glared and pouted at the same time—which only made him look like he'd sucked on a lemon. Naturally, that only made them laugh harder.

Finally, still half-laughing, Harry had mercy on Sirius and cast scourgify to help get rid of the worst of the dirt. And if Peter "accidentally" cast a full-powered aguamenti to get rid of the rest, well, Harry wasn't going to blame him. But the result was a wet, slightly muddy, and thoroughly disgruntled Sirius trudging into the Potions classroom looking like a kicked puppy who'd been left out in the rain.

James and Remus both laughed, which nearly set off Harry and Peter again. Then James tried to be sympathetic.

"What happened to you?" he asked, half-laughing still.

"Harrison and Peter happened," Sirius grumbled, casting the pair of them a halfhearted glare. Harry shrugged.

"You needed to get cleaned up and there wasn't time for a real shower. So Peter helped you out."

"I didn't want help," Sirius retorted petulantly.

"But you needed it," Remus said sympathetically, barely concealing a smirk. Harry didn't bother as he took his seat beside Severus as always.

"What did you do to Black?" he asked.

Harry shrugged. "Herbology. He got muddy, so we helped him clean up."

"And he didn't bother with a drying charm?"

"He tried. Peter accidentally saturated his robes, though, so he'll be damp for a while."

Severus scoffed. "Serves him right for letting you get one over on him."

Harry gave Severus a faintly warning look, but before he could say anything, Professor Slughorn entered the classroom and began his lecture.

A little while later, after conversation picked up into a low murmur while the students brewed the assigned potion, Severus spoke up without prompting.

"Regulus mentioned you helped him out of a tight spot earlier."

Harry shrugged. "It was nothing."

"But you hexed your own house!" Severus insisted.


Severus stared at Harry in disbelief. Then he turned back to his potion. "You're a strange one, Harrison," he muttered.

Harry smiled faintly. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Severus didn't reply, and they brewed in silence for a while. It was an individual potion, and so they both focused on doing their best. In the last few months, Harry and Severus had become something like friendly rivals in Potions class, each one trying to outdo the other. Sometimes Harry came out on top, and sometimes Severus did. At the end, they shared tips. Always veiled in sarcastic insults, at least from Severus, but Harry was pleased with their current relationship.

Finally, the day of the game arrived. Tensions and excitement were high, and the Great Hall was filled with chatter about the game in just a few short hours. It was a perfect day for Quidditch as well—the air was cold but there was little wind. The sky was overcast, but there was little chance for rain. Harry tasted a bit of the excitement as well. He hadn't played Quidditch in more than two years, thanks to the Triwizard tournament in fourth year and Umbridge's ban in fifth year. He was itching to be able to join them in the air.

Tonks, noticing, nudged him playfully.

"Jealous, are we?"

Harry shrugged sheepishly.

"You play?" Peter asked suddenly. Sirius and James were suddenly paying attention as Harry replied.

"I haven't for a while, but I love to fly."

"What position do you play?" James asked.

"Seeker," Harry replied with a somewhat wistful smile.

"Were you any good?" Remus asked.

Harry shrugged modestly, but Tonks grinned. "Any good? He's the best flyer I've ever seen, and he's never lost a game—a fair game, that is," she corrected herself when Harry opened his mouth to protest.

The Marauders all looked impressed, but James and Sirius especially.

"We'll have to have a pickup game someday and see if Joselyn is telling the truth," James said with a grin.

A few moments later, it was time for the teams to head out to the pitch. James and Sirius exchanged a grin and shot red and gold sparks into the air that formed into the words: Gryffindor for the win! Most of the Great Hall cheered, and the Gryffindor team left amidst much enthusiastic clapping. The Slytherin team was booed out of the Great Hall, with the exception of their fellow Slytherins, who tried to drown it out with their own cheering.

Once he, Peter, and Tonks found their spots in the stands (Remus was commentating, much to Harry's surprise), Harry watched for the team. The Gryffindor team consisted of Sirius and James (beater and chaser respectively), the seeker and beater from the incident with Regulus, Frank Longbottom as captain and chaser (and wasn't that a surprise when Harry found out), a tall, burly seventh year that strongly resembled Oliver Wood as keeper, and Tonks's roommate Marlene McKinnon as the last chaser. About half of the Slytherin team Harry recognized as bearing faint resemblance to their children from Harry's own time, like two of the chasers who sort of resembled two of the Slytherin girls in Harry's year. One of the beaters was the spitting image of Goyle, if a slightly more intelligent version. At the very least, it looked like he actually knew how to swing the bat.

Suddenly Remus's magnified voice echoed through the stadium amidst deafening cheers.

"And we welcome Gryffindor team to the field! Led by captain and chaser Frank Longbottom, we have chasers Thomas Wood, James Potter, and Marlene McKinnon, beaters Sirius Black and Danny Coots, and Cameron Perkins as seeker! Perkins and Coots both new this year; let's see how they do!"

Three-quarters of the stands erupted in cheers. The section clad in green and silver booed.

"Next we welcome Slytherin onto the field. Led by captain and beater Forrest Montague, we have as keeper Marcus Avery, chasers Daniel Greengrass, Jase Parkinson, and Martin Davis, beater Montgomery Goyle, and seeker Regulus Black! All familiar faces from last year. Let's have a fair game!"

The entire student body burst into cheers, and the game was on.

"And Gryffindor begins in possession of the quaffle. A brilliant catch by James. Narrowly avoids a bludger from Goyle; too bad, Evans. Looks like his ego's still intact!" The crowd laughed.

"Remus!" Lily exclaimed from behind Harry. He hadn't realized she and her other roommates had joined them. "Ooh, I'll get him for that," she muttered, but Harry could hear a smile in her voice.

"Frank with the quaffle now, coming up on Avery. Who appears to be yelling at his chasers. Not his job. And Frank passes him. If Slytherin doesn't get their head in the game, us lions will beat them again. Not that I'm complaining," Remus commented. Harry could hear the smirk in his voice. He could scarcely believe it was Remus there, may not have believed it if he couldn't make out his thin frame in the teacher's box beside Professor McGonagall.

The whole stadium held its breath as Frank took his shot, a red-faced Avery shooting behind him, trying to catch up. The stands exploded into cheers as the quaffle soared through the left hoop.

The pace increased after that. Frustrated that Gryffindor had made the first goal, they flew harder and played rougher. They also monopolized the bludgers, which hurtled around the field, passed expertly between Goyle and Montague—reluctant though Harry was to admit it. More than one pass or goal was thwarted by bludger interference.

"And it looks like the snitch has been spotted!" Remus's amplified voice echoed through the stadium. Harry immediately turned his gaze toward the two seekers. Regulus had gone into a sudden dive, with Perkins marking him closely. Harry scanned the area in front of the two seekers, but saw nothing.

"He's feinting," Harry murmured.

"How can you tell?" Lily demanded.

"There's nothing in front of him. Regulus—"

"Woah, a bludger at his own brother? Sirius sure isn't messing around today," Remus commented above the noise, cutting Harry off. And sure enough, Regulus had pulled up sharply, barely avoiding the bludger Sirius had aimed his way. Instead it hit the end of Perkins's broom and sent him spinning off-course. Sirius glared at his brother and Regulus glared right back before returning to his search.

"Perkins recovers," Remus continued, "and they're back to circling the field. Maybe Perkins will be a bit more careful about marking Black so closely now. Greengrass in possession now. Ouch; that must have hurt—Potter collides with Perkins to stop the pass. Really, James? Penalty to Slytherin now, and Davis takes it. Come on, Frank! Yes, he blocks it. Too bad, Slytherin. You'll have to do better than that! Score stands 50-nil in favor of the lions!" The Gryffindors cheered.

"Quaffle back in play, Potter in possession. Pass to McKinnon, pass to Wood, back to Mck—nope, Greengrass intercepts and takes it back up the field. Bastard," Remus muttered, but it was amplified throughout the entire stadium.

"Mr. Lupin!"

"Right. Sorry, Professor. But not sorry to Greengrass, who passes to Davis, back to Greengrass, now to Parkinson…"

Harry listened incredulously as Remus went from cursing to apologizing and right back into the commentary, all without batting an eye. Tonks sighed and Harry glanced over to see the roots of her hair turning pink again. Harry grinned and elbowed her.

"Your hair is turning color again," he murmured, the amused grin still on his face.

"Prat," Tonks muttered, her cheeks coloring. Her expression, however, promised retribution.

"Slytherin in possession, heading up the field," Remus's commentary continued. "Tight formation there, the Gryffindors are having trouble getting in. Are you sure that's allowed, Professor?"

"It's perfectly legal," McGonagall answered, her voice tight.

"Shame. Oh! Potter dive-bombs right into the center of the Slytherin formation. An impressive dive, and the snakes scatter. Looks like Parkinson took a hit. Serves him right."

"Mr. Lupin, don't make me tell you again or it will be detention," McGongall said firmly.

"Right. Hey, where are the bludgers?"

Everyone turned to look, to find the four beaters locked in a fierce competition for control of the bludgers near the Gryffindor goal posts. Frank was yelling at his beaters to get things under control and wasn't watching the hoops.

"Come on, Sirius, Coots, get out of there!"

Suddenly Parkinson, with the quaffle, made a shot into the Gryffindor goals. Frank dived to save it and just barely missed. The quaffle soared past his fingertips and through the leftmost goal. A huge groan went up from the Gryffindor supporters.

"Slytherin scores, taking advantage of our keeper's distraction. 50-10 to Gryffindor. And finally Gryffindor takes possession of the bludgers. Gryffindor with the quaffle, McKinnon in possession."

The game's pace sped up even further, and it got dirty as minutes crept into hours. The beaters were in active competition for the bludgers, and more than one player on either team got hit. Sirius, frustrated, started pulling stunts that were just barely legal. Like aiming his bat at broomsticks instead of bludgers. Slytherin wasn't any better. Their beaters, when not in possession of a bludger, would target a Gryffindor player with the goal of unseating them from their brooms.

"It's getting hot out there," Remus commented, his amplified voice carrying across the pitch. "This is a beater battle if ever I saw one. Oy! That was deliberate!" Goyle, currently without a bludger, collided with James and sent him spinning off-course. James barely kept his seat. "That cheating scum!" Remus began fiercely, then he continued with a stream of curse words Harry hadn't even realized Remus knew.

"Detention, Mr. Lupin! I never!" McGonagall interrupted him.

"Fine," Remus finished petulantly. "Goyle almost kills my best friend, which could happen to anyone I suppose, and another penalty to Gryffindor. Wood takes it. He shoots and—" The stands groaned. "Avery saves it. 130-50 Gryffindor. The quaffle restarts, Slytherin in possession. Greengrass to Davis, Davis to Park—and the snitch has been spotted! It looks real this time, finally. I think we were all getting sick of Black's feints."

Throughout the game, Regulus had periodically gone into either a dive or put on a sudden surge of speed, tricking Perkins—who was still marking him instead of looking himself—into thinking he'd seen the snitch. Sure enough, both seekers had suddenly gone into a steep dive once again. Harry quickly scanned the area in front of them. Something gold caught the faint sunlight. Harry's eyes were glued to the chase, though the chasers and beaters were still going.

"Watch out, Perkins! That's a bludger!" Remus exclaimed. The Gryffindor seeker verged sharply to the left to avoid the bludger that came hurtling right through the space he had been just seconds before. Montague, who had hit the bludger, sneered in response. "Black still in the chase. Come on, Perkins! Get back in there!"

Perkins shot up from below, trying to catch up. Regulus sharply veered right to stay on the snitch's tail. Harry wasn't sure who he wanted to catch the snitch most. On the one hand, he didn't like Perkins all that much, and he wanted Regulus to win. But at the same time, he was also rooting for Gryffindor.

"And Potter puts the quaffle once more through the Slytherin hoops while Avery's distracted by the seeker chase! 150-50 to Gryffindor. Davis takes the quaffle, pass to Greengrass, to Parkinson, back to Greengrass—and McKinnon intercepts! She came out of nowhere! Great job, Marlene! Gryffindor in possession, shooting down the field. McKinnon to Wood, over Davis's head, Wood to Potter, back to McKinnon. Failed intercept by Davis. Too bad, Slytherin! McKinnon shoots—she scores! 160-50 to Gryffindor! And Sirius sends a bludger at Regulus. And he's hit! The Slytherin seeker spirals away. He's lost the snitch."

A huge groan resounded from the Slytherin stands.

"And Gryffindor scores again! 170-50! Wow, Slytherin really isn't on their game today. They usually put up a bigger fight," Remus commented.

"He's right," Peter said, his voice dragging Harry's attention away from the game. "Usually we're neck-in-neck and the game goes to whoever gets the snitch first."

"They've been playing dirty, though," Alice put in. "Half our points are penalties. And Avery is too easily distracted at crucial moments."

"Makes you wonder why he's even on the team," Tonks said.

"That's good for us, though," Peter continued.

"Maybe. But it's boring, watching a one-sided game like this," Tonks replied.

"Slytherin back in possession!" Remus's commentary continued. "Davis and Parkinson passing between them while Greengrass runs interference. Not the best strategy, I have to say. And here comes Wood and McKinnon. Wood grabs for the quaffle, Davis blocks him. McKinnon swoops in and snatches it right out of the air! Great play by the Gryffindor chasers. McKinnon to Potter, who shoots—score! 190-50 to Gryffindor. Hah! Take that, snakes!"

After that, Slytherin took the quaffle again. Harry watched anxiously as Wood carried an intercepted pass up the field. Montague lined up a shot with the bludger, and Goyle was closing in fast. Sirius put himself nearby just in case.

"Wood lines up his shot, and—Goyle collides with Wood just as he shoots! That son of a—the quaffle's going—and it's in! Take that, you bastard!

"Mr. Lupin!"

"Penalty to Gryffindor!" Remus continued, totally ignoring Professor McGonagall. "Potter takes the penalty shot. And he scores! 210-50 to Gryffindor. And Black has spotted the snitch once again! It's a close call, Perkins closing in—and a bludger from Goyle knocks him away! Dirty, cheating—" Remus started cursing again, and Harry's jaw dropped. He'd never pegged Remus for a quidditch enthusiast, but he'd never heard Remus curse so much.

"Such a foul mouth," Tonks said in awe.

Harry elbowed her in the ribs. "Attracted to the bad boy disguised as the quiet, studious one?" he asked with a grin. Tonks elbowed him back and refused to answer.

"Black closing in on the snitch. Come on, Perkins! Coots lines up a bludger—just barely misses Black. And Black has caught the snitch!" Remus announced, just as Regulus pulled out of a spectacular dive, the bludger flying harmlessly past him. Regulus raised his hand high, the glint of the snitch barely visible between his fingers. He was clearly beaming.

"And the score stands 210-200 to Gryffindor. I don't believe I've ever seen anything like it!" The stands were silent, as if no one could believe what had just happened. "Gryffindor winds by a mere ten points, but Slytherin takes the snitch!"

The stands suddenly erupted. The Gryffindor fans were cheering and screaming in triumph, while all the Slytherin fans were cursing up a storm and trying to call the Gryffindors for cheating.

"And that's game, folks! Come again next time!" Remus finished. Then he ended the sonorous charm—to endure a harsh lecture from McGonagall. Even from where he sat in the stands, Harry could see Remus's cheeks tinged pink in embarrassment.

"What a game," Peter said faintly.

"Yeah, who'd have thought?" Tonks shrugged, but she shared a smile with Harry, glad that Regulus had caught the snitch, even if it hadn't won his team the game.

Suddenly, James and Sirius appeared, hovering above them on their brooms.

"Come on! Join the team on the field!" James exclaimed, his cheeks flushed with excitement. Most of the Gryffindor fans were already flooding the field to congratulate their team. "Evans?" James asked, turning to Lily. "Care to join me?" He extended a hand down to her.

Lily eyed his hand like it was something disgusting she'd found on the bottom of her shoe. "Get lost, Potter. Just because you won, doesn't mean I'll worship you like everyone else," she retorted. "Come on, girls. Let's go congratulate Marlene." Lily turned with a huff and started heading toward the field. Alice and Mary followed, though they both offered James and Sirius a word of congratulations.

"Tough luck, Prongs," Sirius said, slapping James on the back. "Joselyn?" Sirius began, extending his hand down to Tonks with a flourish. "Would you do me the honor—"

"Hell no," Tonks interrupted without ire. Then she started after the other girls.

"There's someone else she'd rather ride a broomstick with," Harry teased as Tonks turned. She spun around again and glared at him.

"Shut up, Harrison," she snapped, her cheeks flushing. Then she stormed off. Sirius and James burst into laughter. Harry flushed a little.

"I didn't mean it like that," he protested weakly.

"Tough luck, Harrison," Sirius said, still laughing.

"Are you guys coming or not?" James demanded. Peter grinned and hopped to his feet. Harry followed, and they hurried down the stands onto the field. James and Sirius flew above them, finally landing in the midst of their admiring fans.

"Party in the common room!" Frank shouted above the hubbub. "We're still the victors!"

A cheer went up and everyone wearing Gryffindor robes began a mass exodus off the field toward their tower. James was lifted onto the crowd's shoulders, supported mostly by Sirius, while the rest of the players surrounded him and Frank led the pack. Remus and Peter disappeared in the Entrance Hall, and reappeared twenty minutes later in the common room with their arms laden with treats from the kitchens. The party lasted long into the night.