


There were a few mornings when I woke up before Denver. Two times,he had a cold,and one time,he had a really bad hangover then there's this time he was sore from a good beating from his aunt and sought refuge in my room. Good thing my dad wasn't home.

The morning after he was drunk last night,counts as the fifth time. He was snoring softly,eyebrows knotted in a tight scowl. Even in deep slumber he looked tired. Was he working too much ? I let him sleep and decided to call Bexley informing her that I would be filling in for Denver.

Before leaving ,I made him brunch and stuck a note on the fridge "Thought I'd let you sleep in,there's food in the fridge. Good day. I love you,"

The last thing I got was his laptop then I was off, eager to make it to the office before 8:30am.