


The heavenly smell of  my mum's cooking woke me up. I wafted my nose up in the air so I could pick up whatever was cooking: I smelled, chicken, Mac n Cheese, jambalaya. It was just a mix of aroma to remind me I was home. The other smell I picked up was tobacco.

Who was smoking?

When I looked to my right, I saw Denver seated on the window seal, one leg dangling over the window seat,the other brought up to his chest. He was smoking casually, blowing out strings of smoke into the night sky. I think he'd woken up in between our nap and changed into sweats and a grey turtle neck sweater.

Points for his bed hair.

"Babe..." I tried not to sound worried but failed. I was worried, Denver's been broody ever since we got here at first I thought it was jet lag but here he is filling his lungs up with tobacco. Like me he smokes when he's stressed out.

"Hey,you're awake," He forced a smile then pressed the cigarette on the window sill and put it out.

"What's wrong?"