


I thought Einstein was smart...I really did until Denver. Thing is Denver's not just good -looking. He's beauty and brains. He shoved some crazy math equation that even surprised Mr. Fueguci. Which makes me realize,he can help me with my math problem.

After hours of learning, the bell finally rung for Lunch break. Finally !  A real break. 

"For your assignment, answer questions on page eight and nine. They are ten questions each. Answer them correctly," Mr. Fugeci stated despite loud grumbles from pupils.

"Can't we go a day without  assignments?" Someone in the back asked.

"Damn! I hate this," Came another.

"This assignment will cover up twenty percent of the main exam,so do it wisely, have a good afternoon."

After saying that, Mr. Fugeci picked his briefcase from the table and walked out of the classroom followed by a bunch of other students still complaining about the assignment.