For the first time, after that death of my step mother, I slept well without worry, the sun began to peak its face up over the horizon as I retraced my steps to the school building. The sky was filled with a brilliant beautiful orange scene, completely oblivious to the plight of those below it. For the first time in a long while my eyes began to appreciate the privileges to see this beautiful scenery.

With the position of the sun and the angle of the school building, the skylight is perfect as I glance towards the window; I am able to see a reflection of me, fair skin, brown eyes and brown hair, my hair is just right length though there are strands that seem to be intent on rebelling. I wished I was born with blonde hair colors like mum. Not of my father. Anyway, today will be his last day on earth and well because of my mother's love for him; I will give him a quick painless death. Lost in the train of thought when the door slide opens. And she walks in with the class teacher. A new student,

she catches my eyes stealing a glimpse of her, our eyes met. We stare at each other lost in moments before regaining our conscious mind.


She is a beauty, beautiful dark eyes, black wavy hair neatly swept back behind her head, thick lips, slender body with my type of breast cup though she can still work on that department, I can appreciate good things but that's all to it. I have no time for love. So i tilt my face looking toward the window. The teacher told her to sit beside me.

"Hi", I am Bella Anderson, call me Bells for short. She spoke with a nice voice. Mildly smiling at me.

I ignored her. Love is like web. When you asked or being asked a question about someone's life and relationships, it like shooting a web and more webs you shoot or she shoot. The more the web tangles strong creating a bond and then it becomes hard to cut off.

"Hey, class Scum? A familiar voice from behind cuts of my thoughts, Kelvin the class bully. When he calls me like that, it only means he wants me to go on an errand for him or fix is assignment, I am brilliant, smart when it come to my academics, and what's more painful is that I have to use my money to run his errands. Students are usually afraid of him because of his big muscled size, bulging and multiple veins were visible along his arm. He certainly looks scary but i think he had taken a couple of step past the point in which it was attractive and now it was bordering on freakish distorting his brown school uniform.

Sited behind me , He kept tossing squeezed paper at me. his two legs atop my chair were i sat, he continued to chuckled as he derive great satisfaction mocking and embarrassing me in front of the class..


"No please Marta his time will come, even though i now understand how your power works, i don't want to involve students drawing needless attention to me'.


" OK,Marta,whats, the plan?


Marta took over my body, i was half in control, Marta half in control , Marta began to catch every piece of squeezed paper throw at me with her hands without looking back. my ears could pick sounds of the paper throw into the air.kelvin became very upset.

"Hey, scum, you sited with a pretty chick, now you want to prove how manly you are,scum but good news is scum, a fearful scum is a scum foooorever . lover boy"kelvin mocked at me

hahahahahahaha, my classmate began to laugh with their eyes gazed at me. i caught a squeezed paper aim at the back of my head, i squeezed it in annoyance. the new student Bella gazed at me with pitiful eyes.

I ignored him still, fondly with my rebellious hair.

"Hey, scum, are you deaf? I just called you, I am talking to you scum!" his voice draws the attention of the class.

I take one look at him and hold back a snort, he doesn't like that, not one bit, his cheek flush red and he grows angry at my deliberate rebellion. He attempts to force me up, the class surprised at my new attitude drifted in silent conversation. As soon as his dark palm makes contact with my bare shoulder cap.

I grab his wrist with swift motion, I bend his arm by force and shove his elbow behind his back, I brandish his face against the table.

"I have had enough of your scum attitude and I am not a scum, I have a name and it's eji stupid scum"

The class is shocked by my action, Kelvin more than any of them, he splutters in surprise.

He shouted as he tries to overpower me. My eyes gleam red as Marta in full control of my body, I take steps backwards, and he swiftly throws few punches at me arcing for my face. I take steps backward swiftly.

"Bastard scum! Kelvin shouted furiously as he reach for a short dagger in his pant hurling his weapon madly forward as he lets his anger consumes him. His face contorting from anger as he ran at me, attempting to shove his sharp steel into my belly. .

Eji ! "Watch out!, the class rep shouted urgently, worried that I might be caught off guard. From the looks of it, the class scum has no way of defending himself, everyone expected me to crawl in the defensive position as always.

His hand was near my belly despite all my mighty airs I shown a few moments ago. Everyone in class squeezed their eyes closed to avoid the horrible sight about to occur.

The knife must have dug deep, was the drifted whisper around class tinted with nervousness however for the most prominent sound was a horrific crack-a bone breaking.

"My ARM! " A sickening scream pierced the air. But that voice was not me. To their surprise, that emotion did not fade as they saw Kelvin on the floor. Clutching to his useless arm that was badly twisted. Merely looking at it was enough to induce a vomit. His knife lay on the floor meters away but he was seemly unconcerned with it as he continued to scream, looking up at me with fear and pain contorting his pathetic face.

How? He asked bitterly through his clenched teeth. His whole faces shaking as he struggled to deal with the extreme pain that wracked his body. It was a complicated facial emotion that he attempted to express, in that state; the class found themselves fearing me even more. The shape of my body and the inhumanity in my eyes. It was like I was a different creature all of together, some alien creature, fallen from another planet only here to feed off on mankind pain and misery given off a devilish smile.

During break period ,his delinquents raced the stairs toward me. I lead them upstairs and in moments later, Marta had hospitalized all the delinquent in to coma state with surplus characteristics of bone breaking and twisting. Teachers closed a blind eye to the matter and the fame name the devil 'son emerged as my eyes gleamed crimson Like the devil. By the end of the day. Bella tried to be friends with me but I just snorted at her. She is trouble.


As usual I came home; I glanced at my father in his private room wallowing over his beloved,

"You are back, welcome home son. How was school today, I guess is just me and you now body"

As usual he pours himself a cup of whisky, brings the glass to his lips, and drank heavily as though he was parched. He pours himself another bringing it to its lip when I spoke.

"No, it's just me and not you and I." The severity of my expression immediately offset that more laid back expression in his face.

"What do you mean? He questioned tugging the cup atop table. His back against where I was standing. I drop my bag and I brought out my sketchbook and then I sat beside him on the table.

"When my mom died" you never felt pity or wallow in your drink. I began to sketch him on my sketchbook with a blank expression on my face while he was looking at my sketchbook.

"Why did you kill my mum?

What do you mean I killed your mum? Who told you that? He questioned with surprise look from his face. At that time, I sketched a pose of him holding on to his pistol and him writing a suicide note.

"My mother did, in her memento, you stole her wealth, cheated on her and then you killed her using your best friend as a catalyst for murder, I glared my eyes to his face and this why I killed your wife the mistress"

He noticed I sketched him holding his gun , And I looked up at face with crimson gleamed in my eyes.

"And this is the reason father, you must die, I will kill you and your friends and everyone associated with it.

His cheek flush red as he grows angry hearing that statement," you not my son, who are you? he reach for his gun aiming it at me. His eyes wide open, my crimson eyes glaring at him from the dark behind me a dark mighty monstrous shadow like a monster over shadows the room. He screams as he shoots at the ceiling, Marta's clawed hand reach for his neck, possessing him.

Lights began to fade from his eyes. He picks a pen and began to write a suicide note, he reaches into his Smartphone and called the cops telling them about his plan to kill himself.

He placed it on loud speaker he picks up his pistol gun, placed it under his soft flesh of chin and shot his self through the brain.

I took my bag and walked out of the house with a devilish smile.( devil )