The urban ghost stretch her black arms, her long black finger reach across the neck of the duo, she held tight squeezing the duo's neck strangling them, they both tried to grasps for air, suddenly she disappeared.

The duo started coughing, while they tried to get out of the pool, just then, they were both drag into the pool water drowning, christabel was part of the swimming club, so she had learnt to hold her breath for a period of time longer than miyu. Miyu struggling to grasps for air but she had reached her limits, flashes of her past plays before her eyes.

Her parents married late due to their life style. Her mother had loved a man and got pregnant severally, but she aborted them due to the man was not ready for marriage. She had wasted a lot of years with a man hoping in time, she would receive his ring but he failed her, years later, she finally happily married yukina's dad, but could not have a child, close to her menopause age and she gave birth to her and she was the only child. she has being overly restricted by mother due to fear of losing her only daughter, fear of this and that, until she protested and started school, to make parents happy, she restricted herself from many things including friends and now this how it ends. Mother am sorry because I have caused you more pain.

miyu gave up the ghost as her lifeless body floats on top pool water. She couldn't last up to a minute. Christabel legs were drag further down the pool water by the sailor ghost. She was about to give up, she looks above the pool water, staring at the ceiling one last time and began to remember her memories,

After the death of my mother, I had lived as young girl in foster home, they were nice not until my new father started touching me weirdly and started making advancement at me. I ran from home and suffered on those bridges sleeping under harsh conditions, come rain and come sunshine. Starved, robbed and fortune finally smile on me, I found my twin Bella and this same ghost took her me. now am going to die without even fulfilling anything or even avenging my sister nor thanking those people who made my life bright, those people who makes my heart fickle, I have one regret, I never told Eji that I liked him, she closed her eyes ,ready to for what comes, she had given all hope and then


The pool water trembled, and she opened her eyes, her eyes wide open, a lip on her mouth, a kiss of breath entered into her mouth, this height, this skin, this scent, this hand

Eji, squeezed his eyes open, he was staring at the ceiling, he was on top of a bed with wind blowing from the window, he looks around and recognized his surroundings, and he was at the school infirmary.

"What the hell happened to me?

He did not have time to think what happen as he recalls his dreams of the urban ghost grabbing unto Christabel and miyu's neck, then the duo dragged into the swimming pool water, he jumps out of the bed and began to run down from the fourth floor to the opposite building, he recalled that Christabel was in danger, his heart raised with extreme fear, a fear of losing the only one he should protect. "no, I can't let this happen, Adrenaline rush into his body as he jumps down from one stair case to another stair case with serious gleam in his eyes, dodging student in the hall way who cursed at him, the only thing that occupied his thought was for him to get there in time however time itself became very fast as he looked into his watch, he calculate how many minutes one can hold his or her breath while drowning, His heart thuds with fear, in minutes he reach 2nd floor. He stops mid-way with student watching the frenzy. In seconds, he analyzed that the time he would reach the school entrance and run to the opposite sport building will take longer and Christabel would have died. "no, these can't be happening" he said to his self, I lost my mother, Bella, she entrusted me with Christabel to protect her, I promised to protect her, losing her is like losing Bella twice, finally ,I found a reason to me to happy again, to be at peace with myself, I am not good , I know that however the god of death shouldn't fuck with me. Am not that little scum anymore ,a bright gleam show in his eyes and , Without a second thought, he took the shortest route by running with frighten intense speed across the 2nd floor hallway ,burst through the window,


The school window glass shatters drawing attention of the students from the ground floor.

They wondered who is this man as jump into the air, he aim himself with his foot close against each other shattering through the sport building window at the last floor of the building,


Shattering sounds could be heard as the rectangular sport building windows burst through with eji trying to balance his stand, running with several injuries inflicted to his body. He opened the swimming pool door. He panicked as he Sees miyu body float in the poor, he jumps into the pool.


The pool water rumbling with a disturbing vibration, her eyes her closed

Please NO, he cried, a kiss of breath.

Cough! Christabel coughs out water from her mouth as Eji rubs her back,

"Are you alright?, Eji questioned with tears in his eyes


" yes, you saved me", she stared into Eji's face with a feeling of happiness, she noticed a lot of scars in eji's face from the shard, she stare at Eji's and touch her lips remembering the kiss, Eji notice and figure what went through her mind suddenly blush and stay in an awkward position,

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you like that, I just wanted to give you air in your mouth, I almost went insane thinking that I lost you due to the ghost".

! Ghost! How did you know it was a ghost Christabel cuts in

"Haaaa it's kind of hard to explain, the thing Is I was hit by a baseball bat and I fainted, I had a dream and I saw the whole incident before it happens and when the ghost targeted you, I went insane, when i woke up and found myself in the infirmary, without wasting time, I ran to the swimming pool and found you, although i did break some school property.

You saw all that in a dream, Christabel in disbelief didn't have time to finish her sentence when the urban ghost stood at the far end of the swimming pool.

The urban ghost howled at Eji in anger to an extent the swimming pool windows began to shatter as the howling resounded throughout the hall. the sound was so loud that the duo covers their ears in great pain, she lunched and dash herself in speed above the pool, the water pave a wave right side and left side for the bloodshot ghost, the surrounding windows violently shatters, student close by closed their ears in pain as more intense continuous howling resounded from the hall as she flew towards the duo. in an instant, her hands held Eji's neck, as she screamed in anger at him. Eji struggled for air almost pasting out when a cross chain suddenly glow from his neck.

The urban ghost saw the cross chain on Eji's. Neck, she screamed and vanished leaving eji coughing almost choke to death. Christabel froze in fear.

"Now I know that am going to die by that ghost for sure Eji thought to himself. The duo were trying to recover from the trauma, the sound of the shattering windows and screamed had drawn a huge attention.

The door opened with teachers, student and policemen, shiro , freeman ,and detective queen-sly and some busybody student burst through the door and shocked to see the swimming pool and lifeless body of miyu still floating on the pool ,Eji and Christabel in an awkward position.


Continuous snapping of photo by police detective in the scene with police DO NOT ENTER caution sign as shiro and freeman whisper to themselves, I told you I had a suspect

"Ahem! OK you two love birds, mind explaining this situation" freeman questioned the duo.

Ejiro and Christabel look at each and kept quiet,

They are not denying the lovebird accusation, freeman continues as he scratches his neck.

"I know you guys are scared, traumatized, But if my sensei interrogates you, you feel a lot worse. Within 48hours seven persons which includes your friend yukina who murdered two students and injured others had died, so you have to tell me what you know, Christabel cuts in as her mind fills in the blank.

" Yukina died as well "she questioned

"Yes, freeman answer", and they all had black finger prints in their neck like yours.

The duo touches their neck.

"Is it Yukina Christabel asked as hot tears fall from her chick?

"So what is the connection, seems like the five of you, are involved in this, we know you guys didn't kill them but we need to end it before more death occur freeman added"

"OK, I tell to what I know", Christabel replied

"You too" freeman pointed at Eji.

The school authority wrap up things with the students and gave a week stay at home meanwhile eji and the S.P.P.D and the school authority stay back for a talk.