C120 *SIGH*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 1 chapter ahead at chapter 120. I'll probably be writing and posting some more chapter(s) for patrons today.


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Thanks for the Power Stones. Too lazy today~ Have a good day and enjoy the chapter!)

I wanted to spend more time going through the MCU section of the shop, but with Souei's interruption, I'll have to finish browsing later. I still haven't even gotten to the good stuff like the super-soldier serum and spider-man powers or star lords fathers powers. I'm sure that there are other good things left as well. *sigh* Let's get the business out of the way so that I can get back to this.

"What happened with Armad junior?" I reply and as I close the shop menu.

"He's being visited by someone dressed in black with a mask. He's being offered healing, power, and Aella in exchange for working for this person." Souei explained.

"This person is still there with him now?" I ask.

"Yes, but he won't be very soon. Do you want me to capture them or kill them?" He replies.

"No, neither. Put another clone in this person's shadow. I want to know who they are, who else is involved, and what they plan to do. If at any point they become a danger to anyone I care about, put them down immediately." I order as I pet Goose who is still laying in my lap.

"A clone is inbound as we speak."

"Good, also anyone else found involved should get a clone in their shadow as well. This way once we find out what's going on, every bad apple can be plucked at the same time." I say as I check the clock. "It's getting late. I'm going to head off to bed. As long as nothing is an emergency, save any new information for the morning."

"Have a good night's sleep, Master." Souei nods and moves back into my shadow.

After taking a bath and getting changed, Rem and I went to bed. Goose slept on one of the leftover pillows on the bed. Nova returned and I ordered Goose not to attack her anymore. I don't know if she understood, but she hasn't attacked her again so maybe she understood. With everything calm and everyone relaxed, I drifted off to sleep comfortably surrounded by my trusted servants.

The next morning is a Sunday, so no school again. The morning was spent browsing the system shop and eating breakfast with my servants. While browsing the shop, I learned that most of the things I want are too expensive. Although, I did buy some books on the mystic arts. The books cost me every last system point I had remaining, but it was worth it to learn the mystic arts. A problem that I didn't foresee appeared. All of these books are written in dead languages from back on earth. I now own stacks of books written in Latin, Akkadian, Sumerian, Biblical Hebrew, Coptic, and Sanskrit.

On one hand, no one will be able to steal my books and learn the mystic arts. On the other hand, I can't read my books and learn the mystic arts. I shouldn't have been hasty and spent some points on languages. I also have no way to learn these languages without the system, as they don't exist in this world. With no points to my name anymore, I'll just have to save points for now. Although nobody can read these books, I still keep them safe in my inventory. Just because people can't read them doesn't mean that they won't get curious and swipe one.

After becoming poor and collecting a small library of books on the mystic arts, I decided that it's time to grind the dungeon. I need points and the best way to get them is slaughtering core beasts. After eating breakfast with my servants, Souei teleported is to the door of the tenth-floor boss room. Goose is joining us as well, but I have her on standby along with Souei. Her powers aren't up there with Souei, but she could probably beat anything on the first 20 or thirty floors easily. I have to actually gauge her strength before giving a definitive answer.

Without wasting any time, I went to enter the boss room, but the door was locked. When a boss room door is locked, that means a party of adventurers is in there already.

"What's the matter? Are we not going in?" Rem asked as she saw me not opening the door.

"No, the door is locked." I say and they all understand what that means. "Let's just wait patiently for a bit. Hopefully, they don't take too long."

"If they take long, I can just take us into the boss room or the next floor if you want, Master." Souei says.

"Alright, but let's wait for a while before taking that route. I've been looking forward to fighting this boss all week." I say as I take a seat on a fallen tree.

After waiting for a while, we were going to give up and skip to the next floor, when suddenly we heard a loud click from the boss room door. With the door unlocked, we enter and see a large room lit by torches along the walls. What caught my attention the second I entered was the dead bodies of 6 adventurers strewn about all over the room. Next to one of the more mangled body's is an oversized humanoid ape. It looks like a Sasquatch or a yedi with brown hair.

The ape was eating the mangled corpse of the fallen adventurer. It's hands and face covered in blood with an intestine hanging out of its mouth. It truly is a gruesome sight to see.

"I guess the party before us didn't fare so well." I say sarcastically.

The second the ape heard my words, it turned its head and spotted us. It then stood in front of its meal defensively and eyes us as if we want to steal its food. Warning grunts exit its mouth telling us to back off or else. Is it wrong that I feel insulted for this ape assuming I want to eat that disgusting mess on the floor? Do I somehow look like I would eat uncooked human meat? Whatever, it's just a dumb animal. Let's kill it and move on.