Alternate Reality: Visions

The past few days have made me go deranged, supernatural nonsense. I sighed and heaved myself off my bed, grabbing my suit on the way to the bathroom.

Dax's parents always confused me, nothing about them really made sense. How did they already have a funeral planned? It took my mom weeks to figure out all the funeral details of my grandfather's death.

"Honey?" I whirled around to the sound of my mom's voice outside the bathroom


"Hurry up. I don't want us to be late."


The funeral was more depressing than I expected. There was so much crying you could barely hear the minister talking.

When the funeral ended, everyone left in groups. Mrs. Williams fell to her knees crying next to the grave, tears streamed down her face. I'm sorry Mrs. Williams I should've gone with him.

It was a sunny day, but everything seemed dull. I stared at the grave hoping to wake up from this nightmare. Eventually, Alexandra and Mr. Williams helped Mrs. Williams to her feet and left. If only you had listened. None of this would've happened, you would've been fine. I sighed.

"Hey, honey.. you've been staring at the grave for quite a while now. He's not coming back, let's go home and rest alright?." I sighed and took one final look at his grave and started walking to the car.

The car ride home was silent as I tried to figure everything out. Nothing made sense, if Ajax went how was he fine? Wouldn't Ajax have gotten hurt too? Unless, he murdered him...


"Theo, go shower and change out of your suit. I'm bringing it to the dry cleaners. Rest for a bit okay? You don't have to go to school tomorrow. Take the day off." Without giving a direct reply, I got out of the car and nodded heading into the house. My mind was clouded with thoughts, I was wishing this was all just a nightmare. I'll wake up soon and he'll be fine.

After my shower, I gave the suit to my mom before I flopped face first onto my bed. This magic stuff is confusing man. I turned my head to stare at the wall, I swear I saw Dax.

I blinked once, then twice. Nothing's there. Dax did say I had a power... how did it work?

'Hello? You there? Was I hallucinating right now?'

'Geez, what? Give me a break.'

'You didn't reply earlier. You suddenly cut off. I thought I was going mental.'

'Yes, I cut off. Not my problem, you're weak mentally. You are too weak for me to stay for a long time.'


'I'm just mad, you never barely fight back. You just stand there getting beat. You seriously need to get stronger. Both physically and mentally. Also, are you seriously gonna go after the killer with your puny self? If you keep using the, "If I stay silent, I would be ignored' attitude" nothing's going to change for you. Now you wanna know what happened or not? Hurry up you're wasting my time.'

'Wait, sorry. I want to know what happened that night. Can I see what happened on the night of Dax's death?'

'Yeah sure, I try, it's scary though. I hope you like horror movies."

'Not a fan, but I'll deal with it this time.'

I tossed and turned until I finally drifted into my subconscious.


(Dream: Dax's Point of View)

"Hey, Dax. Hurry up you wuss. You said you were going to go in. What are you waiting for, huh? You damn chicken." He shoved me up the stairs towards the porch of a house in the middle of the woods.

The house was a beautiful three story mansion! The white exterior and the cool gray roof. The house was well lit from the outside but no lights were on inside the house. Why did they even build such a house in the middle of the woods?

I tripped and fell on the last step, damn it. I think I got a splinter from the floorboards. I scrambled to my feet and walked towards the open door.

"Alright, Alright. I'm going in. You guys are behind me right?"

I looked back at Ajax waiting for a reply to my question. They had their arms crossed and they surrounded the stairs, there was no way out. Jen clung on to Darren's arm and stuck out her tongue at me. That little bitch.

"Ya, ya hurry up." Darren scoffed. He walked up the stairs and grabbed me by the collar, kicked the door open with his feet and threw me inside, I stumbled backwards and tripped over my own feet. I sat there for a few seconds until I realized what was going on. {A/N: I thought I was clumsy... seems like Dax is clumsier than I am}


"W-wait, What are you guys doing? Open the door!" I was desperately trying to open the door but no luck, They were pulling on the door as I struggled to open it. I turned to look around the dark room at this point, fear was the only thing keeping me on my feet. My heart raced as sweat rolled down my face. I banged on the door and rattled the handles.

"Come on Ajax! Open up!"

"Hahaha. Good luck getting out!" Ana chirped. They all laughed as I struggled once more. I turned to look at the interior of the house and immediately tried to open the door again. I should've known nothing good ever comes from following Ajax. I followed them blindly and now I'm stuck in a creepy mansion.

Creak, Creak, Creak.

I wasn't walking... someone's in the house. A wave of panic, left me gasping for air. I don't want to die today, I still have to finish Super Mario Bros!

"Open the door!" I plead. No reply... I should have listened to Theo. Hopefully there's another place to get out. . I pulled out my pocket knife and decided to find another way out.

The floor creaked under me as I walked. Where's the light switch? I swear this gives me haunted house vibes, I hope there's nothing jumping out at me. I run my hands along the walls feeling for the light switch. Ah, got it. Okkkk. This is creepy. The only thing in front of me was a worn down set of stairs.

"Hopefully these stairs won't break." I slowly went up the stairs, grasping on to the railing for dear life.

Creak, Creak, Creak.

"Alright, they didn't break. That's good. Wait…hold up. Other than the bottom floor and those stairs, this place looks relatively new? The second floor isn't too bad, it looks rather luxurious. There's an open well lit room to the right of the staircase. I entered the room cautiously, locking the door behind me.

"Wow." I looked around and saw a queen sized bed and some furniture. Maybe a couple lives here? Other than that, this place looks really nice. I take out my phone to check the time and to get a hold of someone to open the door. Crap, my phone is dead. I can't call Theo or my parents to open the door.

I'll stay tonight and leave tomorrow. Probably not the best idea but what else can I do? I'm stuck here. I opened my bag. Charger, my charger. Where is my charger? Ah found it. I plugged my charger into an open outlet not far from the door.

Should I go explore this place? It's scary, but I have my pocket knife. Screw it. I'm going to explore. I set my bag aside and left the room. The handle squeaked as I turned the handle. Woah, there was a huge painting across from the room.

Most of the faces were scratched off and the only one visible face, Clair Spencer, she used to be one of the nicest, most popular juniors. That was until she mysteriously disappeared last summer. I stood there admiring her portrait. If I had to be completely honest, Jen was the average bitch compared to Clair.

Creak… Creak… Creak…

Wait I'm not hearing things right? I'm just standing here. Is there...someone here? Is Ajax finally letting me leave? Wait, he probably left by now. Crap, did I intrude on some random person's place? What do I do? Do I explain? Do I apologize? Do I jump out the window? What do I do? Wait no my stuff is in the room. I need to get my stuff. The steps started getting closer.

Creak… Creak… Creak…

I'll just explain the situation. I'm sure they're nice people and they'll understand. Meow. Oh wait it's just a cat. I overthink too much, haha. I put my pocket knife back into my pocket.


(Theo's Point of View)

"Hey kitty. What are you doing here?" Dax bent down and petted the cat. Unknown to Dax, a shadow slowly crept behind him.

"You're so adorable, kitty." He looked up in horror. I couldn't see who the shadow figure was... but Dax was panicking. The figure pulled out a sharp shiny object... A KNIFE!

"Hold on dude. Please calm down. I didn't mean to intrude. My classmates forced me in… Please, I didn't mean to intrude." Dax backed up towards the stairs and I watched Dax stumble as he tried to run away.

"DAX! RUN DOWNSTAIRS" I tried to yell. Let me change his fate! How does this stupid power even work! I continued to spectate but everything was now inaudible. Dax had run into the second floor kitchen frantically throwing open drawers and cabinets as the man limped over. Stop. Please. Dax was cornered, I screamed watching the knife plunge into his chest. The image started to blur as Dax collapsed. The murderer pulled the knife out and smiled a wicked smile.

'Good night, sleep tight young one. Now, where are my supplies? Your organs will make a good price.' He whispered.

I screamed in horror.


The image faded. I was left in utter shock.

'That's what happened?'


'Is Dax able to talk to me? I need to ask a few questions.'

'He's right behind you.'

I turned around. Oh geez Dax.

"Can't you show up in a nicer way? I just watched you die." Dax frowned.

"You did? Damn, I was kind of hoping you wouldn't. I'm sorry you had to see that." He walked forward and hugged me. I didn't like hugs but this was closest to a hug I could get from Dax.


"Hm?" He took two steps back.

"I'm sorry, I should have-." He cut me off and said,

"It's fine. It's already happened there's nothing you can do about it." A wave of guilt rushed over me and then I realized.

"Hey.. Dax, how did your mother already have a funeral planned for you?"

"She has connections, it doesn't take that long for my family to set up a wedding, funeral or big events. We all live around the big family mansion. So it doesn't take much time and for the family on business trips, they have a private plane. They'll have their assistants take over."

"Wait, so your family is rich?" Dax nodded.

"So, since your family is so rich, why do you always steal my food?" I joked.

"You let me so, why not?" Dax shrugged and smiled.

"I have a serious question for you. How does my power work?" Dax stared at me for a good minute and his brows furrowed.

"Well I can't tell you... you have to figure it out yourself..."