Eyes like the ocean

Rotaka, Vioretta, Blauao, and Weishiro looked at the calculations made by the ship's computer, checking and revising them to make sure there were no errors or oversights.

In most cases this wouldn't be necessary, after all a computer that allowed for spatial traveling at high speeds, should have no issue calculating matters inside a single planet.

Unfortunately, this wasn't most cases. The main reason the group had stopped collecting information was that the previous results were weirdly imprecise. For some reason, it just failed to pinpoint the possible locations where the meteorite might have fallen.

But their new information fixed that, in a curious way.

"Interesting…" Weishiro said, with a frown on her eyebrows.

"That's curious, but it was our oversight to not think of this possibility before," Blauao added with a sigh.