Sudden attack

The more they approached those dark the more Mares understood just how troublesome that environment was. 

The four pilots had to do their best to avoid the tornados and lightning, and it showed their sheer skill that they managed to do all that without the assistance of a computer. Whatever caused these storms was also capable of messing with their system, so right now a computer was not trustable.

The lightning was deafening and the wind so strong that the walls of the ship were trembling. Mares heard Felsen murmuring about how even traveling through space would be not as than this.

The clouds were so dark that the only thing that illuminated their surroundings, outside of the ship's insides, was the no-stoppable lightning.

Under that darkness it was hard to tell how many hours had passed, the group was only sure that it had been more than a few, until after what felt like a long and monotonous search finally paid off.