Conclusion but not the end

The coat of Astral Energy surrounding Break's body was ten times thicker. It had a deep copper color and moved like a flame.

In compensation for all that power, besides losing a lifetime, it was clear that any rationality had left Break.

He roared like a beast and jumped, going fast enough for the friction to make his body catch on fire.

Mares turned his weapon into a spear and prepared for the impact. He put the weapon forward, allowing it to be hit by Break's punch.

The moment Break touched the spear, the impact traveled from the weapon to the silver-eyed's body. 

Mares circled himself around, the impact passing inside him and getting multiple times stronger as his martial arts were applied to it, with his own strength added on top.

He used all of that power to punch back Break, aiming for his side. However, his opponent reacted faster than Mares predicted, meeting punch with a punch.