Ghastly Energy

Part of Mares could sympathize with Slow. In certain ways, she was almost a warning to him, a warning to what happens when one is weak. She had no control over her fate and had to content herself with barely just to survive.

It reminded him of his situation. Being too weak to have any control over your own fate is something Mares was capable of understanding quite well.

He once had been a harmless human after all.

He shook his head; all those thoughts right now were useless to have. What passed could only be accepted as he moved forward.

Whether he would remember Slow in the future or not wasn't something the silver-eyed himself was sure about, but he would at the very least try to not forget about her. 

Perhaps this would be unfair to others he had killed as they likely were also just fighting to survive, but Slow was the only one to make that request before dying.