Kasino’s beauty

Some of the people in Kasino looked up at the sky and saw a falling star passing through the planet. There was a tradition that whoever saw one of those would have good fortune, making them feel lucky and blessed.

Although that was no falling star, but a falling ship.

'How long until impact Es?'

Mares questioned, feeling that they had entered Kasino's atmosphere. He could feel reaching his lungs again, only now realizing how much more comfortable that was.

Being able to survive in the vacuum did not mean he would enjoy doing so.

'One minute, and we are going too fast.'

She informed Mares after quick calculations.

The silver-eyed made a slight mistake and got too much momentum, making the ship go too fast as it entered the atmosphere. If they collide is likely for the gladiators to get injured, and in their current situation where they will have to run soon, that will be a big disadvantage.

'Enough time.'