Fateful Supper Part 1

Lily had the maids help her prepare for dinner she wanted to look beautiful for the first time she wanted to put effort into how she looked. Before she was more concerned about making money to support her and her disgusting excuse of an ex boyfriend, who just leeched off of her. How she could have feel for him she didn't understand Luka was a hundred no a thousand no a million times better than him.

His body was flawless even when it was covered in bruises and wounds. His hair was a unique color naturally his eyes were one of the most gorgeous Lily had ever seen. The way Luka loved her was also different he didn't just love her he cherished her with all his heart. Lily was so side tracked about Luka she almost forgot about getting ready and how she was going to let Erick know everything.

"Lady Lily what would you like to wear?" her maid Samantha asked?

"Sammy do you think the white dress with lacing would be a good idea or should I go for the royal blue?" Lily asked Samantha.

"Both would look brilliant on you my lady. You always look stunning." the maid answered.

Lily wanted to make a statement so there would be no confusion "get me the blue one with matching jewelry and black laced gloves." Lily responded she wanted to wear the royal blue dress that matched Luka's eyes.

Quickly the maids rushed over with everything. Lily slipped her clothes off and they fell to the ground. The maids shuffled the dress over her and slipped it on carefully. Then they proceeded to add the jewelry and the gloves on her slender hands. She put on a beautiful pair of black heeled booties that had lacing that matched the gloves. They began to work om Lily's hair they made two braids and held it up caressing her head with some pins and let the rest feather her neck and back.

"Thank you Sammy and the rest of you for doing a great job you made me look so beautiful." she exclaimed with gratitude.

They all bowed smiling pleased with their efforts and her smiling face. They all began to walk out the bed chambers. Lily was nervous her face was a bit flustered. But she wasn't going to back down and runaway this time. What ever was to happen down the road she wanted to face it in hand with Luka. The maids and her continued to walk down the beautiful halls sporting the family portraits of the previous kings and queens. Some were in human form and some were in beast form. But as she continued to walk she noticed a picture hanging and it was one with a woman and a piercing black wolf. Somehow the eyes on that wolf seemed familiar but she couldn't make it from where.

Lily shook her head to focus back on the main objective. Finally they reached the hall where the door to their dinner hall was. Standing at the door wasn't Luka but Erick. She was a bit confused she knew Luka said they would talk to Erick together but why was he standing outside the door rayher than sitting at the table waiting for her. Once Lily reached Erick he looked at her and smiled.

"You look absolutely gorgeous this evening, my lady." he said to her staring at her as if trying to memorize this moment.

Lily blushed she felt even more nervous seeing Erick now "thank you will you be joining us?" she asked.

"If it is your wish I shall." answered Erick.

She nodded yes and the butlers opened the door to the hall. One the doors opened she could see Luka sitting there waiting for her, he stood up as soon as he saw her. But then he noticed Erick at his side his brows furrowed a bit. But immediately he tried his best to give her a loving and welcoming smile. His jealousy was starting to show and he knew he couldn't let it. After all he believed in what Liliy said. He knew he had to trust her.

Luka walked over to the beautiful Lily and took her in his arm escorting her to her seat. Lily followed and sat in the chair. Luka scooted it towards the table and cupped her face giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. Erick seemed a bit annoyed to their displays but he managed to choke it down.

Before returning to his seat Luka looked down at Lily's face "You look breath taking my lady" he said to her as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Thank you I picked out this dress to match the color of your eyes." she responded with as much courage she could muster.

Luka's smile grew wider like a child who'd just entered a toy store. Erick though looked somewhat sunken or possibly defeated. Still not aware of what the two had previous talked about, he started to assume she had made a choice and he wasn't part of it. Luka returned to his seat and looked to Erick.

"Are you not joining us?" Luka asked Erick as he pointed palm flat to a chair in the middle.

Erick surprised started walking to the seat "thank you your highness" he replied to Luka as he sat down.

"No need to thank me, we have much to discuss. But first we eat." Luka said.

A feast was spread down the long table there was a roasted boar with an apple stuffed in it, plates of steaks, bowls of salad and fruits, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a tower of dinner rolls with cups of wine to enjoy with it. This was the most food Lily had seen all at once. In her old life she could never dream of feasting like this half the time she slurped down ramen or ate food from a convenience store before she would go to work.

They all began to eat the luxurious food. Lily grabbed some steak as she wasn't too fond of pork. She then scooped some mashed potatoes and grabbed three dinners rolls she used a knife to open them and fill it with butter. The men watched her amazed that such a petite woman could eat that much. After she took a few bute Luka and Erick joined in graabing their serving and began tollow suit in eating. The food was just as delicious as it looked no one spoke except to ask for more to deink to wash it all down. The wine though was slowly starting to get to them. As they finally finished Lily looked ready to diverse with two men. Even though she might have been slightly tipsy.

"Can we talk now?" Lily asked with lack of patience.

"Yes we should before the wine settles in." Luka answered.

" Finally... So me and Luka talked and I did let him know of your confession Erick." Lily said in a childlike tone.

Luka sat there watching Lily carefully "I told him that I do like you and care for you as well. But I can't simply pick between the two of you. Also Luka saved me, he has been the first person to ever be kind to me. Genuinely kind. So if I do this with you Erick and be your mate, you will have to accept that Luka will be my first mate and my husband." Lily blurted out in a hazy tone.

The two men looked at her she seemed to be almost drunk. They grew somewhat concerned but Luka definitely wanted to hear everything she wanted to say.

"So either you can accept that or you can't be with me. Also you shouldn't let your feelings for me get in the way of your friendship!" Lily exclaimed loudly.

Luka and Erick looked at each other and they both knew she was speaking the truth. Their friendship was all they both had for a long time. They were almost brothers and they were acting like jerks to each other. Lily laughed a bit when she saw their expressions. But the two of them couldn't respond to her honest words.

Lily grabbed the cup of wine and chugged more down "So what will everyone decide?" she said pointing at the men.

" My lady whether I be your first, second or fifth as long as I can be by your side as your mate that is all that matters to me and I am sorry Luka that my emotions got the best of me." Erick said calmly.

" I am also sorry Erick I shouldn't have acted like a dog in a rut and been so territorial." Luka responded back.

Lily shook her head in agreement which made her feel dizzy. The room seemed to have started spinning. The men got up quickly as Lily tried to stand and gain her composure. She almost fell when both Luka and Erick caught her standing at the both sides of her. They looked at each other and chuckled.

"What are we going to do with you?" Luka asked Lily.

"Beautiful, headstrong but not very good at handling your liquor now are you my lady." Erick joined in.

The two of them took one of each of her slender arms carrying her over their shoulder. They walked her back to her bedroom. Luka motioned the maids to leave for the night. Luka opened the door Erick closed it behind them.

"Lily can you take off your own clothes?" Luka asked.

Lily mumbled in response the men took that as a no.

Erick unhooked her dress and Luka slipped it off. All Lily had underneath was a sheer gown that showed everything. Her round breasts pushed against the dress her nipples piercing it like the tip of a sword. Both men began to get flustered blushing at the sight of her. The moonlight shined down on her pale skin making it more revealing.

They both fumbled around trying to help her into bed. Luka had her by her arms and waist and Erick had her legs they didn't want her to slip and fall while trying to walk in the dark. As they laid her in the bed Luka lifted the sheets swiftly over her exposed body. They both sighed when her captivating body was once again hidden from their eyes.