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"Hey long time no see Stacy, Andy. How have you guys been?"

Micheal said it's a smile on his face while sipping his drink.

Meanwhile Stacy and Andy were stunned. What was Micheal Yang doing here at MR's office. This company was the top dog, how could somebody from a poor back ground and no connection get a job here. Then Andy smiled and looked at Micheal.

"Micheal you are really low you know that."

Both Stacy and Micheal looked at him.

"Have you gotten that desperate to sneak into offices and try and steal employees food and drink."

Stacy eyes widened. There was no way Micheal would do that. Back in high school while she never had any romantic feeling for Micheal she did view him as a good person, and not the kind that break into places and take other people's food. However Micheal did not let these words bother him, instead he simply walked past the two.

"It was good seeing you again take care"

Andy was angry. He was just ignored by someone as poor as Micheal. Just then Andy grabbed Micheals arm.

"Who said you could leave. Your a thief, I have to turn you over to security."

Andy had an evil little smile on his face. He was about to meet the legendary young master of MR. he thought that if he made it look like he caught a thief then he could show of in front of president Yang. Stacy on the other hand was mad at Andy.

"Let him go. You don't know if he works here or not"

Andy just looked at Stacy.

"Stacy this is why you never get the good promotion at the bank. Come on there is now way a guy as poor as him could work here."

Just then a voice shouted from behind.

"What is going here"

All three turned around and and saw the bank president coming towards them. Andy eyes looked at Stacy and then he grinned.

"Boss excellent timing I caught a thief, please tell MR security to come and through this piece of trash out"

He was going to show off in front of the president, and then tell him about Stacy to make her look like someone who help a thief. What could be better show off in front of MR and his boss and make Stacy look bad.

"A thief?"

Their boss looked at Micheal being held onto by Andy. Just then his eyes widened.

He walked towards the three and looked at Andy smiling.


Andy fell to the floor. Both him and Stacy had a look of both amazement and confusion on their face.

"You stupid fool do you even know what you are doing?" The president screamed at Andy.

"What, fool? I just caught a thief why was I hit" Andy replied

just then there boss made a complete 90 degree bow to Micheal while looking very nervous.

"Master Yang I am deeply sorry for the attitude of my subordinate, rest assured I will have him disciplined"

What. The two just had look of shock on their faces. Their mouths were so wide you could fit an egg in them. Micheal was master Yang, President of MR INTERNATIONAL. how could this be.

Micheal didn't say anything, instead he simply grabbed his drink and told them to follow him to his office.

Once at the office Micheal had a seat behind the desk. As he sat there Stacy and Andy did even blink. How was this possible? Micheal was always poor back then how could he become the president of MR. Nobody was more startled then Andy, he had just made a fool out of himself and accused Micheal of being a thief.

"President Cho did you bring the documents I requested?"

just then he walked forward and gave the documents to Micheal. As Micheal looked over the documents he would occasionally look up at Andy. This terrified him then Micheal asked a question.

"Why have we loaned so much money personally to Brandon Chen and not Wu company?"

Andy body shivered, Micheal could see what he had done. Before he could answer. Micheal then asked another question.

"and why was so much money loaded to Elizabeth Wu and her father?"

That's when Andy saw an opportunity.

"President Yang, at the time the Wu and Chen's were battling for control of Wu company. At the time I thought the Wu would succeed but I was proven wrong. However it should be noted that they

Are making payments and we recovered some of the money when we seized their properties and resold them."

"You mean you sold them to the Chen's right"

These words made Andy freeze.

"Andy Mo I already know what you did. You falsified paper work to take out a loan in the Wu name then you gave the money to the Chen's. After you confiscated the properties the Chen bought the home with my stolen money."

Andy then frantically tried to give an excuse "President Yang it's not like that"

Micheal just held up his finger.

"I'm not done. Also over the past year you have giving large loans to the Chen's. Money that I know they are using to bully people in the smaller areas to sell their land. I also know that you have some stock in their new project to build a rival for sunrise strip."

Andy fell to his knees. It all over I'm done. I have been caught. Just then Micheal got up and called for somebody out side. Soon two police officers arrived.

"Mr. Mo, we will need you to come with us."

Andy face went pale and he screamed out.

"No it was all Richard Yu idea he is the one you should be arresting."

Andy kept screaming this as they took him away.

After Andy had been arrested only three people remained in the office. Stacy still had a studded look on her face. What just happened Andy is going to jail? These were her only thoughts. Just then a voice called her name which brought her back to reality.

"Miss Lin."

It was her boss President Cho.

"Yes sir"

He then extended his hand towards Micheal.

" this is my boss President Yang and the Yang family. From now on you will be taking over for Andy Mo."

Stacy was stunned. She had just witnessed Andy get his just deserts and now she was promoted. At that moment Micheal spoke up.

"Stacy I have a requirement and a task for you. Fist under no circumstance are you to reveal my identity as President of MR or as young master Yang. Second all of the property that the Chen's bought with our money will be given back to the original owners, and all former Wu property is to be given back to Amy Wu's family do you understand?"

Stacy nodded and then left with her boss.

On the way out Stacy was amazed the poor guy from high school turned out to be a hidden heir. She suddenly had an idea come into her head. If she could seduce Micheal she would never have to worry about anything again. She would have wealth and status. The shock on her face turned into a look of determination.