Know who he is

Amy, Elizabeth and Mark all stood still. They couldn't believe what they just heard. The bank was giving them back all of the Wu families property. How could this even be happening, Brandon Chen had bought it all when he threw them out, they should be under his name.

Just then Elizabeth stepped forward to ask a question.

"Miss Stacy how could the bank return our property?. Brandon Chen had purchased it from your bank after it was seized"

Stacy looked at Elizabeth and smiled.

"Mrs. Wu while Brandon Chen did buy the property after it was taken from you. He has since taken out several heavy loans that he could not repay. After our banks owner found out about how Brandon acquired your property he wished to make things right and has decided that all of your property should be returned. He also instructed me to take all of the money that you have paid to us for the loan and return it to you as well"

Stacy then pulled out a bank card and handed it to Elizabeth.

"All of the money is on this card. Please accept it and use it as you see fit."

Elizabeth was about to faint from shock. Her father mark sat down, this was was to much for him to witness. The past few years they had paid over ten million towards their debt now all of that money was being given back to them.

As Elizabeth took the card Mark started crying, however these were tears of joy and he kept muttering a few words over and over again.

"There really is justice in this world, there really is justice."

In one day the Wu got everything back. Their money, they properties, their home, and most of all their honor. Mark Wu could not believe it. First all of the people from Wu company who betrayed him, people that he brought up and considered his friends had got what was coming to them. Then Brandon Chen had lost everything and it was returned to them. Amy just comforted her grandfather.

After that Stacy left and the Wu were left with deeds to their property and over ten million dollar bank card. Elizabeth looked back at Amy with tears of joy in her eyes. She then took out some cash and gave it to Amy.

"Amy why don't you go get a cake to celebrate. This is joyous day"

Amy just smiled and nodded her head. As she left she couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. Was life giving her family a second chance? first she saw Micheal now her family got justice. She could not ask for more.

As her scooter arrived at Su pastries she noticed that everyone there were smiling and very energetic. What had happened? over the past couple of months many businesses had closed and the people in this area looked depressed. Now everyone was happy.

When she went in to the shop to see what was going on she saw that many shop owners in there talking and laughing. As she walked towards the counter she overheard what people were saying.

"Yeah the bank gave me back my entire shop and everything. They even apologized for how the Chen's bullied me into selling."

"Same here. Hahahaha"

Everyone was celebrating getting their businesses back, It was a miracle. As Amy heard this she was amazed not only did her family get their stuff returned but also these shop owners. Amy had grown to know several of them since they were a lot of her family's customers.

When Amy got to the counter she saw Margaret and Jack. When they saw her they smiled.

"Amy how have you been, sorry it's a bit crowded every one is wanting some food for the celebrations that are being held. "

"Celebration?" Amy asked

Everyone just smiled. Then one of the shop owners talking.

"That's right young lady, today everyone who were forced to sell to the Chen's have gotten their shop back and that MR international wants to invest in this area."

Amy eyes were a big as pancakes

"That's right they said they wanted to invest in building new schools and improve the shops and even start turning into something like sunrise strip"

This was incredible. MR international was a huge company yet they wanted to invest so much money in this area.

as Amy thought this another person spoke up.

"Boy I wish I could meet this young master Yang"

Amy turned around when she herd that name

"Master Yang?"

"That's right he is the owner and President of MR and he even owns the bank that gave everyone stuff back"

when she heard this Amy realized that the name master Yang scared Richard off last night. she then remembered that one of the two men said that this territory was under his protection. Amy then realized that it must have been master Yang who ordered that her family property be returned.

Just then Amy muttered

"He must be really amazing"

After Amy ordered her cake she stood around and talked to other people listening to them talk and plan how they were going to grow and prosper under MR. After she got the cake she thanked the Su and then headed out, as she walked out the door. She looked down the street and saw a familiar face. she could hide her shock.



At the same time Richard was at the jail making a visit to one of the prisoners. As he sat there waiting, the door opened and a guard escorted in Andy Mo. Richard looked at him as the guard sat him down.

"Well this is an unpleasant turn of events" Richard said

Andy just looked up and shouted.

"Unpleasant? Im in here facing ten years because of you. You were the one who told me to forge those documents and approve those loans."

Richard just shook his head.

"Andy Andy, I never told you do anything. If I did I would be in here as well. No the one who put you here I believe is master Yang"

After he said that name Andy just lowered his head like he was scared. When Richard saw this he got curious.

"Andy you wouldn't have happen to meet master Yang or know who he is would you?"