another mans child?

After Adam took Stacy back to her office he then went to see Micheal. As he walked into Michael's office he saw two other people talking to him.

"Master Yang the preparation are complete and ready for you orders"

Michael nodded his head, everything was in place to destroy Richard and the Lu family. He decided to uproot the whole bush and salt the earth. He then looked up and saw Adam coming in. He figured that he already spent the money and needed more for him to comeback so soon. Michael just smiled.

"Already done? I should throw you a house warming party then."

However Adam just shook his head. He looked at Michael with a determined look. Micheal had seen this look before. He knew what it meant. There was somebody that Adam felt he needed to fight.

"Actually the reason why I'm here is because I need what ever info you got on the black hawk gang."

When he said this the other people in the room froze and looked at Adam. All of the air had been sucked from the room. Michael and Adam looked around, confused at everyone's reaction. Just then one of the people spoke up.

"Sir did you say the black hawk gang?"

Adam just nodded his head and said yes. Soon this man started shaking and looked at Adam.

"The black hawk gang is full of monsters, why do want to know about them."

Both Michael and Adam looked at this man with raised eyebrows. He then told them that the black hawk gang was a brutal gang that controlled most of the underground here in east city. They had their hands in everything from drugs to prostitution. And that even some of the police are afraid to fight them.

As he was saying this Michael scratch his chin and wondered why he was never informed of this gang before. Just then Michael decided to ask why Adam was asking about them. To which Adam simply replied.

"Some members were harassing ms Lin so I beat them up."

After he said this everyone but Michael and Adam fell to the floor. What he beat members of the black hawk gang up. Is he crazy, does he wish for a terrible death. Just then Micheal stood up and walked towards Adam.

"Let go see the police chief and get all of the details."

Adam nodded and followed Michael . After hearing what all the black hawk gang has been doing Michael has decided to uproot them as well. He wants to create a better city and as long as some people like this gang cause problems he will have trouble latter on.


Over at the Wu household, Mark was in the garden on the phone, while he was talking Elizabeth sat there and watched her father talk. She became more and more uneasy watching how his demeanor change. After he was done talking he thanked the other person on the phone and hung up.

Elizabeth quickly got up and went to her fathers side.

"Dad what's the matter?"

Mark just looked at her with disbelief.

"Elizabeth how well did you investigate that boy Micheal ? "

Elizabeth just looked confused

" I new from words of teachers and others in his old neighborhood, why what's the matter?"

Mark just shook his head.

" listen the person I just talked is an old business partner I had in the north. He told me that five years ago the Yang family welcomed back their son who was being raised in East city. He also told me that the boy was named Michael Yang."

Hearing this Elizabeth froze with fear. What five years ago the Yangs son was brought back from East city and his name is the same as Michael's. That could not be a coincidence right the investigator she hired said Michael went to north city at the same time. then Mark informed her that the Yang are a extremely wealthy and power family who makes the Wu look like ants.

All these words shocked Elizabeth. Was this boy who she always looked down on was really a dragon in disguise.

Both of them then sat down and thought about every detail. The timing, the name, the location of were the boy was raised. In fact Elizabeth remembers that she never actually met or saw Michaels parents. In their minds there is no doubt Michael Yang is master Yang of MR international.

however hiding behind the door Amy stood there. She had heard everything her grandfather and mother talked about and suddenly it all made since. Why the master Yang returned all of their property, why Michael was not arrested and why she knew he was lying to her. All of this going through her mind, a tear began to run down her cheek. If Michael was truly the master Yang then he was fare out of her league.

Just then the door opened and Elizabeth saw her daughter. She sees the tears in her eyes and knows that Amy had heard everything. Before she could comfort Amy her daughter ran off and out of the house.

"Amy wait !"

It was no use, Amy was to fast. She got on her scooter and headed fo the MR building. She had to ask Michael directly, she needed answers.

As she was riding there she stopped at the park that her and Michael used to meet. She has both vary found and sad memories of this place. It was were her and Michael promised to marry when they were children and were she broke his heart. As she sat there thinking of how she was going to ask Michael about his identity she suddenly saw a figure in the distance.

The person was Brandon Chen. He cloths were all dirty and she could tell he had not bathed in a while. When Brandon saw her. He approached her.

"My good daughter, how have you been. I miss you and your mother very much. Please I have seen the error of my ways could you ever forgive me. "

Hearing him say all of this infuriated Amy. This man who didn't care they starved on the streets wants forgiveness, No he wants money and he thinks Amy is a fool who will believe his words. However Amy sees through all of this and backs away. Then all of her bottled up anger over always being lied to explodes.

"You call yourself my father, you who fathered a child with another woman, who tossed us on the streets and took out debts in the name of the Wu family. How dare you call yourself my father".

Hearing these words Brandon Chen exploded.

" your right I'm not your father. I'm just the fool who had to raise another mans child."

Hearing this Amy was shocked. What did he say another mans child?