Are you Master Yang

After hearing Adam ask if there was a problem the police chief took a deep breath and ask Michael and Adam to have a seat. As they all sat the police chief took out a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of liquor out of his desk and poured everyone a drink.

"Master Yang. I'm going to be honest, the black hawk gang are a terrible plague on east city. my predecessor the former chief tried for years to eliminate them however it ended up costing him his life"

Hearing this Michael and Adam were shocked. This gang had the courage to kill the former chief of police. Then the police chief handed Michael and Adam a drink and a cigarette.

"I have enough evidence to put every member away for life but I don't have the man power. The black hawk gang has some of the best fighters in the city and has over two thousand members."

Michael listen to what the chief was saying. The black hawk gang was a formidable opponent. With over 2000 members he would need a army to uproot them and destroy all their bases. Then the police chief said something that caught both his and Adams attention.

"I just got word from some of our informants that the leader big Jon is furious right now.

Apparently someone beat up his second in command and even broke the guys jaw"

As he said this Adam just giggled a little bit which mad both Michael and the chief look at him in confusion. Adam noticed and just cleared his throat and asked a question.

"Chief can you describe the second in command?"

The chief just look at Adam with a look of absolute confusion

"Yes his name is David Jiang he is a highly skilled fighter. He even put three of my officers in the hospital once for a speeding ticket. He is a tall guy with tattoos and dyed blond hair. Why do you ask."

Adam just shook his head and smiled at the police chief

"Chief I'll be honest, mr jiang was harassing one of Michaels workers so I was the one who beat him up"

As he said this the police chief just froze. The glass in his hand fell out and hit the ground but he did even care.

"You did what! You were the one who beat up David Jiang, how ? Like I said he put 3 of my officers in the hospital"

The chief was loosing his mind. Sitting in front of him was a man who kicked the hornets nest. Adam had beaten up David and broke his jaw. There was no way the black hawk gang would let this matter go. It did not matter if Adam knew master Yang and MR international.

Just then Michael got up and put down his drink

"Chief I think we got all of the information we need thank you"

He and Adam turned and started to leave when just then the police chief stoped them

"Mr Yang if what you friend said is true I highly recommend that you get him out of the city as soon as possible"

Hearing this the two stopped and looked at the police chief and then stated laughing.

Their response amazed the chief and then Michael stopped and simply told him.

"Chief while I do appreciate you your concern for my friends safety, there is is no need for you to be concerned."

Michael response amazed the chief. No concern needed, is Michael insane he just told them how dangerous the black hawk gang was. Just then Adam looked at him and even said something more daring.

"Chief don't worry, In fact here soon you won't have worry about this gang anymore."

As the two left the chief just stood there with his eyes as big as dinner plates. He could not believe what these two said.

While Adam was walking out with Michael he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. After one ring there was a answer on the other end and simple greetings.

"Greetings general Song, what are your orders.?"

Adams simply gave one order

"Send the snow leopards to East city, I be waiting."

On the other end the man simply responded

"Yes sir, they will be there within 1 hour"

After that Adam hung up. Michael simply looked at him and smirked.

"So your bring them to turn the hawk into a chicken"

Adam smiled

"Yeah let see how these 2000 strong gang members deals with 5000 elite soldiers"


In a warehouse in east city several people are all gathered around a single man. This central figure was as big as a house and covered in tattoos. This man was big Jon the leader of the black hawks. And today he had a evil and furious look on his face. Next to him was a tall man with his jaw wired shut. It was no other then David Jiang the man who Adam had beaten up. All around then the members were asking questions and talking.

"Who would do this to David Jiang, he is the bosses right hand man."

"I can't think of anyone who would have the guts. Even the police don't dare to touch us."

Just then Jon stood up and the room went quite.

"We are the black hawk gang, any attack on one member is a attack on us all. If we allow this incident to unpunished others will see us as weak."

He then turned and looked at the men who were with David.

"Tell me who hurt you all, who would dare break my second in commands jaw."

The men lowered their heads and looked at the ground. They were terrified, Jon could kill them if they give the wrong answer. Then one stepped forward.

"Sir we do not know who this man was, but we do know the women he was with"

As he said this Jon eyebrows raised.

"Go on"


Over at MR international Amy and her mother arrive to look for Michael. Amy wants answer, she wants the truth was Michael the mr Yang of north city. A man who can have anything he wants. As they arrive they see a expensive sports car pull up and parks out side. However Amy has other things on her mind to care. She took out her phone and dialed Michaels number to see if he was at work.

As she put the phone to her head to make the call, she heard A phone ring close by. She turned her head and saw that the man getting out of the sports car was none other then Michael. As Michael got of the car he saw that Amy was calling and was about to answer when he heard a person say his name.


He looked up and saw Amy and her mother standing there. Eyes wide and glued to him and the car. He saw that he had been caught, he had to think of something to tell them. Maybe he can say it's Adams car and he just let him drive it. However Amy walked forward and looked him in the eye.

"Michael I want the truth, are you master Yang of MR international?"