How can it be

Inside MR international, Michael took Amy and her mother to his office and sat them down. He was very concerned about about how they discovered his identity, he needed to know if somebody told them.

"Amy I will be truthful will you but I need you to be truthful we me as well and answer my question alright"

Amy nodded her head and agreed

Michael took a deep breath and looked her strait in the eyes

"Yes I am Master Yang of MR international"

when Amy heard Michael say this, she had mixed emotions. She was glad that he told her the truth, however she was upset that all their time growing up together Michael kept this secret from her. She thought she knew him why did he have to lie. Just then Elizabeth who was amazed by this turn of events decided to ask what both her and Amy were thinking.

"Michael if you come such a powerful family why did you grow up that way and hide as a poor person?"

Michael just smiled and shook his head.

"Because my grandfather ordered it."

This reply confused not both Amy and her mother. His grandfather order that he grow up that way. Why? Did Michael or his parents do something wrong?

Michael then explained everything to them. That his grandfather had wanted Michael to learn humility and the value of money. He explained how his grandfather was worried that the Yang could fall if their future heir was raised improperly.

Suddenly they both understood why the Yang family did what they did. They didn't want Michael to turn out like Richard Lu. in fact the reason why Amy always loved Michael was because he was kind and didn't care about money or judge people based on their wealth.

After revealing who he really was and answering their questions Michael stood up and with a stern look on his face asked Amy and her mother.

" now for my question. How did you find out I was master Yang?"

Just as Amy was about to answer her mother stopped her.

"Amy dear could you please get me some water to drink, I very parched"

Amy nodded , got up and left the room to go get her mother some water. As soon as she closed the door, Elizabeth looked at Michael and began to tell him everything.

"Michael, no one told us that you were the master Yang of MR international. The fact is it is quite a long story"

Michael raised a eyebrow, no one told them. If that is true how did the guess that he was master Yang. He sat back down across from Elizabeth.

"Go on "

Elizabeth took a deep breath and began to recount everything.

"6 years ago I was the one who talked Amy into breaking up with you, Brandon Chen convinced me that her marring Richard Lu would be good for both families. However Amy was against the idea. In order to to get her to agree I made a deal were I would pay off your family debts in exchange for your break up and her agreeing to marry Richard."

This amazed Michael, all these years he thought that Amy broke up because she wanted to marry a richer man and thought she was petty. Now he sees that it was all her parents doing and she was willing to give up her happiness to protect him and help his family. Hearing all of this made Michael feel terrible, how many years did he spend hating Amy and for what nothing.

Elizabeth then continued to tell him more.

"After Amy graduated from college and was about to marry Richard I decided to hold up my end of our arrangement. However when I contacted the bank to pay off the debt they could not find any debt at all held by your family. Thus I hired I investigator to find out information about your family situation. He went to north city and then told me he was retiring with out any notice. I wanted to dig deeper but then Brandon and Richard did what they did so I had to put it on hold."

Michael smiled and looked at Elizabeth

"So that guy worked for you. I thought he was hired by some of the other companies around here to find out info on MR international. I could not get him to give me all the details just that a rich family from the east city hired him. I gave him a million and told him to retire early"

Elizabeth was shocked by what Michael said. He was the person who chased away her investigator. She shook her head and then continued with her story.

"After you had returned our Wu family property I told my father about my attempt to pay off the debt and how it led to a larger mystery. He then told me that the your Yang family is from north city and then called a old business partner from there to find out more details. That was when we discovered that both you leaving for north city happened at the same time the Yangs welcomed home their son"

All of this amazed Michael, all of these random things happening when they did. There is no way he could have predicted somebody finding out his identity by all of these pieces falling into place. However he was also relieved, this means that Richard still probably knew nothing about him and he still had the element of surprise.

Just then Amy walked in with a glass of water and handed it to here mother. Michael stood up and thanked her for all of this information. He then turned to Amy and smiled at her, all of his anger and pity for her was gone. In the end she still loved him enough to sacrifice her happiness for him. He wanted to hug her right there but after her mother was done with the water Amy grabbed her mother.

"Michael I know my mother has probably answered all of you questions, we have other things to take care of I'll talk to you later"

She then pulled her mother away and left the office in a hurry. Michael was stunned he wanted to hold Amy again he wanted to say he loved her, but now she is acting distant towards him, why?

As Amy and her mother were leaving, Elizabeth knew something about her daughter was off.

"Amy why did you do that, I told Michael about what happened all those years ago. He is no longer angry with you"

Amy just stopped and looked at her mother with tears in her eyes

"No mom I can't see him, I am not worthy. His family, his company, his wealth, I'm not worthy of any of it. I'm just a illegitimate wild child who doesn't even know her own father."

Elizabeth saw how her daughter would come to this conclusion. All of her lies had hurt her daughter. And she knew that a first class family like Michaels would look down on her. As Amy and them were about to walk out the front door it suddenly opened and it walked a tall figure that made Elizabeth freeze in her tracks.

"How can it be?"