Send Men Over

Both Amy and Elizabeth ran to Mark who had a frightened look on his face.

"Grandpa what's the matter, was it because of the phone call you just had?"

Amy said as she pulled a chair over for mark to sit on. Elizabeth went and got her father a glass of water. She had never see her father this terrified before, even when Brandon stole the company from him he was able to keep some of his emotions under control, but this was something else.

As mark took the water and drank it he just kept shaking. the Phone call he just received was a old friend who had some connections up in North City. Mark had called him yesterday and asked if his friend new of any wealthy families named Song. his friend did inform that that there was a wealthy Song family in North City, Mark then asked if they had anyone in that family named Johnathan Song. His friend told him that he would have to look in and ask around as most of these powerful families do not like there private lives know to the public.

Mark then to a deep breath and looked at Amy and Elizabeth.

"That call i just got was from my friend who informed me about the Yang Family, i asked him about any families up there who had the surname Song. he told me that there was a Song family in North City and that they are a military family who are almost as powerful as the Yang family"

this bit of news shocked the two women standing in front of mark.

"i also asked him if that family had anyone named Johnathan, he just informed me that the old master of the Song family had two sons and the oldest was named Johnathan"

this was like a lighting bolt to Amy and her mother. There was a powerful family named Song and the eldest son had the same name as the man they were looking for. then Amy stepped forward and asked.

"grandpa does that mean that the man who we met the other day could be my brother?"

when Amy said this Elizabeth wanted to cry, Johnathan the man she had loved for so long had another family. she felt like her soul was being crushed and there was nothing she could do.

Just then Mark shook his head and replied

"no, the man you encountered the other day, Adam Song is the son of the younger son. According to my friend Johnathan never married or had kids."

these words made Amy smile, if this Johnathan Song her grandfather was speaking about was her father there could be a chance of her mother and him getting back together. Maybe they could be a family. then Mark stood up and lowered his head.

"However, my friend informed me that Johnathan Song past away 21 years ago in a war with terrorist. and that is why the current heir is the second son Adams father."

When Elizabeth heard this she fell to the ground. Amy and Mark rushed to her, they could see the amount of pain this news was causing her. Tears were running down her face, just when she thought she had a chance of seeing her love again she hears that he had already past.

Amy who did not want to see her mother like this. she had to do something

"Mom dont give up hope, this man and my real father might be two different people who just share similar names"

Mark could see what his granddaughter was trying to do, and decided to help

"she is right, we have no proof that they are the same person. we will have to do some more investigating"

Elizabeth knew that they were trying to cheer her up and decided to stand up. they were right there was a chance that he was alive.

just then Amy phone began to ring, when she looked at it she saw that it was Michael calling her and decided to answer it.

"Michael, can i call you back there is something i am in the middle of"

On the other end Michael was anxious and she could her the anxiety in his voice

"Amy were are you and you family right now?"

Amy was a little shocked at how Michael was acting

"we are at our house, why what's going on?"

Michael quickly replied

"just stay there i am sending some people over to keep an eye on all of you. i will explain why when i get there"

Amy was shocked what was going on why was Michael sending men to their home.

just then there was a knock at the door. Amy went to answer it and as she opened the door she was greeted by the sight 30 men in suits, the leader simply looked at Amy and asked.

"is this the Wu residence?"

Amy nodded nervously

"yes it is, ca.. can i help you"


Michael who was sitting in his car with Adam and Andy kept going over what he was just told.

Earlier Michael and Adam arrived at Adam house and were about to have a seat while waiting on Andy to show up. just then there was a loud knock on the door as they answered it Andy came rushing in.

"Michael, there is something you need to know."

Michael just looked at Andy and could see the fear on his face.

"Andy, calm down tell me what is going"

Andy took a deep breath and looked Michael in the eye

"the Lu's have a very powerful backer and that backer wants to do harm to the Wu family."

these words made Michael freeze in his place, He had not expected the Lu family to have backing and even more this person was making Andy cower in fear.

"the Wu family, as in Amy and her mother and Grandfather?"

Andy nodded

"the very same"

Michael quickly took out his phone and dialed his security team

"send men over to the Wu residents to guard them"

he then dialed Amy and waved for Andy and Adam to come with him to Amy's house"