Next Commands

"Father, what are you doing here?"

Richard asked as his father entered the room

This man was Daniel Lu the current head of the Lu family. he is known in East City as a genius business man who took the Lu family to new heights with in just a couple decades. However, while Daniel was impressive when it came to business, how he raised his child was another matter. He had spoiled Richard giving him whatever he wanted and instilled in Richard a sense of superiority.

As Daniel entered he was followed by two bodyguards. He then sat down at Richards desk and told Richard to stand next to him. He then turned to Andy and gave him a stern look.

"who are you?"

Before Andy could answer Richard chimed in.

"this is Andy Mo, he is working with me on the MR issue"

Hearing this Daniel understood, and nodded his head.

"well you might as well stay, this meeting wont take long"

Richard then looked at his father


Daniel nodded and then looked at the door way and watched as a individual entered.

The man who entered was a tall slim man in a well made suit and a pair of glasses. when and looked at him he see that this man was western probably from European. Richard was amazed and quickly went to go greet the man.

"Mr. White how are, i was unaware that you were coming to East City"

As Richard said this he extended his hand however. Mr. White just looked at Richard and walked past.

" i have been sent here because you have been having some issue's no?"

Daniel looked at Mr. White and grinned

"just some small things that we can handle there was really no need for you to come all the way here"

Mr. White shook his jead and pulled out his phone.

"Mr. Lu, do you why i am employed by him, it is because I am able to analyze ones body language and tell if they are lying"

he then dialed a number and set the phone to speaker and laid it on the table.

"the one you will speaking to is HIM"

these words shocked Daniel and Richard. Daniel quickly stood up, beads of sweat were starting to form on his head. and he began to shake.

Andy then looked at Richard and saw a look of absolute fear in his eyes. what was going on who was this man and who were they referring to.

just then the phone sitting on the desk was answered and a voice came in on the other line.

"Mr. Lu, care to explain what is going on in Easy City, the reports i have received are not what I was expecting"

Daniel Lu stood there as sweat began to pour down his back. He looked at Mr. Write sitting watching him and his son. he was judging their actions, Daniel new he had to say something.

"Sir, there have been some issue come up in regard's to you're plans, however.

just then the person on the other end stopped Daniel in his tracks.

"some issue?, Lu i told you to not take on the Black Hawk gang till i give the order. i wanted to have a organized system in place when we topple them so there would be no power vacuum. Now gang wars have erupted as every one is trying to grab as much of the spoils as possible. what were you and you're son thinking"

hearing this Daniel was terrified. He had nothing to do with what happened to the black hawks, all he knew was that they were wiped out in less then one day. However, he now had find a way to explain what happened. just then Richard stepped foreword and spoke.

"Sir, this is Richard Lu speaking, my father and i had not done anything to the black hawk gang. We never gave any orders and no one under us took any actions. i have been with some police who we have on payroll and they said they do not know who did this."

After Richard said this Mr. White then spoke up

"Sir they appear to be telling the truth, we might have to face the possibility that there might be a new powerful force in east city to deal with"

the person on the other end of the phone paused for a second and then returned with a reply

"So be it, now Richard. Would you mind telling me what happened to the Wu family and Brandon Chen? Last you informed my subordinate the Wu were barley able to keep their heads above water and Brandon Chen was unware of the fact that he was being setup. Now I find that the Wu's have regained their assets and wealth and Brandon Chen is out in the cold"

Richard was frozen. This man knew what was happening and that it all happened under Richards watch. He did not know how to respond, everything that has happened was do to this man's plan. his engagement to Amy and getting close to Brandon Chen, Susan and Lisa were provide by this man to make Brandon Chen think he had another family and drive a wedge between him and the Wu's. Now it was all nothing. However, before Richard had anymore time to pounder the voice on the other end spoke up.

"Well, young Master Lu? care to explain why years of planning have went down the drain"

Richard took a deep breath and decided to be direct.

"Sir, what happened with the Wu's was do to a unseen factor. that Factor is MR international and the person who owns it Master Yang.

There was a another pause before the voice spoke again.

"MR international?."

Richard quickly replied

"Yes sir, the Wu's were at a time on the verge of falling however, MR international found out our schemes and decided to take action canceling their debt. Then for some reason MR had all of their property returned along with the money that they had paid on the framed debt. it is because of that i believe that master Yang and MR are supporting the Wu family.

After Richard said this the voice called for Mr. White to take the phone off of speaker and talk to him personally.

As the two had the conversation Richard and his father looked at each other. Both had terrified look on their face, was this going to be their end.

Just then Mr. White set the phone down and placed it back on speaker, the voice came over again.

"listen well to my next commands"